Lesson 3 - Health Appraisal

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Lesson 3:
Health Appraisal
Health Appraisal Procedures
Look at the pictures below. Have you experience some of this?

Health Appraisal

Have you ever noticed that whenever you go to the clinic, doctors and
nurses measure your height and your weight? Sometimes there are
other tests that they do which may include your eyes, your ears, and
your mouth. In schools, your school nurse checks your nutritional
status as well, that’s why they visit your class and records your
nutritional information. These activities that you undergo is called
health appraisal procedure.

Health Appraisal

Health appraisal is a series of procedures to

assess or determine the health status of students.
The health status of the student is determined
through the use of teacher’s observation,
screening test, health histories, and medical,
dental, and psychological evaluations.

Health Appraisal

Health appraisal of school-age children can take

many forms and be performed for many
purposes. Usually, the health appraisal is thought
of as similar with the physical examination, but
the term should be used also to include health
history, vision and hearing screening tests,
laboratory tests, diagnostic procedures such as
chest x-ray.

Health Appraisal

The general purpose of health appraisal is health

promotion, accomplished usually through
detection of disease in early stages or to prevent
health problems.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Health history – your school will keep record of

your history like immunizations, childhood
illness, allergies, previous hospitalization,
medications used, significant accident or
injuries, surgery, and chronic illness.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Record of your family history – this includes

the age and general health of parents and
siblings. In addition, the education level of
parents, history of family disease and physical
environment will be recorded too.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Current Status – it includes your dental,

family medical problems, health
problems or allergies and behavior.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Screening Procedure - these includes the

Vision Test
Hearing Test
Height and Weight
Blood Pressure Test
Urine Test

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Vision Testing - Vision test is done

using the Snellen Chart twice a year also
just like the height and weight taking.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

VISION SCREENING - is an efficient and cost

–effective method to identify children with visual
impairment or eye conditions that are likely to
lead to vision loss so that a referral can be made
to an appropriate eye care professional for
further evaluations and treatment.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Hearing Test- the hearing test is important to

find out ones hearing ability. The audiometer is
an accurate instrument to test the hearing ability
of an individual. Since not all schools have this
instrument, a whisper and watch can be used. A
quiet room is important in administering this test.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

HEARING TEST - A hearing (audiometric) test

is part of an ear exam that tests how well a
person is able to hear. It is done by measuring
how well sound can reach the brain.

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Height and weight – is being monitored during

puberty to know the growth of a child and also to
get to its BMI to describe the body’s condition

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Blood pressure test measures the pressure in

your arteries as your heart pumps. You might
have a blood pressure test as a part of a routine
doctor's appointment or as a screening for high
blood pressure (hypertension).

The following health components are part of your school health appraisal.

Urine tests - is an examination of urine

for certain physical properties, solutes,
cells, casts, crystals, organisms, or
particulate matter, and mainly serves for
medical diagnosis.



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