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Voice of the rain

By Walt Whitman
“Remember that every drop of
rain that falls into the bosom of
the earth a quality of beautiful
fertility ”

– G.H Lewis
Euphonious voice
of the rain
And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling

Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here


I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,

Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the

bottomless sea,

Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form’d,

altogether changed,

and yet the same,

➔ The speaker asks the rain in the opening lines of the poem who it is and what its
fundamental existence is.

➔ It describes how it is the "poetry of the Earth" through a translated response.

➔ The fact that the speaker refers to the rain's remarks as being "encoded" should be
noted by the reader.

➔ One could ponder what the original language was. Maybe an old archaic language.
WHO KNOWS? Perhaps something more typical, like the ambiance, noises, and
emotions that come with a rain shower.
Perpetual vigor of
the rain
I descend to lave the drouths, atomies, dust-layers
of the globe,

And all that in them without me were seeds only,

latent, unborn;

And forever, by day and night, I give back life to

my own

origin, and make pure and beautify it;

➔ The rain-speaker continues describing its enormous influence on the planet.
➔ It has the power to alter the course of history.
◆ The "dust-layers of the world" are enriched by the rain as it washes
around droughts .It is essential for the continuation of life as we know
◆ The seeds would remain in the ground and remain seeds if it didn't
◆ These words highlight how important rain is, or if one uses the
extended metaphor at the poem's core, how important poetry is. It is
essential for refuelling the human spirit and heart.
The Sense of Rhythm

(For song, issuing from its birthplace, after fulfilment, wandering,

Reck’d or unreck’d. duly with love returns.)

this poem, the author analyzes rain to music or poetry.The poem is a

creation of the poet; whether it is well appreciated or not depends on how

the poet chooses to express the ideas in words and script.In a similar sense,

rain too has its beginnings, takes on numerous forms, and honourably

acknowledges its source, the soil.

About the Poet
➔ Whitman saw poetry as a political force in
and of itself, not only a means of conveying
political sadness.
➔ Whitman echoed Percy Bysshe Shelley's
well-known statement in "A Defence of
Poetry" from 1840 that "Poets are the
unacknowledged legislators of the world".
➔ Whitman draws a parallel between the
essence of democracy and the essence of
poetry, which is unity within variety.
➔ The global poet of America, Walt Whitman is
the modern-day equivalent of Homer, Virgil,
Dante, and Shakespeare. He praised
democracy, nature, love, and friendship in
Leaves of Grass (1855; 1891-2).
➔ This colossal work found beauty and comfort
even in death and sang praises to the body as
well as the spirit
Melody of Walt Whitman
➔ The poem alludes to the rain's perpetual
characteristic in nourishing, saturating, and
cleaning the various additives of Earth

➔ The rain returns the prefer to the vacation spot

wherein it first appeared, growing covertly from
the floor and the ocean's depths.

➔ The reader is knowledgeable approximately the

rain's history, purpose, and cyclical motion through
the rain itself

➔ Rain and track have additionally been as

compared considering that they each make a
contribution to the vibrancy of the sector and, after
serving their characteristic, go back to their
authentic locations.
● There are two settings in the poem.

○ First, wherever they are while in the "soft-

falling shower," which responds to them in
"the voice of the rain."

○ The entire Earth is the second setting.

Personal Assessment
“The poem Voice of the Rain examines
the value of nature and how we abuse
this gem, which our future generations
will also require. At the expense of the
nature, we are causing growth.”

“Walt Whitman's masterpiece The
Poem Voice of the Rain, which
describes the rain's life cycle, is a
masterpiece of writing. It beautifully
illustrates how nature simultaneously
gives and takes away life.”
- Pratham
“he poem Voice of the rain tells that
during the rainfall, the raindrops create
the sounds when it reaches the ground.
The wind during the rain also creates
some kind of sounds. The thundering
and sparkling during rain make a
special sound. All these things make the
author compares the raining sound to
the music.”
“The poem Voice of the rain talks
is about Walt Whitman's
happiness and excitement about
rain. He talks about how the
drizzle and shower relieve him
from the heat and dust of the
“The poem Voice of the Rain
explores the beauty of rain
while also describing how it is
both our bane and the source
of all flora.”
Global Crisis

● Rain is the Earth's melody; it is its mother and the site where it was born.
● It works tirelessly to make her mother happy, healthy, and worth living. It never forgets her.
● It helps the seeds resprout by removing the layers of dust. By doing many tasks, it accomplishes the reason for its birth, and then it returns
to its mother to rest in her lap.
● There is a lesson for humanity concealed in all of this. The earth is man's mother, and he must do all in his power to preserve and improve
its splendour.
● But in truth, he does all in his power to harm his mother. He disregards the fact that by doing so, he is obliterating himself and leaving no
legacy.He shouldn't act like way. He ought to make every effort to preserve the ability of his mother planet to support life in perpetuity.
Anything in excess is a poison

● Life is full of beautiful things. Some are good to eat, some are good to smell and some are good for health. But none is
good if consumed in excess. Money in excess is root cause of many evils. Exercise in excess can damage muscles. Sleep
in excess produce laziness. There is no place for excess in life.
● Life is beautiful if things are present in balance. Similar to this, life would not exist without rain.
● The most notable and significant result of rainwater is that it gives us access to drinkable water. But what happens if it
rains too much? We would experience floods and droughts.
● The act of rain alone has the power to wipe out the whole human species, and in the same manner that it nourishes us, it
can also kill us.
Purpose Of Rain

● Our lives depend heavily on rain. For everyone of us, it is our main supply of water. It keeps the water cycle in balance
and gives everyone access to clean water.
● But rain does more than just provide us water. Additionally, it has a highly soothing and energising impact on us. The
aroma of rain is also extremely nice, and the sound of rainfall may be incredibly soothing.
● In addition to being highly attractive, rain can also be accompanied by a rainbow. When sunshine rays pass through
raindrops and reflect off of them, rainbows are produced. One of nature's most exquisite creations, they are.
1. Bibliography:
a. Hornbill

2. Images:

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