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Young People
Social Networking
• Introduction
• Social Media Statistics and Trends
• What is a social network?
• Popular social networking sites
• Pros & Cons of using social networking sites (SNS)
• Risks associated with SNS
• Some Dos and Don’ts
Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,

whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are
just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be
any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these
What is a social network?

• Communities of people who share interests and

activities on the internet
• A tool for people to connect with each other
• Friendships, relationships, business, mutual support,
and sharing of information
• Friend-based networks like Facebook and myspace
What is a social network?

• Music and movie networks like Flixster, Hulu, Amazon

Video Spotify and SoundCloud
• Business social networks like LinkedIn and XING
• Gaming/sporting networks like Xbox Live and
PlayStation network
Popular Social Networking Sites

• Facebook
• Myspace
• Twitter
• YouTube
• Flickr
• Photobucket
• TikTok
Pros and Cons
• Pros
– Allow you to express yourself
– Share experiences and pictures
– Keep in contact with family and friends
– Meet new friends with common interests
– Help with school projects
– Information on current events
– Network with professionals
Pros and Cons
• Cons
– Revealing too much information
– Online predators
– Loss of productivity
– Damaged reputation
Pros and Cons

• Hacking
occurs when a scammer gains access to your personal
information by using technology to break into your
computer, mobile device or network
Pros and Cons
• Hacking
Common Hacking methods
Malware & ransomware
Exploiting security weaknesses
Payment redirection scams
Pros and Cons
• Hacking
How to Protect yourself
– Always keep your computer security up to date with anti-virus and
anti-spyware software, and a good firewall
– Use your security software to run a virus check if you think your
computer’s security has been compromised
– Make sure to always protect your internet connection with a VPN
whenever you decide to use a public WiFi service at places like coffee
shops, restaurants and airports
Risks of Social Networking Sites
• Online predators
– Fake accounts/identities
– Malicious software
– Identity theft
• Revealing too much information
– Online predators
– Future employers
• Cyber Bullying
– Online rumors
Dos and Don’t

• Do…
– Use good judgment to protect your reputation
– Utilize privacy settings
– Monitor content that you (and others) upload
– Use caution when befriending others
Dos and Don’t

• Don’t…
– Post any un-safe information
– Post un-tasteful pictures
– Post fake news article
Six Ways to Spot Fake News
1.Develop a Critical Mindset
2.Check the Source
3.See Who Else Is Reporting the Story
4.Examine the Evidence
5.Don't Take Images at Face Value
6.Check That it "Sounds Right"
Dos and Don’t

• Don’t…
– Post any un-safe information
– Post un-tasteful pictures
– Post fake news article
– Spend most of your time with SNS

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