On Staffing

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Date – 23.04.

Subject – B.Studies
Class – XII
Section –C
Chapter – Staffing
Sub Topic – Introduction & Importance
Objective of the Lesson –to help students to understand
Concept & Importance of Staffing.
Chapter – 6

Staffing means Placing the Right Person

on the Right Job in the Right Time.

Right Right Right

Perso Job Time
Staffing is an important managerial function. Staffing is concerned
with obtaining, utilizing and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied
work force. Staffing function includes manpower planning, job
analysis, recruitment, selection, placement and training of personnel.
An organisation can achieve its objectives only when it has the right
persons in the right positions.
Staffing Is Concerned With
Ensuring Business Enterprise That It
Has The Right Number Of People
And The Right Kind Of People At
The Right Places, At The Right
Time And That They Are Doing
Things For Which They Are
Economically Most Useful.

This Will need The following

Steps: Manpower Planning
Job Analysis
Placement & Orientation
Performance Appraisal
Promotion & Career
Importance of Staffing
Competent and dedicated staff is the most precious assets of an
organisation. Factors of production consist of land, labour, capital
and organisation. It has been estimated that labour cost in case of
manufacturing concern amounts to 60% of the selling cost. It
shows that the success of the business depends to a greater extent
on the right selection, training, development and appraisal of the
Need and Importance of Staffing

1. Competent Personnel

Staffing helps to find out competent

employees for various jobs
Need and Importance of Staffing

2. Higher performance

By placing the right person on the right job

Need and Importance of Staffing

3. Survival and growth

By providing training and development

to future managers
Need and Importance of
Staffingutilisation of human resources
4. Optimum

By ensuring right number of persons on each job

Need and Importance of Staffing

5. Job satisfaction

Through proper assessment and remuneration

Importance of Staffing
The importance of staffing can be highlighted on the following
1. Helps in obtaining competent personnel
Efficient staffing discovers the talented, experienced and
qualified staffs which prove to be an asset for the enterprise.
2. Ensure Maximum Productivity
Staffing ensures higher productivity by placing right person
on the right job by proper recruitment and selection.
3. Optimum utilisation of manpower
It ensures optimum utilisation of human resources by avoiding over
staffing or shortage of staff. Over staffing leads to under utilisation
of personnel and thereby higher labour cost. Shortage of personnel
leads to disruption of work.
4. Improve the job satisfaction and morale of employees
Staffing function does not end only with appointment of employees.
It includes training, promotion, compensation etc. All these activities
help in motivating the employees and boost up the morale of the
5. Key to effectiveness of other functions
Among the various factors of production, manpower is the only
factor which has the capacity to “think”. All functions in the
organisation are performed by human beings and through proper
selection and training of manpower, staffing process ensures
organisation objectives.
Nature/Features of Staffing
➔ Staffing is a management function
➔ It is a continuous or never ending function
➔ It is concerned with human resources of an organisation
➔ Staffing is concerned with optimum utilisation of
human resources.
Features of Staffing
1. Important managerial function

All other functions of management

are based on staffing
Features of Staffing
2. Pervasive

All levels in the organisation perform

staffing function
Features of Staffing
3. Continuous

Never ending process up to the end of the

Features of Staffing
4. Placement

Placing the right person on the right job is the motto

Staffing as part of Human Resource Management
Staffing is a function which all managers need to perform. It is the job of
managers to fill positions in their organisation and to make sure that right
persons are appointed on the right job. In small organisations, managers may
perform all duties related to employee’s salaries welfare and working
conditions. But in big organisations, due to large number of employees, a
separate department called the Human Resource Department is formed to
manage the human resources.
Human Resource Management – Scope
Human Resource Management includes many specialized activities and
duties which the human resource personnel must perform. These duties
1. Recruitment i.e. search for qualified people
2. Analysing jobs, collecting information about jobs to prepare job
3. Developing compensation and incentive plans.
4. Training and development of employees for efficient performance
and career growth.
5. Maintaining labour relations and trade union management relations.
6. Handling grievances and complaints of employees.
7. Providing for social security and welfare of employees.
Evolution of Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management has replaced the traditional concept of
labour welfare and personnel management. The concept of Human
Resource Management was developed as a slow process which involves
the following stages:
1. With emergence of industrial revolution, the trade union activities
became very active.
2. The trade union activities forced the management to appoint a
person who could act as a link between owner and persons.
3. This resulted in appointment of labour welfare officer. His role was
limited to the welfare of employees only.
4. With the introduction of factory system large number of labour were
employed under one roof.
5. This resulted in appointment of one more person who was given
responsibility of recruitment, selection and placement of persons.
This person was known as personnel officer.
6. In Human Resource Management (formerly known as Personnel
management) employees are considered as valuable assets. HRM
provide various training and developing activates to employees to
update their knowledge. Now, in medium and large-scale business
organisation, Human Resource Department is a common department
just like production and purchase departments.
Evolution of
Human Resource Management

