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History of modern IR

Name : Hajra
Roll no: 2191063

Modern international relations theory similarly consists of speculation by con. temporary

observers about the modern state system and the means by which its. constituent units
(sovereign states) regulate their relations.

● Treaty of Westphalia (1648)

● Treaty of Utrecht (1713)

● Congress of Vienna (1815)
● World War 1
● World War 2
● Cold War
Treaty of Westphalia

● Holy Roman Empire in Western Europe and Central Europe.

● Civil War for boundaries.

● Core aspect of war is religion.
● 5 to 8 millions deaths recorded due to war and diseases.
● Some German states were 60% destroyed.
● Then treaty of Westphalia was signed for balance of power and formation of new
Treaty of Utrecht

● There was an issue in Spain between

UK and France.

● Spain and France was in alliance ,

because empires of both are from
same family
● Uk want to control power of France
● This treaty signed for balance of
Congress of Vienna

● Neapolitan wars begins.

● Neapolitan got power in France and then capture surrounding of France.

● Boundaries re established.
● Power of states re established.
● Many modern states established after congress of Vienna.
Between 1713-1914

● France , ottoman empire and austria were weak and germany and italy became

● American gain strength because Spain and UK become weak.

● Japan was dominant in East.
1st Triple Alliance (1882)

Germany , Austro Hungary and italy.

2nd Triple Alliance :

● UK , France and Russia.

● 8.5/13 millions.
After World War 1:
● Empires broke down and new states emerged

World War 2:
● Europe collapse and suffer from hunger.

● American became more powerful.

● End of colonialism.
● End of imperialism.
● Germany failed and UK wins but it's economy was failed and declared as defaulter.
● Emergence of 160 independent states.
● Evolution of state system and IR begins between states.

● Territory

● Population
● Sovereign
● State government
The End

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