Chapter 3 Wireless Network Principles 1

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Ambo University Woliso Campus

School of Informatics &Technology

Department Of Computer Science

Wireless Communication and

Mobile Computing
/CoSc3062/ Unit Three
Wireless Network Principles

Wireless Network Principles

 Wireless Transmission
 Signals
 Wireless Basics
 Transmission Media
 Wireless Frequency Allocation
 Relationship b/n Wireless Frequency and Distance Covered
 Antennas
 Signal Propagations
 Multiplexing
 Modulation
 Analog vs. Digital Communication
 Medium Access Techniques
 Classification of Wireless Network
Wireless Transmission

 Wireless Communication systems consist of:

 Transmitters: a device w/c is expected to transmit data
to receivers.
 Antennas: radiate electromagnetic energy into air.

 Receivers: a device w/c is dedicated to receive data

from transmitter by the help of antenna.
 In some cases, transmitters and receivers are on same
device, called transceivers (example cellular phones).


 Signals: are the physical representation of data.

 Users of a communication system can only exchange data
through the transmission of signals. Example Light,
electromagnetic spectrum/radio.
 Layer 1 of the OSI basic reference model is responsible for
the conversion of data. i.e. bits, into signals and vice versa.
 Signals, are represented as cyclic waves which may be discrete
(digital) or continuous (analog).

Wireless Basics

 Frequency : no of cycles per unit time of the wave.

 Amplitude : the height of the wave.
 Phase : shows how far, in degrees, the wave is from its
beginning (phase 0).

Wireless Basics

 Hertz (Hz): number of cycles per second. Frequency is

measured in Hertz.
 Data rate : number of bits sent per second (bps).
 Channel: a logical communication path.
 Bandwidth: amount of data transferred each second.
 Channel capacity: capability of channel to hold data when it
is transferring.

Transmission Media

 Transmission Media: is the physical path between the

transmitter and receiver. It can be:
1. Guided: along a solid medium. Example Cables &
2. Unguided: achieved by using antennas. Example
 Type of wireless transmission

 Directional: point-to-point. E.g. microwave

 Omni-directional: waves are transmitted equally in all

Wireless Frequency Allocation

 Wireless communications use the “radio frequency (RF)”

spectrum for transmitting and receiving information.
 Several factors are considered while allocating frequencies
1. cost of components: increases as you go to higher
2. signal losses: also increase as frequencies increase.
3. Noise disruption : lower frequencies are disrupted
regularly by man-made noise such as electrical motors, car
ignition, and domestic appliances.

Wireless Frequency Allocation
Wireless Frequency Allocation

 Major frequency bands

1. Microwave frequency range (1 GHz to 40 GHz)
 Suitable for point-to-point transmission
 Used for satellite & terrestrial communications

2. Broadcast Radio (30 MHz to 1GHz)

 Omnidirectional ( applicable for low frequency)
 Antennas not required to be dish-shaped
 Applications

 Broadcast radio & TV

 Covers FM radio and
 Television distribution

Wireless Frequency Allocation

3. Terrestrial Microwave (1GHz to 40GHz)

 Most common: Parabolic "dish", 3m in diameter
 Achieves line-of-sight transmission to receiving antenna
 Located at substantial heights above ground level
 Applications
 Long heave telecommunications service (instead of fiber, coax)
 Short point-to-point links between buildings.

4. Satellite Microwave (1GHz to 20 GHz)

 Used to link two or more ground-based transmitter/receivers
 Receives transmissions on one frequency band, amplifies or repeats the signal, and
transmits it on another frequency.
 Application
 Television distribution. Example Dstv uses satellites
 Long-distance telephone transmission between telephone

Wireless Frequency Allocation

6. Infrared (300 GHz to 3000 GHz)

 operate in the terribly high frequency (THF)
 Useful in local point-to-point applications within
confined areas.
 does not penetrate walls
 Application

 used in remote control devices. i.e.

 TV remote controller and garage door openers

Wireless Frequency Allocation

 Commonly used frequencies in Wireless Systems

1. Cellular Network
2. IEEE 802.11 LANs
3. Satellite System
4. Wireless local loops
5. Infrared Wireless LANs
 Two approaches in using wireless frequencies:
1. Unlicensed: no need of permission to use 100% not regulated by someone
2. Licensed: regulated by somebody and need permission to use this frequency
 Some regulating agencies are:
a. ITU (International Telecom Union)
b. Local broadcasts
c. Telecommunication agencies

 Which type of frequency do you think is widely used(or

congested) in wireless communication ?
 Lower frequencies or higher frequencies ?

 Why?

