Mental Illness - English Project

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GM I , ser. D
Psychotic disorders
In a nutshell, psychosis means the loss of contact with reality, due to the fact that the patient
loses the ability to distinguish what is real from what is false. During a psychotic episode, there
are changes in the patient's thinking, sensations, emotional feelings and behavior. Psychosis is
not a disease, but a symptom that can occur in many diseases (psychotic diseases), some of a
mental nature (depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, dementia or
mental reactions to stressful life events), others of neurological origin (eg Parkinson's disease),
endocrine or due to the consumption of certain substances (eg alcohol, drugs, steroids). Each of
these diseases has its own treatment plan and a different prognosis.
Rarely psychosis occurs suddenly. Most of the time, the patient goes through a period of months
or even years in which there are changes in his thoughts, feelings and behavior. Usually, the
signs and symptoms that appear at the beginning of psychosis are not alarming and can hardly be
distinguished from the normal behavior of the person, from the moments of bizarreness,
stubbornness, sadness, isolation that each of us feels occasionally, but not like our lives. daily to
suffer. However, in certain situations, they may indicate the existence of a mental disorder, with
a much more serious evolution.
Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects the way a
person believes, feels and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem to
have lost touch with reality. The disease can lead to a combination of
hallucinations, illusions, thoughts and extremely disordered behavior, which
affects daily activity. People with schizophrenia need lifelong treatment. Early
treatment can help keep symptoms under control before serious complications
develop, and can help improve the long-term outlook.
It is not known what causes schizophrenia, but researchers believe that a combination of genetics, brain chemistry and the
environment contributed to the development of this disorder. Problems with certain chemicals, including neurotransmitters called
dopamine and glutamate, can contribute to schizophrenia. Neuroimaging studies show differences in the structure of the brain and
the central nervous system of people with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia involves a series of problems with thinking (knowing),
behavior or emotions.
Signs and symptoms may vary, but usually involve delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech. The most common
symptoms are: delirium, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and abnormal motor behavior
Substance abuse

Substance abuse actually refers to excessive

and physically or mentally dependent use of
certain drugs, alcohol or narcotics that have
harmful effects on physical and mental health.
However, the process takes some time, because
addiction, first requires a tolerance of the body to
the administered substance.

Tolerance is another effect of substance abuse. This is due to the need to gradually
increase the dose and may lead to the onset of withdrawal syndrome. Substance abuse
recognizes many causes: alcohol, nicotine, drugs and more.
Alcohol dependence is a condition
characterized by the harmful consequences of
repeated and excessive alcohol consumption.
This disorder is diagnosed only when the
behavior, becomes persistent and affects the
person ‘ s daily life.
Morphine can be addictive through effects
perceived as beneficial by the patient. One can
enumerate states of euphoria, increase
imaginations, eliminate anxiety.
Cocaine is addictive and the effects on health
vary depending on how it is administered. The
effects of abusive cocaine are: irritability,
Hallucinogen dependence
~ Hallucinogens are part of a group of drugs that
cause unpredictable reactions. Intoxication causes
hallucinations, depersonalization.
Affective disorders
Types of emotional disorders
The three main types of affective disorders are: depression,
What are emotional disorders? bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders. Symptoms can be
Affective disorders are characterized by changes in moods, different from person to person.
feelings and thoughts. People who suffer from these disorders
change their behavior drastically. Changes can be observed
both physically and emotionally.
Depression is characterized by extreme feelings of
sadness. It is much more than a passing state of
sadness. If you suffer from depression, you may have
negative conditions that last for several weeks, maybe
even months.
There is also a form of chronic depression that lasts
for at least two years and is called dysthymia. Another
form is called seasonal affective disorder and usually
occurs in the cold season when the light is weaker.
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder means having periods of
depression and periods of mania. Mania is
manifested by extremely positive and active
Treatments for
states. It may sound good, but anger can emotional disorders
also make you irritable, aggressive or Psychotherapy is an
impulsive. important part of treatment.
It can help you learn how to
deal with the disorder and
how to change certain
Anxiety disorders behaviors that caused it. Also,
These are the most common. There an important role is played by
are several types of anxiety disorders. identifying dysfunctional ways
All are characterized by feelings of of thinking and replacing
irritability, fear, agitation. them with more functional
There are two major treatments for ones.
emotional disorders: therapy and
medication. Treatment can usually
involve both.
A neurotic disorder could be Obsessive-compulsive disorder . OCD is a mental illness that causes repeated
unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions). Some
people can have both obsessions and compulsions. An obsessive thought , for example , might be considering some
actions or numbers being “good” or “bad” , such as washing your hands seven times after touching money, or any
other object. Although you do not want to do certain things, or think about them , you feel powerless to stop.

Symptoms may include:

• Checking-such as locks, alarm systems,

ovens, or light switches
• Contamination- a fear of things that might
be dirty or a compulsion to clean
• Symmetry and ordering- the need to have
things lined up in a certain way
• Counting
• Following a strict routine
Stress-related disorders:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder -People with GAD fell
extremely worried everyday , even when there is no reason
to worry about. They find it difficult to focus on their daily
tasks and always get into their head. Researchers have
found that several parts of the brain, as well as biological
processes, play a key role in fear and anxiety. Also, stress is
one of the main factors that could cause GAD.

Panic Attack is a disorder of intense fear caused by various

reasons .People who have social phobia and people who are
depressed are more likely to have a panic attack , but it
could also happen to someone who has a healthy and happy
lifestyle. In the severe case of panic disorder, the person not
feels safe even in his home.
Other types of functional disorders:

Fibromyalgia is another type of functional disorder. 

Fibromyalgia, commonly known as fibromyalgia
syndrome (FMS), is a chronic pain illness that affects the
entire body. 
Fibromyalgia signs and symptoms. 
Fibromyalgia patients may have the following symptoms
in addition to widespread pain: 
-increased pain sensitivity  
-muscle rigidity 
-difficulty sleeping
-a stomach ache caused by a digestive disorder 

Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are therapies that can help alleviate some of the symptoms and make the illness
more manageable. 
Treatment has a tendency to pharmaceuticals, modifications to one's lifestyle, 
Fibromyalgia's exact cause is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and
changes in how the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) processes pain messages sent throughout the body. 
A physically or emotionally traumatic incident, such as a car accident, appears to induce the syndrome in many cases.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) does not enhance your risk of ⇨It's not unusual for persons with IBS to experience
gastrointestinal malignancies, although it can still cause problems. both constipation and diarrhea at the same time.
IBS is characterized by the following symptoms:  Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms
* cramps  aren't usually chronic. They can resolve, but they
* stomach pain  always return. However, some people experience
* bloating and gas persistent symptoms. 
* constipation 
* diarrhea 

Cramping may be a symptom of IBS pain. You will have at least two
of the following experiences as a result of the cramping: 
* some pain alleviation after a bowel movement 
* a change in the frequency with which you have bowel movements 
* changes in the appearance of your faeces
IBS has no known cure. . These lifestyle adjustments can include
things like:
* regular physical activity
* eating smaller meals 
* taking probiotics
It can have a major influence on your lifestyle, job, emotional
health, and relationships, but there are a variety of treatments available
to assist alleviate the symptoms. 

(Dr. Bucataru George Marius, medic specialist oftagmolog)
(Dr.Ovidiu Balaban –Popa, medic specialist psihiatru), publicat 30 august 2006
- disorders National Institute of Mental Health Information
Resource Center ;
- -Dr.V. Karthikeyan
- Reviewed by Smitha Bhandari,
MD on September 04, 2020

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