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What is the previous lesson that

our Mam. Che discuss?

Designs a Research
Used in daily life
For the learner: After this lesson, the students
should be able to do the following:

 Designs a research useful in daily life

 Determines research can do to our life
 Identify research designs
Choosing a research topic

 Researchable topics useful for everyday life are all

around you. As a researcher, you will find problems,
issues, and question of interest all around you. Before
choosing the topic, however, you will find there are
other philosophical and practical factors to Conde
According to research expert there are actually three things you
should ask yourself if your study has:

1. Should-do-Abilitiy - it is about purpose, relevance, importance,

and ethics of the research.

2. Do-Ability - this about the manageability, skill acquired, prior

experience needed, timeframe anticipated, and resource support
available to conduct this research.

3.Want-to-do-Ability - it focus on your own motivation,

commitment and perseverance
DESCRIBING What is the
BACKGROUND background of the
 It is a compilation of sufficient information based on the
analysis of your proposed argument or problem and
the steps required to arrive at the design and
implementation of feasible solutions and the results
achieved. The background of the study is one of the
key aspects you need to get right when you are writing
a research paper (Olawale, 2021). It is the key to
introducing your readers to the topic of your research.
The background of the study is one of the key
aspects you need to get right when you are writing
a research paper (Olawale, 2021). It is the key to
introducing your readers to the topic of your
How to write the background of the research study?

1.Give the general overview of the research topic and introduce

the main idea you will be using throughout the research study.

2.Provide detailed, precise information about the methodologies

researched depending on individual and research topic, this
could take several paragraphs.

3.To avoid plagiarism, cite your sources and resources. Select

sources that are relevant to provide more insights to your
4. Create five different sections that have the key issues,
major findings, current issues that related to your research
students, evaluation and conclusion (Olawale,2021).

5. Statistical data

6. A provocative question

7. A clear need for research

8. The intent or purpose of the study

What does a good research of the study example contain?

1. Contain reviews of the area being researched.

2. Has currently available information about the problem of

the study.

3. Captures the previous studies on the issue.

4. Indicates the history of the issue of the study from

previous researcher a done on the subject.
The background of he study should contain the following
major points:

1.A brief discussion on what is known about the topic under


2.An articulation of the research gap or problem that needs to

be addressed.

3.What the researcher would like to do or aim to achieve in

the study ( research goal)
4. The research statement, that is the main argument or
contention of the paper.

5. The major significance or contribution of the study to a

particular discipline.

6. Depending on the nature of the study, an articulation of

the hypothesis of the study.



In the present times that we are now on a middle of pandemic,

education continuous with the aim for the students to continue
learning. Students adapt to a new learning system which is
the online classes. Means, B (2010) earlier studies of distance
learning concluded that significantly different from regular
classroom learning in terms of effectiveness.



Here in the Philippines, education was halted because of the

ongoing pandemic. Schools and the students are having their
online classes instead of the face to face classes. The online
classes is divided into two, the synchronous and the
asynchronous class. With the ongoing system, many students
find it hard to continue to study. With the slow connection and
current status of the Philippines' households, there are also
numbers of students who stopped for this school year.



Bounce, et al. (2010) propose that," Teachers need to be aware of

attention cycles and strive to improve students' attention by using
student centered enhanced techniques." Educators also have the
crucial part in maintaining the attention of the student while in
class. Student- centered refers to a wide variety of education
programs , learning experiences, instructional approaches and
academic support strategies that are made to attend the learning
needs, interest, aspirations, cultural background or individual
student and groups of student.

An increasing number of students are now utilizing virtual

classes (Paul & Jefferson, 2019). Using various platforms,
online learning has now been maximizing in the curriculum of
most schools and universities (Razeeth et al., 2019). With the
freedom of access in the internet, it affects the students'
performance and increase the risk towards the attention span
of students (Cicekci & Sadik, 2019).