Relationship b/n Wireless Frequency and Distance Covered

 A very important relationship exists between frequency and

distance covered. The relationship is
• d = k/f
 Where d = distance covered, f = frequency used, and k =
constant that depends on environmental factors.
 Thus, the distance covered is inversely proportional to the
frequency being used.
 This implies that the higher the frequency, the shorter is the
distance covered

Relationship b/n Wireless Frequency and Distance Covered

 Why Lower Frequency???

 B/c Lower frequencies are:
 more congested and highly
 the distance can be longer, and
 the power requirements are lower.


 Transmitters: a device w/c is expected to transmit data

to receivers.


 Suppose you want to generate a signal that is sent at 900 MHz

and the original source generates a signal at 300 MHZ.
 Amplifier - strengthens the initial signal
 Oscillator - creates a carrier wave of 600 MHz
 Mixer - combines original signal with oscillator and
produces 900 MHz
 Filter - selects correct frequency (Checks the standards)
 Amplifier - Strengthens the signal before sending it

 Remember that, Receivers perform similar operations but in

reverse direction.


 Antenna : is an electrical conductor or system of

conductors to send/receive RF signals
 Transmission - radiates electromagnetic energy into
 Reception - collects electromagnetic energy from space

 In two-way communication, the same antenna can be used

for transmission and reception. This type of antenna is
called transceiver.
 Based on their frequency, radiation pattern, reception pattern, and antenna
gain there are different types of antennas. (Reading Assignment)
Propagation Mode

There are three types of Propagation Modes

propagation modes. These are: Signal

1. Ground wave propagation

Transmitting antenna Receiving antenna
Example submarine AM Radio Ionosphere

2. Sky wave propagation

Example International Radio Receiving antenna
Transmitting antenna Earth
Broadcasting like BBC, VOA

3. Line of site propagation Signal

Receiving antenna
Example Mobile, Satellite Transmitting antenna Earth

Summary of Wireless Frequency Range,
Application, and Propagation

Signal Propagation

 Propagation is the movement of a wave through a medium. In this

case the medium is air/ RF/ EMS
 Signal propagation is how the physical representation of data moves
through EMS/ RF.
 signal propagation in free space almost follows a straight line, like
light. But in real life, we rarely have a line-of-sight between the
sender and receiver of radio signals, due to this signal propagation is
influenced by
 Shadowing
 Reflection
 Refraction
 Diffraction
 Scattering

Signal Propagation

1. Shadowing: occurs when signal encounters large obstacles. Even small obstacles like a simple wall can

cause it.

2. Reflection: occurs when signal encounters large surfaces. The surface is large relative to the wavelength of

the signals.

3. Refraction: occurs because of the density of the medium through which EME travels. i.e. waves that travel

into a denser medium are bent towards the medium.

4. Scattering: occurs when the incoming signals hits an object whose size is in the order of the wavelength of

the signal or less.

5. Diffraction : occurs at the edge of impenetrable body that is large compared to the wavelength of the radio


shadow in g reflection diffraction

refraction s c a t t e r i ng
Multipath Propagation

•Signal can take many different paths between sender

and receiver due to reflection, scattering, diffraction

signal a t sender
signal a t receiver


 Multiplexing: is a technique which allow more than one message to be

transferred via the same communication channel.
 It can be carried out in four dimensions: space, time, frequency, and code.
In this field, the task of multiplexing is to assign either space, time,
frequency, or code to each communication channel with a minimum of
interference and a maximum of medium utilization.
 Takes place in the physical layer of OSI or TCP/IP.
 Important: guard spaces needed!.


1. Space Division Multiplexing(SDM): the space is divided into

spatially separable sectors. i.e. divide the space into sectors.
 To reduce further, the risk of interference place guard space
between the frequency spaces.
 Example Satellite System.


2. Frequency Division Multiplexing(FDM): Separation of the whole

spectrum into smaller frequency bands. i.e. Divide the frequency band into
disjoint sub-bands. The sender uses the channel continuously.
 A channel gets a certain band of the spectrum for the whole time
 subdivide the frequency dimension into several non-overlapping
frequency bands.
 Again, guard spaces are needed to avoid frequency band overlapping.
 This scheme is used for radio stations within the same region, where each
radio station has its own frequency. This multiplexing scheme does not
need complex coordination between sender and receiver: the receiver
only has to tune in to the specific sender.
 Example Radio, and TV

 In FDM, the frequency of one channel is divided among

n users.
 Bandwidth will be wasted if any user does not have any
thing to send. Other users cannot take the advantage of
additional available bandwidth.

