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Aim to evaluate the data:

 Collect Data
 Organize Data
 Represent Data
 Interprete Data
 Numerical Measure:
 Central of tendency
 Dispersion measures
Jamilah Harun
Data Collection
Data can be collected in a variety of ways.
• Survey – telephone – personal – questionnaire
• Interview – telephone - personal
• Observation
• Document

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these data collection method

Issues in choosing sample…..
• use samples to collect data and information about
a particular variable from a large population.
• For example, interviewing people on a street corner
during the day would not include responses from
people working in offices at that time or from
people attending school;

• use four basic methods of sampling:

cluster sampling.
Random Sampling Method cluster sample
stratified A is obtained by
systematic sample dividing the
sample dividing the population into
all members population into sections or
of the is a sample subgroups clusters and then
population obtained by or strata according selecting one or
selecting every k’ to some
have an equal more clusters at
th member of the random and
chance of relevant to the
using all
Population where study. (There can be
being k is a counting several members in the
selected. number. subgroups.) Then cluster(s)
subjects are as the members
selected at random of the sample.
from each

convenience sample. Here a researcher uses subjects who are convenient.

Lets try..
Observational studies VS experimental
observational study:>>>
observes what is happening or what has
happened in the past and tries to draw
conclusions based on these observations.

In an experimental study :>>>>>> manipulates one of the variables and tries

to determine how the manipulation influences other variables
Pg 37 –Organize data using frequency

Find out:
• Raw data
• Class limit
• Frequency
• Frequency distribution
• Categorical vs group frequency distribution
• Class boundries
• Lower / upper boundries
• Cumulative frequency distribution

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