Human Resource Manager

Personnel Manager

Labour Welfare
Staffing and Human Resource Department
‘Staffing’ is seen in small business organisation while ‘HRM’ is in large
business organisation. In staffing employees are treated as mere
workers but in HRM, employees are considered as valuable assets.
Staffing function is performed by managers at all levels. It is the job of
all managers to involve directly and select people to work for their
organisation. Subsequently, they need to be trained and motivated. But
when the organisations grow and there are large number of
employees there requires a separate department to take care of human
resources. This department is called Human Resource Department
(HRM). HRM will have specialist in managing people. Actually, staffing
is a part of Human Resource Management.
Function of
Human Resource Department
1. Recruitment
2. Job analysis
3. Developing Compensation and incentive plans
4. Training and Development of employees
5. Maintaining labour union – management relations
6. Handling grievances and complaints
7. Providing social security and welfare measures
8. Defending company in law suits
Steps in Staffing Process

Estimating man
Recruitment Selection
power requirement

Appraisal Placement &

Trainin Orientation

Promotion and
Career planning
Steps in Staffing Process
1. Man Power Planning

Planning the number of employees required

and their qualifications
2. Recruitment

Process of searching for prospective employees

3. Selection

Choosing and appointing the right person

4. Placement and

Right one on the right job and familiarizing the work

5. Training

To improve knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform better

6. Performance appraisal

Assessment of

performance of the

employees to ensure

they are in the standard

7. Promotion

Movement of an employee to a higher position

8. Compensation

Determination of Salary on the basis of nature of job, risk,

responsibility, qualification etc.
 Before starting the work the man power requirement is

 It includes two techniques:

 Work Force Analysis: It reveals the number of people
available in the organization.
 Work Load Analysis: It reveals the number of people
required in an organization.
1. Estimating the Manpower Requirements
Estimating the manpower requirements of an organisation is
called manpower planning. It is process of determining the
number and types of staff required by an organisation.
Manpower planning can be divided into two parts – qualitative
aspect and quantitative aspect. Through qualitative aspects of
manpower planning, management tries to ensure a fair number
of staff in each department. Through qualitative aspect analysis,
the quality and characteristics required for employees to perform
various jobs. Manpower planning helps to avoid over- staffed or
under-staffed situations.
2. Recruitment
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the
organisation. In other words, recruitment means discovering the
source of employees. Recruitment is called a positive process
because it encourages maximum number of people to apply for
jobs Recruitment may be from internal sources, promotion,
transfer, etc. and external sources like employment exchange
placement consultant like contractors, etc.
3. Selection
Selection is the process of choosing the best person for a particular
job. Selection starts where recruitment ends. Selection is a
negative process as it involves rejection of unsuitable candidates.
The selection is done through a process, which involves test,
interviews etc. In selection, both internal and external sources of
recruitment may be explored.
4. Placement and Orientation
Placement refers to the posting of the selected employees in the
post for which he is selected. After selection, the employee is
given appointment letter and is asked to occupy the vacant job
position. This is called posting.
Orientation refers to introducing (familiarising) the selected
employee to his superiors, subordinates and colleagues and
familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation.
5. Training and Development
Training means giving expertise. Training refers to the process by
which the aptitude, skills and abilities of employees to perform
specific jobs are improved. It is the art of increasing the knowledge
and technical skills of an employee for doing a particular job
efficiently. Both newly appointed and existing staff needs training.
Organisations may have in house training centers or arrange with
some institutions to provide training for their employees.
Development is a much wider concept compared to training.
Where training aims increasing one’s skills and abilities to do a
particular job, developments aims at the overall development of a
person and equips him to handle higher jobs of the organisation in
future. Training and development not only motivate employees
but these improve efficiency of work also.
6. Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal means evaluating an employee’s
current/past performance as against certain pre-determined
standards. It is examining whether an employee’s performance is
according to the predetermined standards. The employee is
informed in advance what the standards are expected from him
and is examined whether he has attained the standards. An
employee’s wages, promotion and training depend on
performance appraisal.
For example, if a sales manager was given a sales target of 2,000
TV during the month, his performance will be evaluated on the
basis at the end of the month.
7. Promotion and Career Planning
Promotion refers to the shifting of an employee from a lower
position to a higher position with higher status, greater
responsibilities, better facilities and better pay. Promotions are an
integral part of people’s career. Generally, on the basis of
feedback report of employees’ performance, they are given
promotion and opportunities for career development. Career
planning consists of activities and actions that you take to achieve
your individual career goals.
8. Compensation
Compensation refers to all forms of pay or reward given to the
employees. It is the reward for the efforts of employees. It may be
direct financial payments like wages, salaries, incentives,
commissions, bonus etc. And indirect payments like employer
paid insurance, medical facilities, travelling facilities etc.
examples of
fringe benefits
include medical
and dental
insurance, use of
a company car,
vacation pay,
sick pay, meals
and employee
Elements of
Recruitment Selection