A considerable amount of research has already been conducted regarding

the Levels of Attention of students in Class in the different countries in the
world, which opens many minds that it's time to understand the impact of
attention level to the students. This is why it is very significant for the
students and teacher to better understand and access their learning while
inside the school or class.. However, there is no research that focus and
entails on the level of attention a student has in online classes. This is the
reason why the researchers decided to do this study. This research paper
aims to determine the level of attention during Online Classes of the
students in Jose Abad Santos Senior High School.
Writing the Research Title

Choosing a research title does not happen in a snap of a

finger, and presto! You have a little!

In this stage, you will learn how to brainstorm with

yourself by first coming up with broad ideas, further
arriving at a research title into a specific one, that is a
researchable one.
So, let our next journey begin!

Specifically, at the end of this lesson, you be able to:

1.Characterize a researchable topic

2.Choose a good working title; and

3.Write a research title.

The following are important terminologies for you to take note:
Is the first thing that is read on a research
Research Title paper that outlines the purpose of the
research, the methods used and the
overall tone of the paper.

Working Research Title Contains few possible words that

could not adequately describe the
contents of your research paper
The Research Title:
 summarizes the main idea/s of your study
 it is the part of the paper that is read the most and is usually
read first.
 Kbeing investigated
 differentiates the paper from other papers of the same
subject area
 Predicts content
 Contains keywords that will make it easy to access by a
computer search
Here are basic reminders to keep in mind while writing a research
1. Keep it simple, brief, and attractive. The primary function of a
title is to provide a precise summary of the paper’s content. So,
keep the title brief and clear. Moreover, a good title for a research
is typically around 10-15 substantive words long. A lengthy title
may seem unfocused and take the reader’s attention away from an
important point.
Avoid: Drug X has an effect of muscular contraction for an hour in
Better :Drug X induces muscular contraction in snails
2. Use appropriate descriptive words. A good research title
should contain key words used in the manuscript and should
define the nature of the study. Think about terms people who
would use to search for the study and include them in the title.
Avoid: Effects of Drug A on schizophrenia patients
Better: Psychosocial effects of Drug A on schizophrenia
3. Avoid abbreviations and jargon. Known abbreviations
such as AIDS, HIV, and so on can be used in the title.
However, lesser-known or specific abbreviations and jargon
that would not be immediately familiar to the readers should
be left out.
Avoid: MMP expression profiles cannot distinguish
between normal and early osteoarthritic synovial fluid
Better: Matrix metalloproteinase protein expression
profiles cannot distinguish between normal and early
osteoarthritic synovial fluid
4. It is a good idea to create a ‘working’ research title
first. This title help focus the research and writing but can be
changed if needed. The final title should be a phrase or
question that indicates the subject and scope of the research
while generating the reader’s interest and enthusiasm for the
Avoid: MMP expression profiles cannot distinguish
between normal and early osteoarthritic synovial fluid
Better: Matrix, metalloproteinase protein expression
profiles between normal and early osteoarthritic synovial
Follow these steps:
Step One
Ask yourself these questions and make note of the
1. What is my paper about?
2. What techniques/designs will used?
3. Who/What will be studied?
4. Where is the setting of the study?
5. When is the period or duration of the study?
Step two
Use your answers to list keywords.
Step Three
Create a sentence that indicates the key words you
Step Four
Delete all unnecessary/repititive word and link the
Step Five
Delete non-essential information and reword the title.
Let us take this sample title:
A Phenomenal Study on the Behaviour of Senior High School Students with
Absentee Perents of Tabaco National High School in the School year 2021-2022
From this title, you can find out a lot about the research before reading the actual
proposal or actual research report.
1. What are we looking at? The behaviour of Senior High School Students with
absentee parents
2. Who are the subjects? Senior High School students with absentee parents
3. Where is the setting/place of the study? Tabaco National High School
4. What type of study Is it going to be? It is going to be qualitative study, and
phenomenology will be used.
5. What is the period covered of the study? School year 2021-2022
6. What size Is the sample? We will just be using a small sample
7. What data-collection methods will be used? Information from the participants will
be obtained through interviews, observation, open-ended questionnaires, etc.

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