3. Time Division Multiplexing(TDM): A channel gets the whole
spectrum for a certain amount of time. i.e. divide the time into
non-overlapping time slots.
 A certain time slot is always dedicated for a certain user even if the
user isn't using it.
 Here a channel is given the whole bandwidth for a certain
amount of time, i.e. all senders use the same frequency but at
different points in time.
 Again,guard spaces, which now represent time gaps, have to
separate the different periods when the senders use the
 Example GSM systems

 In TDM system, the time of one channel is divided

among n users. Each user appears to have full channel
for total time divided by n (time/n).


4. Code Division Multiplexing(CDM): each channel has a unique

code. i.e. each user assigned a unique code to utilize the
 different
spread-spectrum codes are selected and assigned to
each user, and multiple users share the same frequency.
 good protection against interference.
 Highly complex scheme but high performance in security.
 Receiver has to know the code & be able to separate out
other traffic on different codes which appear as background
 Example 2.5G and 3G

 Receiver & transmitter must be synchronized to

provide correct decoding.
 All signals must reach the receiver with relatively equal
strength or the receiver will not be able to distinguish between

 Modulation: is the process of encoding information from a message source in a
manner suitable for transmission.
 It involves translating a baseband message signal to a bandpass signal at
frequencies that are very high compared to the baseband frequency.
 Demodulation: is the process of extracting the digital information from the
 Demodulation: is the inverse operation of modulator: i.e. extracting the baseband
message from the carrier so that it may be processed at the receiver.


 Baseband signal is called modulating signal

 Bandpass signal is called modulated signal
 Modulation can be done by varying the Amplitude, Phase, or
 The goals of Modulation scheme is
 Transport the message signal through the radio channel with best
possible quality
 Occupy least amount of radio (RF) spectrum.

 There are two types of Modulation.

1. Analog Modulation and
2. Digital Modulation

Analog Modulation

1. Analog Modulation
 The input is continues signal
 Used in first generation mobile radio systems such as AMPS in
 This Analog Modulation can be:
1. Amplitude Modulation (AM)

2. Frequency Modulation (FM) and

3. Phase Modulation (PM)

 To transmit analog data as analog signal, we use either of the
three analog modulation techniques listed above.

Analog Modulation

1. Amplitude Modulation (AM)

 Encoding of information in a carrier
waveby varying the instantaneous amplitude of
the wave.
i.e. changing the amplitude of the carrier signal.
 The frequency of the carrier signal is kept constant.
 One of the oldest technique found around 1901.
 First method used to transfer voice information.
 All information is carried in the amplitude of the
 Occupy less bandwidth than FM systems
Analog Modulation

2. Frequency Modulation (FM)

 Encoding of information in a carrier wave by varying the
instantaneous frequency of the wave. i.e. changing the
frequency of the carrier signal.
 Most popular analog modulation technique.
 Amplitude of the carrier signal is kept constant.
 Operates under low frequency, & has better noise
3. Phase Modulation (PM)
 Encodes information as variations in the instantaneous phase of
a carrier wave. i.e. changing the phase of the carrier signal.
 Is used to represent different data signals with different phases.

Digital Modulation

2. Digital Modulation
 The input is discrete signals.

 Are used in current and future mobile radio systems.

 This Digital Modulation can be:

1. Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK)

2. Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK)

3. Phase-Shift Keying (PSK)

 To transmit digital data as analog signal, we use either of the
three digital modulation techniques listed above.

Digital Modulation

1. Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK)

 encodes digital data by modulating the carrier's amplitude between
two or more levels.
 suppose consider the following figure, in this, a signal amplitude 1
represents a binary 0 and a signal with amplitude 2 represents a
binary 1, and so on…

Digital Modulation

2. Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK)

 Encodes digital data by modulating the carrier's frequency between
two or more values.
 For example, a binary 0 would be one frequency (or group of
frequencies) and a binary 1 would be some other frequency (or
group of frequencies).
 FSK is less susceptible to corruption than ASK. Many modems use
FSK to convert digital data to analogue signals.

Digital Modulation

3. Phase-Shift Keying (PSK)

 Phase-shift keying encodes digital data by shifting the
phase of the carrier.
 PSK uses bandwidth more efficiently. Thus
many wireless systems use PSK
 PSK-encoded data is highly resistant to corruption.

Analog vs. Digital Communications

 Communication in wireless system can be analog or Digital.

1. Analog communication
 receives/generates analog signal and use amplifiers to handle
 amplifier do not know the content ,they amplify whatever is received,
including the noise.
 Continuous

2. Digital communication
 Receive/generate digital signal and uses repeaters ,over long distances
to recover the patterns of 1’s and 0’s
 repeaters are used to filter the noise.
 Discrete
 Discontinuous.

