Stress Management

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 Having a healthy mind is just as important as having
a physically fit body. Just as a person needs to
exercise to have a healthy body, one must also have a
routine to maintain a positive mental health.
What is stress?
 “...emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.”
 Stress is a common feeling we get when we feel under pressure,
overwhelmed or unable to cope. Small amounts of stress can be good for us
and motivate us to achieve goals like taking an exam or giving a speech. But
too much of it, especially when it feels out of control, can negatively impact
our mood, physical and mental well-being and relationships.
What is stress?
 A practical way of defining stress is the feeling one gets from prolonged,
pent-up emotions. If the emotions you experience are pleasant and desirable
– joy, elation, ecstasy, delight – you usually feel free to let them show. They
are not suppressed. Therefore; positive emotions do not usually cause stress.
Negative emotions, on the other hand, are more often held inside. They are
hidden. You suffer quietly and you experience stress. Do not confuse positive
situations with positive emotions. A wedding, for example, is a positive
situation that often brings about the negative emotions of anxiety and
tension. So stress can exist in great situations.
What causes stress?
 Children don’t always experience stress the way adults do. Whereas work-related stress is common among
adults, most children experience stress when they cannot cope with threatening, difficult or painful
situations. These include:

 Negative thoughts or feelings about themselves

 Changes in their bodies like the beginning of puberty
 The demands of school like exams and more homework as they get older
 Problems with friends at school and socializing
 Big changes like moving homes, changing schools or separation of parents
 Chronic illness, financial problems in the family or the death of a loved one
 Unsafe environments at home or in the neighbourhood.

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