Aspects of

Searching for perspective employees
Stimulating them to apply for jobs
Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a
job. Recruitment may be defined as “the process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an
organisation. Advertisement is commonly part of recruitment.
Information about job vacancies of an organisation can be informed to
the job seekers through newspaper advertisement, online advertisement
Sources available Sources available
within the organization. outside the
It includes: organization.
•Transfer It includes:
(Responsibility may or •Direct recruitment
may not change & it is •Casual caller
a horizontal •Advertisement
movement.) •Employment
•Promotion •Placement agencies
(Responsibility •Campus recruitment
changes •Labour contractors
& it is a vertical •Web publishing
Sources of recruitment
There are two sources of recruitments –
(1) Internal sources and (2) External sources.
1. Internal Sources
Internal sources refer to inviting candidates from within the
organisation. There are two important sources of internal
recruitment, namely
(a) Transfers
(b) Promotions
Internal Sources of

Shifting an employee from one job to another

Internal Sources of
Features of Transfer
 Slight change in duties and responsibilities
 No change in salary
 Excess employees can be moved to other departments
 Horizontal movement of employees
 Job rotation is possible to learn different jobs
 Do not increase the number of employees in the

Shifting an employee from a lower position to a higher position

Features of Promotion

 No increase in number of
 Vertical shifting: lower to higher
 Motivation for employees
 Increase in salary or wages and
other incentives
1. Internal Sources
(a) Transfers: Transfers involve shifting an employee from job to
another, one department to another or one shift to another.
Transfer will not have any change in position, responsibility or
remuneration of an employee. Transfer does not affect the total
number of employees in the organisation.
For Example, transfer of clerk from Union Bank
Kumaramangalam branch to Union Bank, Kottayam branch.
(b) Promotion: Promotion is the shifting of a lower job
position to a higher job position. Promotion employee from
a gives an employee a higher position and remuneration as
well as greater responsibilities. It helps to improve
motivation, loyalty and satisfaction level of employees.
For example, promotion of a clerk to the post of an
accountant, LD clerk to UD clerk etc.
Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment

1. Sense of security
Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment

2. Loyalty among the employees

Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment

3. Motivates the employees

Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment

4. Economical
Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment

5. Continuity of employment
Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment
6. Better employer-employee
Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment

7. Surplus and shortage rectified

Advantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment

8. A tool for training for future managers

Advantages of Internal Sources of Recruitment
1. It is an economical source – It is an economical source of
recruitment as no time and money has to be spent on
advertising vacancies or on conducting tests and interviews.
2. It motivates employees – It motivates employees to
improve their performance as promotion at a higher level
may lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels in the
organisation. Employees work with commitment and
loyalty and remain satisfied with their jobs.
3. It simplifies the process of selection and placement –
Selection is very easy as candidates are already known to
the organisation.
4. Better performance of employees – To get promotion,
employees show better performance.
5. Adjustment of surplus staff – Transfer has the benefit of
shifting work force from the surplus departments to those
where there is shortage of staff.
6. No need for induction training – In case of internal source
of recruitment, there is no need for induction training, as the
employees are already familiar with the organisation.
7. Automatic training – Through transfer employees get
training also in the form of job rotation.
Disadvantages of
Internal Sources of Recruitment
1. Preventing capable persons from

No infusion of new blood to the organisation

2. Employees become lethargic

Employees become lazy due to time bound promotion

Video - Laziness
3. Limited number of qualified hands

Qualified hands may not be available in the organisation

4. No spirit of competition
5. Not suitable for the posts requiring
6. Favouritism and partiality
7. Reduction in productivity

Due to frequent transfers and unscientific

promotion results in low productivity
Disadvantages of Internal Sources of Recruitment
1. In complete source of recruitment – It is an incomplete
source of recruitment because the existing staff may be
insufficient or they may not fulfil the eligibility criteria of the
jobs to be filled.