Analog vs. Digital Communications

 Analog vs. Digital Communication

Analog vs. Digital Communications

 Why Digital is Better?

 more strong and free of noise because it is easier to detect 1’s
and 0’s even in distorted messages.
 Repeaters reduce additive noise
 Discrete information transmission.
 especially suitable for computer networks because data bits can
be directly fed into a communication medium without any
 Digital communications are more secure because digital data
streams can be scrambled (encrypted) by using sophisticated
computer techniques.
 The encryption/decryption on analog data is not sophisticated.
Multiple Access Techniques

 Multiple Access Techniques

 Are used to allow many users to share simultaneously a finite
amount of radio spectrum.
 Takes place in data link layer of OSI or TCP/IP.
 Are used to allow a large number of mobile users to share the
allocated spectrum in the most efficient manner.
 As the spectrum is limited, so the sharing is required to
increase the capacity of cell or over a geographical area by
allowing the available bandwidth to be used at the same time
by different users. And this must be done in a way such that
the quality of service doesn’t degrade within the existing

Multiple Access Techniques

 The main aim in the cellular system design is to be able to

increase the capacity of the channel i.e. to handle as many calls
as possible in a given bandwidth with a sufficient level of
quality of service.
 In wireless communication there are several different ways to
allow access to the channel. These includes mainly the
1. Space division multiple access (SDMA)
2. Frequency division multiple access (FDMA)
3. Time division multiple access (TDMA)
4. Code division multiple access (CDMA)
Multiple Access Techniques

1. Space division multiple access (SDMA)

 The space is divided into spatially separable sectors.
 Used for allocating a separated space to users in
wireless networks.
 Example. a typical application involves assigning an
optimal base station to a mobile phone user. The mobile
phone may receive several base stations with different
quality. A MAC algorithm could now decide the best
base station and assign to the mobile users.

Multiple Access Techniques

2. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)

I t i s a c o m m u n i c a t i o n s t e c h n i q u e t h a t d i v i
d e s communications into a number of equally spaced
frequency bands.
 Technique or a protocol defined to access a channel based
on FDM method.
 It is a multiple-access technique for cellular systems in
which each individual user is assigned a pair of frequencies
while making or receiving a call.
 One frequency is used for downlink and the other for uplink.

Multiple Access Techniques

3. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)

 It is a digital technology that allows a number of users
to access a single RF channel without interference by
allocating a unique time slots to each users within each
 after the user finishes using the time slot, the time slot is
freed and can be used by another user .
 Usually time slots are dynamically assigned and the
user may get a different time slot each time he accesses
the network
Multiple Access Techniques

4. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

 Each channel has a unique code. i.e. each user assigned a unique code to
utilize the channel/medium in data link layer.
 Codes with certain characteristics can be applied to the transmission to
enable the use of code division multiplexing (CDM).
 Virtually allows numerous users to use the channel at the same time.
 Different spread-spectrum codes are selected and assigned to each user,
and multiple users share the same frequency.
 Receiver has to know the code & be able to separate out other traffic on
different codes which appear as background noise.
 It is a wireless technology that uses the principles of spread spectrum
 Transmitting and receiving are all done by various users simultaneously.
 The most recent technology gradually replacing TDMA & FDMA.
Multiple Access Techniques

Cellular System Multiple Access Techniques

Advanced Mobile Phone System FDMA


Global System for Mobile (GSM) TDMA

US Digital Cellular (USDC) TDMA

Digital European Cordless FDMA

Telephone (DECT)

US Narrowband Spread Spectrum CDMA

Classification of Wireless Network

N etwo rk
Wir eles Wireless Wireless WANs
s Local
Loops Sat ellit
Cellular Pagin g
Busin es e
PAN (Fixed Net w or k ser vic
s LA N Syst em
w ir eless e
) Exam ple1 :
Exam ple1 : Example1: Exam ple1 : Exam ple1 :
GSM, 9 . 6
Bluetooth LMDS GSM, 9 . 6 Exam ple1 :
802.11b Kbps,
1 Mbps, 11 Mbps, 3 7 Mbps, Kbps, FLEX,
1 0 Meters 100 2 - 4 Km wide 1 . 2 Kbps
cover ag
Meters Example cover ag
Ot her 2: e
Other Exam ple2 :
exam ples examples: FSO
Exam ple2 : ReFLEX,
: wireless 802.11g, 1 .2 5 Example2:
3G, 2 6.4Kbps
sensor Gbp 3G, 2 Mbps,
HiperLA M bps
networks N2 s 1 - 2 KM wide
cover age 8/24/2019
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