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• Safety policy is a recognized, written statement of its commitment to
protect the health and safety of the employees , as well as the
surrounding community
The Safety Policy should state & contain
1.The aims &commitments of the organization/company for ensuring the
health & safety of those who work in
2.The arrangements made to carry out the policy, specifying the
responsibilities at different levels of hierarchy
3.The arrangement for training of building workers, trainers, supervisors,
or other persons engaged in the construction work be properly targeted
Construction Site Safety Rules
• Wear your PPE at all times
• Do not start work with out induction
• A fire extinguisher will be present on site.
• A first aid kit will be present on site.
• Keep a tidy site
• Do not put your self other at risk
• Never work in unsafe area
• Report defect and near misses
2.2 Actual safety procedure versus Theoretical safety

• A safety procedure is a step by step plan of how to perform a work

• The safety procedure is a document that is put together by groups
within the organization, and is used as a template when performing a
particular task on the job.
Theoretical safety procedure Actual safety procedure

Were PPE at all times Do not use PPE at all

Do not start work without an induction They start work with an induction

Keep a tidy site The site is almost tidy inside the building

Follow safety sign and procedures  There are visible safety signs and caution labels.

Never work in unsafe areas Sometimes They work in unsafe condition

Never temper with equipment They try and apply force when machine not working rather than reporting

Use tools and machine properly Most time they use properly machine and tools but sometimes accidents occur due
to carelessness

Keep emergency equipment clean and unobstructed They have first and kit and kept in clean
• We use a checklist to identify some of the hazards most commonly
found on construction sites.
Item Description Yes No

 Are there emergency procedures, e.g. for evaluating the

site in case of fire or for rescue from a confined space? Yes
 Do people on site know what the procedures are? Yes

 Is there a means of raising the alarm, and does it work? No

 Is there a way to contact the emergency services from
 Are there adequate escape routes and are these kept clear? Yes
 Is there adequate first-aid provision?
 Do workers have a safe route to their place of work?
 Is the site fenced and secure so that the public cannot gain
 Are members of the public, such as people passing by the
site, protected e.g. from falling materials, moving Yes

 Is traffic routes kept clear and are they well lit?
 Is the site tidy and well laid out?
 Are appropriate safety signs in place e.g. traffic routes, Yes
authorized personnel, PPE?
 Are welfare facilities e.g. toilets and canteen, adequate
and are they kept clean? No

 Are First-Aid facilities in place and do workers know

where they are?
 Have workers been instructed and trained on safe manual
handling? yes
 Is appropriate lifting equipment provided for handling
heavy loads; is it suitable for the job, certified
• First aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment that is used to
give medical treatment.
• The construction has its own primary first aid in case of accidents
• It has organizational health safety rule and regulation manual that can
be applied at any project of RAMA construction.
• They have good arrangement of first aid
Protective equipment’s used on site
• Eye and face protector
• Hand protector
• Safety shoose
• Head protection
2.5 Job Management
• Managing Director’s Roles and Responsibility for safety
• The Managing Director is responsible for the overall arrangements
• Ensure there is an effective company policy for health and safety
• To understand and ensure, through the appointment of competent
• Arrange for funds and facilities to meet the requirements of company
policy and legislation.
Safety Manager’s roles and Responsibility for Safety

• The primary role of the Safety Manager is to advise the Directors and
Managers on all safety, health and welfare matters to ensure the
Company complies with its statutory obligations.
• The Safety Manager is designated responsibility by the Director
responsible for health and safety to control and update this Safety
Manual and to ensure that all Departments operate to the procedures
and instructions.
• Manager’s roles and Responsibility for Safety
• Each Manager/Department Head is responsible for his personal safety
and that of all personnel under his or her authority, including others
who may be affected by the company’s activities
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Manager Roles and
Responsibility for Safety