2. Reduced productivity – Frequent transfers of employees

may often reduce the productivity of the organisation.
3. Hindrance for induction of fresh talents – Internal source of
recruitment reduces the scope for induction of fresh talents
into the firm.
4. Not suitable for new enterprises – A new enterprise can’t use
internal sources of recruitment.
5. Lack of competition among employees – The spirit of
competition among the employees may be hampered because
employees are likely to expect automatic promotion by
seniority; performance is not a matter at all.
2. External Sources of Recruitment
External sources of recruitment refer to recruiting employees
from outside the organisation. External sources of recruitment
requires when the existing staff may be insufficient or they
may not fulfil the eligibility criteria of the jobs to be filled.
Whenever large number of job positions are vacant then
external recruitment is preferred.
The important external sources of recruitment are: -
1. Direct Recruitment
2. Casual Callers
3. Media advertising
4. Employment Exchanges
5. Placement Agencies
6. Management Consultants
7. Campus Recruitment
8. Recommendations by the Existing Employees
9. Web Publishing
External Sources of

Recruitment of candidates from outside the organisation

External Sources of
1. Direct Recruitment

On the spot selection of employees on the basis of a notice

2. Casual callers from waiting list

Searching for employees from waiting list of casual applicants

3. Advertisement

An effective means to search potential employees from

outside the organisation
4. Employment Exchanges

Details of job seekers may be supplied to organisations

5. Placement agencies and personnel

Specialised agencies undertakes all the functions of recruitment and

selection on behalf of the employer
6. Campus interviews

Searching for prospective candidates from universities and

7. Recommendations of present employees

It ensures reliability and suitability for the post and helps to

improve the morale of existing employees
8. Labour Contractors

The contractors keep in touch with a large number of workers and

bring them at the places where they are required
9. Labour Unions

Some organisations accept the recommendations of labour

unions. e.g. organisations running by political parties
10. Web publishing

A number of websites give detailed information for job

seekers and job providers
External Sources of Recruitment – A
Employment Exchange

Employment Placement
Direct Recruitment Waiting List Advertisement Exchange Agencies

Campus Labour Web

Interview Recommendations Contractors
Labour Unions
External Sources of Recruitment
1. Direct Recruitment – Sometimes, the organizations paste notice
at the gate of their office or factories stating the vacant job
positions. The people who are interested in those jobs walk in for
the interview. This method of recruitment is very inexpensive
and is most suitable for unskilled job positions like sweeper,
peon etc.
2. Casual Callers – Qualified candidates send their bio-data to the
institutions even when applications are not called for. Institution
keep a database of such unsolicited applicant and consider them
for appointment when vacancies arise.
3. Media Advertising – The most common and popular method of
external recruitment is advertising about the vacant job position.
Advertisement in TV, newspapers and journals etc. Will attract a
large number of applicants.
4. Employment Exchange – Employment exchanges run by
government helps to match personnel demand and supply by
serving as link between job seekers and employers. It is suitable
for unskilled and skilled jobs.
5. Placement Agencies – Placement agencies provide nationwide
service of matching demand and supply of work force. These
agencies invite the bio data and record from various job seekers
and send them to suitable clients. These agencies charge fee for
providing such service.
6. Management Consultants – Management consultants help
the organizations to recruit technical, professional and
managerial personnel. They specialize in middle level and
top-level executive placements.

7. Campus Recruitment – Sometimes the senior managers of

the organizations visit various professional collages,
technical institutions to get fresh graduates or the people
with the latest technological know-how. The organizations
prefer fresh graduates because they can be mound
according to the requirement of the organization.
8. Recommendations by the Existing Employees – Many
firms encourage their employees to recommend the names
of their relatives and friends to fill the vacant job position.
Such appointments are usually done at the lower levels.

