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Fashion styles

Casual style
• Key pieces: jeans, T-shirts, sports shoes, day dresses.
• According to fashion experts, the casual style was born in the USA, at
the beginning of the 20th century. Many of the inhabitants of this
region wanted an adaptation of the outfits they wear, to their lifestyle
and to the activities they do every day. Thus, from uncomfortable
clothes we went to jeans, T-shirts and sneakers. From then until now,
the casual style has been reinvented and derived in other sub-types of
styles, but it has kept its essence, defining relaxed outfits, not very
Casual style
• The classic style has a fascinating history. It has its origins around the
1950s, during World War II. At that time, women enjoyed greater
freedom, given that most men were on the battlefield. Thus, part of
their emancipation was the fact that more and more of them began
to find office jobs, and hence the need to adapt their outfits.
However, decency was the basic principle in creating office outfits,
and this is transposed by the elements that underlie this style.
• Key pieces: shirts, tapered skirts, jackets, trousers and vest jackets,
low-heeled shoes, Oxford shoes or ballerinas.
Romantic style
• Is one of the most feminine and delicate clothing styles. The clothing
is characterized by a combination of soothing colors, floral prints,
polka dots or irregular shapes. Clothes in this style have fluid shapes,
cuts that accentuate the waist and neckline, rounded lines, ruffle
ornaments, ruffles, lace, embroidery, etc. The most commonly used
materials are light, transparent, plastic fabrics (natural silk, chiffon,
velvet, viscose), but also rigid fabrics that provide volume (brocade,
atlas, etc.). The color range varies from light, pastel colors to bright,
saturated colors. The accessories are delicate, but extravagant:
diamonds, silk scarves, flower bodices, pearls, old jewelry, brooches.
Sport style
• It is distinguished by the ability to ensure freedom of movement, which
has influenced the lines of sportswear, which emphasizes comfort and less
on the feminine figure and her beauty. It is an elegant sports style, which
is an ideal outfit for clubs, not necessarily for sports training classes.
• Sports-style clothing is usually made of natural fibers and blended (cotton,
linen, wool, less often - silk). The color range is very varied - bright, vivid,
contrasting colors. The sporty style is also characterized by the use of
"attractive" supplies: applied pockets, zippers, staples, metal buttons,
epaulettes, belts, zippers with metal teeth, etc. Key pieces: simple t-shirts,
overalls, blazer dresses, wide cargo pants, sweater pants, sweatshirts,
sports shoes and ballerinas.
• The style I wear most often is the sports style because for me it is the
most comfortable.

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