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Author: Eric Casiño
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2017 14:59
Publish Year: 1966
Origin and historical background: Lunsay Folk dance were originated at Cagayab de Sulu at Mindanao
Region. It is known as a game song-dance and it is performed by Jama Mapun during weddings. The dance
is being performed by male and female dancers. The steps include dancers holding hands and creating a
single line. They move into a serpent like motion, wave motion or circular motion while they follow the
movement and direction of the leader’s hand. If the male is followed by the female dancers, the two must
not hold hand but instead the two must a handkerchief to hold on to.
• This dance usually last for hour until the dancers back out of the dance according some
experiences of other observers the dance starts at 8 o’clock in the evening and end until 6
o’clock in the morning.
• It is very unbelievable to see dancers who can dance for the long. During the dance the male
dancers will sing a verse then the female dancers will answer back.

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