9. Web Publishing – In internet there are certain websites

specifically designed to provide information regarding job
seekers and companies which have vacant job position.
These websites can be visited by job seekers as well as
Example: Naukri.com, Monster.com etc.
Advantages of
External Sources of Recruitment
1. Wide Choice
2. Infusion of New Blood
3. Spirit of Competition
4. Qualified and
Experienced Personnel
Advantages of External Sources of Recruitment
1. Wider Choice – Through external recruitment the
organisation gets wider choice.
2. Fresh Talent – With external recruitment fresh and new
talent come to the organisation.
3. Latest Technological Knowledge – Through campus
selection organisation can get employees with latest
technological knowledge.
4. Competitive Spirit – Through external recruitment when
out-sliders join the organisation, this develops a completive
spirit in existing employees of organisation.
Disadvantages of External Sources of

1. Frustration among existing employees

2. Time Consuming
3. Costly
4. Uncertainity
Disadvantages of External Sources of Recruitment
1. Dissatisfaction among existing employees
It may lead to dissatisfaction among the existing staff as it
reduces their chances of promotion.
2. Costly Process
It is costly process as a lot of money has to be spent on
advertisement and processing of applications.
3. Lengthy Process
Recruitment from external sources takes a long time. The
business has to notify the vacancies and wait for applications
to initiate the selection process.
Difference Between
Internal Sources and External Sources
Basis Internal Sources External Sources

1. Meaning Internal Sources refer External Sources refer to

to inviting candidates recruitment to recruiting
from withing the employees from outside
organisation. the organisation

2. Time It is less Time It is more Time

Consuming Consuming

3. Economy It is more Economical It is Costly

4. Choice There is limited choice There is wider choice

Basis Internal Sources External Sources

5. Morale of This method boosts up This method brings

the Existing the morale of existing down the morale of
Employees employees existing employees.

6. Basis It is generally based on It is strictly based on

seniority cum merit merit and qualification

7. Quality of Quality of recruitment There is wider choice, so

Recruitment is not as-superior as in quality of recruitment is
case of external source superior.
of recruitment because
of the limited choice
Selection begins where
Recruitment ends

Selection is the process of

identifying the most suitable candidate
1. Preliminary Screening

To eliminate the under qualified candidates

2. Selection Test

To check the ability of the candidate :

a) Trade Test
b) Aptitude Test
c) Interest Test
d) Personality Test
e) Intelligence Test
) Trade Test

To ensure that the candidate is suitable

for that particular trade
b) Aptitude Test

To know the potential of learning new skills

) Interest Test

To check the interest of involvement of a

person on the job
d) Personality Test

To evaluate an individual's emotions, reactions,

maturity, values etc.
) Intelligence Test

To measure the level of intelligence

3. Interview

To assess the level of confidence to take up the job

4. Checking References

To collect some useful information about the

candidate from outstanding persons
5. Selection Decisions

Final decision is made by the manager based

on the performance of the candidate
6. Medical Examination

To check the physical fitness of the candidate

7. Job Offer

Sending an appointment letter to join the organisation.

8. Contract of Employment

Executing some documents by the employer and the

candidate regarding job title, duties, responsibilities,
pay scale etc.
Steps in Selection Process – A Conclusion

Preliminary Selection Test Interview Checking

Screening References

Selection Medical Job Offer Contract of

Decision Examination Employment
Process of Selection
1. Preliminary Screening or screening through bio-data – This is the
first stage in the selection procedure. Preliminary screening helps
the manager to eliminate unqualified or unfit candidates based on
the information furnished in the application forms.

2. Selection Tests - Selection test have been developed as an objective

means of measuring the qualities, abilities, and the skills of the
candidates in terms of job specifications. The types of tests
conducted by the organisations are:
(a) Intelligent test
(b) Aptitude test
(c) Personality test
(d) Trade test
(e) Interest test
(a) Intelligent Test – To measure the level of intelligence. It is an
indicator of a person’s learning ability or the ability to make
decisions and judgments.
(b) Aptitude Test – To measure individual’s potential for learning
new skills. It indicates the person’s capacity to develop.
(c) Personality Test – Personality test is conducted to find out the
human behaviour of the candidate. It gives clues of a person’s
emotions, reactions, maturity, value, system, etc.
(d) Trade Test – These tests measure the existing skills of the
individual. The difference between aptitude test and trade test is
that the former measures the potential to acquire skills and the
later the actual skills possessed.
(e) Interest Test – This test is conducted to find out the type of job in
which candidate has more interest as every individual has
fascination for some job than the others.
3. Employment Interview – The candidates who qualify the
test are called for interviews. The interview has many
advantages over written test because in interviews you can
find out the confidence level of the candidate along with his
professional knowledge. Interview gives chance to
candidate to clarify their queries regarding salary, working
conditions, posting etc.

