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Equilibrium market is a state wherein the demand is equal to
supply. This is an implict agreement of how much buyers and
sellers are willing to transact to each other. The price at
which demand and supply are equal is the equilibrium price, also
called as "market clearing price"
When markets aren't in a state of
equilibrium, they are said to be in
disequilibrium. Disequilibrium can

DISEQUILIBRIU happen in a flash in a more stable

market or can be a systematic

M characteristic of certain markets.

At times disequilibrium can spill
over from one market to another.
When there is disequilibrium, it's either a shortage or a surplus.

A surplus is the amount by which the quantity supplied exceeds the

quantity demanded at the current price.

A shortage is the amount by which the quantity demanded exceeds the

quantity supplied at the current price.

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