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Business Project

Ideas of projects to make
• Solar Panels
• Sea Garbage Collector
• Paper Made From Stone
• Water Turbine (pressure reducer)
• Clothes Made From Recycling Cloth
For this we have focused on the SDG of affordable and clean energy. Its pros are that it is affordable
to make, good for the environment, the materials are easily available and is very good and beneficial
for society due to it being a form of green energy.

Some problems is that it wont work during the night/improper weather conditions and might be
expensive to set up but in the long run will be very beneficial and cost efficient. They will be very
high maintenance and would need to be taken care of everyday.
We have focused on the SDG of life below water. Its pros are that it is good for the environment as
it helps to clean the oceans and reduce the death rate of the sea life living under the ocean. It is very
easy to make and use and could be very helpful to society in the future.

Some of the problems are that a faulty device would harm the oceans rather than helping them as it
would just contribute to the garbage in the ocean which would in turn kill the fishes. It can also be
very costly to make and manage. This would also contribute to global warming as it uses non
renewable fuels.
Paper Made From Stone
The SDG used for this product is industry, innovation and infrastructure. The benefits of this is that it
is now possible to make paper without cutting down trees which can be beneficial in the long run as
it helps in afforestation and discourages deforestation.

The problems are that the materials that are required for this is not very easily accessible and very
expensive to set up at first.
Water Turbines (pressure reducer)
This device is usually seen being used in tall skyscrapers where when the water falls down to the
lower floors of the building, the pressure is too high and needs to be reduced. This is very beneficial
for all the taller buildings that are coming up in the future. The SDG that we have taken into
consideration is industry, innovation and infrastructure.

The downside of this is that it can be very costly and complex to set up and that the materials
required to build this is not very easily available and might need some skilled labour to manage it. It
will also need to be regularly maintained.
Clothes Made From Recycled Cloth
This is a relatively cheap method of recycling and reusing clothes that can be very helpful to the
lower strata of society. This promotes a clean environment and prevents wastage. It solves the SDG
of sustainable cities and communities. This can really help the environment in the long run and
supports the lower classes of society.

Some problems that arise when using/making this product is that someone cant make this
individually and will probably will need to tie up with an NGO or a larger company to make this
product as it requires high quality machinery. This can also be challenging to make in the start.

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