4. Reference and background checks – Many employers

request names, addresses, and telephone numbers of
references for the purpose of verifying information and,
gaining additional information on an applicant. Previous
employers, known persons, teachers and university
professors can act as references.
5. Selection Decision – The candidate who pass the test, interview
and reference check are included in the selection list and the
managers select the most suitable candidates from the list.
6. Medical Examination – After the selection decision and before
the job offer is made, the candidate is required to undergo a
medical fitness test.
7. Job Offer – After a candidate has cleared all the hurdles in the
selection procedure, he is formally appointed. He will be issued
an appointment letter and is asked to join before a specific date.
8. Contract of Employment – After the job offer has been made and
the candidate accepts the offer, it refers to signing of contract of
employment between employer and employee. The common
contents of the contract of employment are the duties,
responsibilities, pay, allowances, hours of work and disciplinary
rules etc.
Difference between Recruitment and
Recruitment Selection Selection
1. It is the process of It is the process of
searching for the selecting the most
suitable candidates eligible candidates
2. Its main aim is to Its main aim is to
attract more eliminate those who are
candidates not qualified
3. Recruitment is a Selection is a negative
positive process process
4. It is a easy process It is a complex process


Training and Development
Art of increasing knowledge and skill of an employee for
doing a job
Training is a learning experience in that
it seeks a relatively permanent change
in an individual that will improve his
ability to perform on the job.
Growth of an employee in all respect
Training and Development
Training – Training means to impart information and skills through
instructions. It is a method of increasing the knowledge, skills and
aptitudes of an employee for performing a particular job. Its purpose is
to enable them to do their job better.
Development – Development refers to overall growth of the employee.
It focuses on personal growth and successful employee’s development.
Development is much wider in concept as compared to training. Where
training aims at increasing one’s skills and abilities to do a particular
job, development aims at the overall development of a person and equip
him to handle higher jobs of the organisation in future. Development
converts a person to become not only good employees but also better
men and women.
Difference between
Training and Development
Basis Training Development
1. Concept It is a method of imparting It is the process for overall
knowledge or skill for growth of the employees.
performing a job. Development is concerned
with technical, human and
conceptual skill.

2. Suitability Training is more suitable Development is more

for technical staff suitable for Managerial Staff.

3. Focus Its focus is to improve work Its focus is personality

efficiency development of the
Basis Training Development

4. Period It is a Short term It is a long term process


5. Method In training on-the-job In development off the

Used methods of training job methods of training
are preferred. are preferred.

6. Cantered Work cantered Employee cantered

Importance of Training and Development
Now a day’s jobs have become more complex which require the
employees to get themselves trained to improve their skills.
Therefore, the importance of employee training has increased.
Training and development benefits not only the employees but
also the organisation.


 Induction Training  Vestibule Training
(Making employees (Creating real life
familiar with the situations away from
surroundings.) the work place.)
 Apprenticeship
(Plumber , Carpenters)
 Job Rotation
(Shifting from one
department to other)
 Internship
(Doctors, CA)
Training Methods
Training methods are broadly categorised into two groups:

1. On the Job Training

2. Of the Job Training
On the job methods are applied at the work place where the employee
is actually working, while off the job methods are carried out away
from work place. On the job training means learning while doing. Off
the job training means learning before doing.
1. On the Job Training
This is a very old and effective method of training. In this
method a worker learns by doing the work under the guidance
of a supervisor. ‘Learning while doing’ is the principle followed
by this system. The worker learns his work in the actual work
Different methods of on the job training are:
a) Apprenticeship programs
b) Coaching
c) Internship training
d) Job Rotation
a. Apprenticeship Programs
knowledge and
skills in doing a
Trainee is
put under
supervision of an
b. Coaching

