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EDS 121

UNESCO defines the youthful age as a
period of transition from the
dependence of childhood to adulthood’s
independence and awareness of
interdependence as a member of a
community. It is the period between
childhood and adult age.
A youth can therefore be seen as an
individual between the ages of 15 and 35
Creativity is the use of imagination or
original ideas to create something out of
Creativity can be defined as the ability to
generate or recognize ideas, alternatives,
or possibilities that are useful in
solving identified problems,
communicate with others, and
entertain ourselves and others.
Creativity therefore is the art of
doing something in a different and
outstanding way to meet the needs
of others.

This is the process of starting a business

venture by an individual or a group of
people for the purpose of meeting the
needs of people or solving an identified
problem in a profitable manner.
However a scholar defines business as the
art of being busy doing what you know how
to do best while meeting the needs of
others for the purpose of making profit.
Youths and Entrepreneurial Creativity

From the definitions above therefore, there

can be no entrepreneurship without
creativity and creativity without venturing
into entrepreneurship results into a waste
of time.
The International Labour Organization
(ILO) estimates that about 88 million
young women and men throughout the
world are unemployed, accounting for
47 per cent of 186 million unemployed
persons globally. In Nigeria, 54% of
Nigerian youths were unemployed as
at 2012 (Vanguard, 2013). This figure
however has increased as at this date.
The most active set of people on the planet with the
capacity to think and invent in a creative manner
are the youths.

While the most active set of people on the social

media such as facebook, twitter, etc are the youths.

If this is so, why is the Nigerian Youth faced with the

challenge of unemployment?
How do I develop the hidden
potentials in me?
1. Have an open mind
2. Identify and explore that which you know
how to do best
3. Identify what you are passionate about
4. Identify the opportunities in every problem
5. Seek to meet the need of others
6. Dont give up on your abilities
7. Ask God to help you
How do I venture into entrepreneurial
activities as a youth?
1. Develop your self (personal
2. Identify a need in your society/
3. Seek to meet the need of the people
4. Start with what you have
5. Ask questions
6. Learn from those that have gone ahead
of you
I am not creative can I venture into
Creativity is all about doing something
different. Its all about improving on
what has been done before in a
different way or starting something
You don’t need to invent to be creative.
All you need to do is to do that thing
others are doing in a different way.
When do I venture into entrepreneurship?

The youthful age is the time to start, and that is
now. Develop your business plan now, and
begin immediately.
Remember now thy Creator in the days
of thy youth, while the evil days come
not, nor the years draw nigh, when
thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in
them; Ecclesiastes 12:1
The International Labour Organization
(ILO) estimates that about 88 million
young women and men throughout the
world are unemployed, accounting for
47 per cent of 186 million unemployed
persons globally. In Nigeria, 54% of
Nigerian youths were unemployed as
at 2012 (Vanguard, 2013). This figure
however has increased as at this date.

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