• The Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Manager is responsible for

his personal safety and that of all personnel under his authority,
including others who may be affected by the company’s activities.
• Understand and implement the Company Safety Policy.
All Employees roles and Responsibility for Safety
• Carry out assigned tasks and duties in a safe manner, in accordance with instructions,
and to comply with safety rules/procedures, regulations and codes of practice.
• Obtain and use the correct tools/equipment for the work and not to use any that are
unsafe or damaged. All tools, equipment and personal protective equipment must be
stored in the approved place after use.
• Ensure that all safety equipment and personal protective clothing/equipment
provided are used.
• Not to operate any plant or equipment unless authorised.
• To report any accident, near-miss, dangerous occurrence or dangerous condition to
their line management.
• To switch off and secure unattended plant or equipment.
• . Not to participate in horseplay or place fellow employees in danger by their actions.
Job management in RAMA construction
• In RAMA construction all stake holders are manage their job and also
they have meeting program to discuss about their job related to
safety. Subcontractors in RAMA construction always cheek the
material efficiency before they start any activity. If the material
efficiency is fail they never start any activity. But they can not
completely manage their job by the standard because of budget or
economical reason.
2.6 Laws Regulations Standards and EHS Legal and
Regulatory Requirement

• Law regulation standard and EHS legal and regulatory are most
necessary thing to make sure the health and safety of humans.
Legislation and Enforcement of Health and Safety Regulations
• Enforcement of health and safety regulations remains a problem due
to lack of adequate resources available to government institutions
responsible for occupational health and safety administration
• In RAMA constructio Health and Safety organization on a site includes
the following rule and regulation standards they are stated in
Amharic on the board.
2.7 Planning Implementation and monitoring process

• Safety plane should include

• 1.description of work activity
• 2.duration of activity
• 3.detail of hazards if any
• 4.allocation of resource for managing safety aspect
Safety plane includes
• safety plan should be placed into a training program that's needed to
be participated in by every site worker previous to partaking in any
job found on the positioning irrespective of the roles simplicity.
• poor planned and untidy site is the underlying cause of many
•  PPE program should be implemented. This program should address
the hazards present; the selection, maintenance, and use of PPE; the
training of employees and monitoring of the program to ensure its
ongoing effectiveness
Health and Safety Warning Signs

• Safety Signs and Signals are one of the main means of communicating
health and safety information.
Health and Safety Training
• in Construction Sites With regard to Occupational Safety and Health,
training consist of instruction in hazard recognition and control
measures, learning safe work practices and proper use of personal
protective equipment
2.8 Record and Record keeping Practice

• Keeping records helps maintain an effective workplace health and safety management system.
Health and safety records can include:
• Health and safety policies and procedures
• Standard operating procedures
• Organizational code of conduct
• Training and induction records
• Register of Injuries
• Workplace health and safety committee meeting minutes
• Equipment records including inspections, maintenance and repair
• Hazard identification and risk assessments
• Safety inspection and audit reports
Maintaining accurate records can help you do the
• Maintaining accurate records can help you do the following:
• Identify trends for unsafe conditions or work practices so can you find
solutions for these potential hazards.
• Measure improvement in your health and safety program.
• Provide proof of due diligence if someone tries to hold you liable for
an incident.
• Provide material for education and training.
Accident recording format in the construction site
2.9 Recommendation
• The employer should be provide a safe workplace and protect workers.
• The worker should be pre- protect his life different accident.
• The employee should be care safety (like safety shoes, helmet and different safety
• The employer should be introducing of any measure before the work is done.
• Maintain all electrical tools and equipment in safe condition and check regularly for
• They should be Plan they work and plan for safety.
• They should be Develop and implement a safe system of work.
• Employers and contractors should provide suitable programs that are consistent with
national Laws and Regulations to ensure the health and safety of workers  
Challenges in the Management of Health and Safety in Construction Sites

• Some of the major challenges in the management of health and

safety in the constructions sites noted by the survey included but not
limited to; inadequate personal and protective equipment
• Some site supervisors indicated that lack of adequate funds, lack of
monitoring and evaluation, lack of personal protective equipment
implementation programs among others as some of the factors that
give rise to the above challenges

• From our visit we conclude that the implementation of health and

safety management in RAMA construction PLC is satisfying but not
sufficient there is still lack of personal protective equipment’s on site.
•The Stop Card is a tool that gives all Total and contractor employees
the authority to step in and stop ongoing work. The program involves
a physical card signed by the manager and consigned by the
contractor's local managers for their employees

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