Leader or manager
guides and instructs the
trainee as a coach

Periodical reviews for

c. Internship Training

 Vocational institute

 Business enterprise

 Practical knowledge
and experience
d. Job Rotation

shifted from one job
to another
Get experienced
with different jobs
1. On the Job Training
(a) Apprenticeship Programs
Here trainees are placed under the guidance of a senior worker
in the organisation. This type of training is designed to acquire
higher level of skill. It is a common practice to refer candidates
from technical institutions to reputed organisations to have an
apprentice training for about 6 months. People who want to
enter skilled works, e.g., plumbers, electricians, mechanic etc.
are required to undergo such training.
(b) Coaching
In this method, the senior manager guides and instructs
the trainee as a coach. The coach sets mutually agreed
goals and suggests how to achieve these goals. The coach
periodically reviews the progress made by the trainees and
suggests changes required, if any. Here, teaching about the
job is emphasized rather than doing the job.
(c) Internship Training
Internship is an agreement between the professional
institutions and the corporate sector where professional
institutions send their students to various companies so that
they can practice the theoretical knowledge acquired by them
through professional institutions. Under this training
programme the organisation gets people with fresh ideas and
latest knowledge and the organisations have to pay very less
amount of salary which is called stipend. On the other hand,
the students get chance to practice under the real work
E.g, CA students gain practical knowledge from a Chartered
Accountant, Medical students gain practical knowledge from
medical college.
(d) Job Rotation

This kind of training involves shifting the trainee from one

department to another or from one job to another. This enables
the trainee to gain a broader understanding of all job of the
business. When employees are trained by this method, the
organisation finds it easier at the time of promotions,
replacements or transfers.
2. Off the Job Training
It means training the employees by taking them away from their
work position which means employees are given a break from the
job and sent for training. It is a process of ‘learning before
doing’. Different methods of off-the-job training is:
1. Class Room Lectures/Conferences
2. Films
3. Case Study
4. Computer modelling
5. Vestibule training
6. Programmed instructions
b. Film Shows

Information through demonstration

Video - Artificial Respiration / CPR

c. Case Study

Actual experiences
of managers are
given to the
trainees to find
suitable solutions
d. Computer modelling

Realities of jobs imitated through computer program

Trainees familiarize the situation and minimize

mistakes in real job

Video - Computer Modelling Car Crash Test

Video Computer Modelling Building Demolition Nadodi

Mannan Movie Clip
e. Vestibule training

An actual work
situation is created
in a classroom

Same material and

equipment for
f. Programmed Instructions

 A new subject is given to the trainees in a graded


 Trainees work through it

 Test their comprehension by answering some


Video - Programmed Instruction_How to use ATM

1. Class Room Lectures/Conferences
Top level manager holds conference and share his views with
employees. He tells employees about the latest development
in the field and new ideas. This is a very easy method and is
adopted at all levels of training. With the help of audio-visual
aids training can be made more interesting.
2. Films

Showing films are also a very effective method in

certain cases. Films can give important information
on various techniques through demonstrative skill.
3. Case Study
In case study, trainees are given an imaginary/real problem
or situation. They are asked to find out the solutions to the
problems given to them. Trainees study the cases to
determine problems, analyse causes, develop alternative
solutions, select what they believe to be the best solution and
implement it.
4. Computer Modelling
Under this method a computer is programmed to
show real problems of job and how to overcome
such problems. In this method the employees can
learn a lot without incurring much cost.
5. Vestibule Training
In this method, actual work environments are created in a
class room. Employees use the same materials and
equipments here. It is a costlier method and it is usually
carried out when employees are required to handle
sophisticated machinery and equipment. Here the learner
gets both theoretical and practical knowledge.

6. Programmed Instructions
Here, the information to be obtained by a trainee is broken
into meaning full units. The training goes through these
units in the sequential order i.e., simple to complex. It will
help the trainees to acquire the knowledge very easily.
Distinguish between
On-the-Job Training and Off-the-Job Training
On-the-Job Training Off-the-Job Training
On the job training is given to Off-the-Job training given to
workers while they are engaged workers outside the actual place
in the work of work
In on the job training, at the At the time of training, workers
time of learning, workers also do not contribute towards
contribute towards production. organisational goals
It does not require any extra It requires extra cost in the form
costs in the form of tools, of tools, equipments, place, etc.
equipments, etc. for training for training purpose.
On-the-job training Off-the-job training
In on the job training, trainee Here, theoretical knowledge is
gets practical training more but imparted more than practical
lacks in theoretical training skill

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