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Eligibility Criteria.
Scope of
Course subjects.
Nanotechnology Engineering is the manipulation of nanomaterials
to convert it into useful and effective materials, structure, devices
and the branch of engineering that deals with the study of
nanotechnology is known as nanotechnology engineering.

It was not 30-40 years that this term was coined, but the
technique has been used since a very long time. The centuries-old
stained glass window of medieval churches is proof of the use of
nanoscale materials.
Scientists and engineers all over the world are in a continuous
endeavor to implement the use of nanotechnology engineering into
various aspects of one’s life to take maximum advantage of its
enhanced features.
It includes the formation of products at an
atomic level and innovating effective machinery
and tools. Various industries such as
electronics and power generation have already
adapted this technology.
Student who want to built lucrative carrier in
the field of science can study nanotechnology
engineering in graduation as it is a promising
field and has a wide scope. It is assumed that
the revolution brought by nanotechnology will
be way broader than IT and the Internet.
 The candidates applying for bachelors in a nanotechnology should have qualified
their class 12th board exams from a recognized central or state school education
board in India.
 The candidate should have mandatorily studied PCM subjects in their class 12 th
exam .
 The candidate should have an aggregate of 55% or more in their class 12 th exam for
scoring admission in most of the colleges.


 In order to be eligible for admission in PG e-courses, the candidates should have
completed their B.TECH degree with 50% or more marks from a recognized


 Candidates should have completed their masters degree from a recognised college,
with 55% or more marks.
 The minimum marks required are reduced to 50% for candidates from OBC, ST, SC
 Candidate can apply for JRF only till the age of 30.
Scope of Nanotechnology Engineering in
India & Abroad :
 It is assumed to outshine IT and the internet in the
near future as it is termed as the “ green and
clean” alternative to the existing ones . There’s a
huge scope in this field as the government of India
is taking the initiative to introduced and implement
this technology in a various field.
 There are program such as “nano mission” to
encourage and research on nanotechnology
engineering. The most developed field as of now is
nanomaterial, nanoelectronics, nanobiotechnology.
Course Subjects
 The course syllabus differ on the basis of specialization, but all the
nanotechnology engineering students are taught four basic
nanotechnology engineering subjects such as micro and nano-
instrumentation, nanoelectronics, Nano biosystems, and nanoengineered


Professionals in this field can have a furtive in diverse sector from medical
to agriculture departments. There’s a high demand for this skilled in both
government and private institutions.

This provides a wide range of opportunities and a dynamic carrier for the
students studying nanotechnology engineering. You can be employed by
both , the firms that manufacture nanomaterials and the sector that use it.
This graduates can work as a scientist or executive managers in a various
field such as:
 Electronics/semiconductor industry
 Textile industry
 Auto and aerospace industries
 Biotechnology
 Medical fields and pharmaceuticals
 Food science
 Forensic Industry
 Research industry
 It has become a field of interest due to its scope in the near future. It
is an important technique to improve and alter the quality of material
for various activity and fields.
 It does not just improve the quality of materials , but it also reduce
the risk to the environment; thus , there’s a huge chance of
 Soon, we might see the use of nanotechnology engineering to produce
renewable materials from extracted agro-industrial waste.
 Use of nanomedicines-Advances are made in use of this technology to
diagnosed and treat a patient, and it is soon medicines will be replaced
by nanomedicines because of its requirements of low dosage and fewer
side effects.

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