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• The branch of science dealing with the earth’s atmosphere and the
physical processes occurring in it.

Aviation Meteorology
• Aviation meteorology is the study of weather and its effect on
the aviation industry.
Reasons for Studying Met
• To understand the physical processes in the atmosphere
• To understand the meteorological hazards, their effect on aircraft and
how to minimize the risks posed by those hazards
• To identify the weather information that is required for each flight
• To interpret actual and forecast weather conditions from the
documentation provided
• To analyze and evaluate weather information before flight and in-flight
• To devise solutions to problems presented by weather conditions
Aviation met – provides us an upper hand.

Weather is one of the factor in aviation that we

have no control on, so a knowledge of meteorology
will at least enable us as an aviator to anticipate
some of the difficulties which weather may cause.
The spheroidal gaseous envelope surrounding a heavenly body

An atmosphere is a layer of gas or layers of gases that envelope a planet, and is

held in place by the gravity of the planetary body.

The earth’s atmosphere is fluid, supports life only at lower levels and is
a poor conductor.
Trace gases
• Neon
The atmosphere of Earth is • Nitrous Oxide
composed of • Helium
• Nitrogen Dioxide
nitrogen (78%), • Krypton
oxygen (21%), • Carbon Monoxide
• Xenon
argon (0.9%), • Sulphur Dioxide
carbon dioxide (0.04%) and • Hydrogen
trace gases & solid particles. • Ammonia
• Methane
• Iodine and Ozone
Consistency of the proportion
• The proportions of the constituents remain constant up to a height of at least
60 km (except for ozone), but above this the mixing processes associated with
the lower levels of the atmosphere no longer exist and gravitational
separation of the gases occurs.

• Although the trace of ozone in the atmosphere is important as a shield against

ultraviolet radiation, if the whole of the layer of ozone were brought down to
sea level it would only be 3 mm thick.

• water vapor, in particular is the most important gas in the atmosphere from a
meteorological point of view,.
• Trioxygen is an inorganic molecule with the chemical formula O₃
• It is a pale blue gas with a distinctively pungent smell.

Ozone layer / ozone shield

The ozone layer is the common term
for the high concentration of ozone that
is found in the stratosphere around
15–30km above the earth's surface.
It covers the entire planet and protects
life on earth by absorbing harmful
ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation from the
Properties of the Earth’s Atmosphere

The earth’s atmosphere varies vertically and horizontally in:

• Pressure.
• Temperature
• Density.
• Humidity.
The Structure of
the Atmosphere

The atmosphere is
comprised of layers based
on temperature. These
layers are the
Thermosphere &

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