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Passive voice

Menjelaskan apa itu passive

voice, kegunaanya dan
bagaimana cara
menggunakannya disertai
dengan contoh-contohnya.
Apa itu passive voice?
Passive voice dalam bahasa indonesia dikenal dengan
nama kalimat pasif. Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif memiliki
beberapa perbedaan yang sangat mendasar. Bila pada
kalimat aktif subjek kalimat (orang) melakukan pekerjaan,
sedangkan dalam kalimat pasif subjek bukanlah pelaku
pekerjaan melainkan objek.

Active : S + Verb/Modal+ O

Passive: S + Verb/Modal+
Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa indonesia dapat dengan
mudah dibentuk yaitu hanya dengan menambahkan
awalan di- di depan kata kerja. Contohnya:
 Aktif: adik menendang bola.
 Pasif: bola ditendang adik.

Tetapi dalam bahasa inggris terdapat cara yang sedikit

berbeda untuk merubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat
pasif. Kita harus merubah beberapa bentuk kata
kerjanya dan menambahkan to be di depannya.
Contohnya :
 Aktif : My brother kicks the ball.
Passive : The ball is kicked by My brother.
Kapan kita menggunakan
passive voice?
A. Passive voice digunakan jika kita hanya ingin fokus
pada kejadian bukan pada siapa
yang melakukannya.

Active : The man is kicking the ball now.

Passive: The ball is being kicked now. /
The ball is being kicked by the man
B. Passive voice digunakan untuk menghindari
subject yang semu (someone, somebody)

Active : Someone hit the mirror last night.

Passive: The mirror was hit last night. /
The mirror was hit by someone
last night.
Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat beberapa kata kerja yang bisa
memiliki 2 object, seperti : Teach, pay, give, ask, tell, show, offer.

Active : Mr. Aldo teaches me Math.

Passive : I am tough Math by Mr. Aldo. /
Math is tough by Mr. Aldo to me.
Pola-pola passive voice.
Secara umum pola passive voice bisa
dibagi menjadi 4 yaitu:
 Present passive voice,
 Past passive voice,
 Future passive voice, dan
 Modal auxiliary passive voice
Present passive voice.
Simple present tense

Active : Budi writes a letter.

(S + V1(s/es) +O)
Passive : A letter is written by Budi.
(S + am/is/are + V3)
 Present continuous

Active : Servant is cleaning the floor.

(S + To be + Ving +
Passive: The floor are being cleaned by the
(S + is/am/are + being +
Present perfect tense

Active : Someone has written the letter.

(S + has/have + V3 + o)
Passive : The letter has been written by someone.
(S + has/have + been +
Present perfect continuous

Active : We have been helping the poor people

(S + have/has + been + Ving +
Passive : The poor people have been being helped
by us.
(S + have/has + been + being +
Past passive voice
Simple past
Active : I ate fried rice yesterday.
(S + V2 + O)
Passive : Fried rice was eaten by me yesterday.
(S + was/were + V3)
Past continuous

Active : The boys were painting the wall.

(S + To be + Ving + O)
Passive : The wall were being painted by the boys.
(S + was/were + being + V3)
Past perfect
Active : We had watched Titanic movie.
(S + had + V3 + O)
Passive : Titanic movie had been watched by us.
(S + had + been + V3)
Past perfect continuous

Active : The man had been cutting by the grass.

(S + had + been + Ving + O)
Passive : The grass had been being cut by the man.
(S + had + been + being + V3)
Future Passive Voice
Simple future
Active : Maggie will wash the car.
(S + will + V1 + O)
Passive : the car will be washed by Maggie.
(S + will + be + V3)
Future continuous
Active: Andre will be collecting the paper.
(S + will + be + Ving + O)
Passive: The paper will be being collected by
Andre.(S + will + be + being + V3)
Future perfect
Active: John will have sold the car.
(S + will + have + V3 + O)
Passive : The car will have been sold by John.
(S + will + have + been + V3)
Future perfect continuous

Active : Michael will have been presenting final project.

(S + will + have + been + Ving +
PassiveO: )Final project will have been being
presented by Michael.
(S + will + have + been + being +
Modal auxiliary Passive Voice

Modal auxiliary terdiri dari Can-Could, May-Might,

Will- Would, Shall-Should, Must dan Ought to.
Active : The woman can answer the question
(S + modals + V1+ O)
Passive : The question can be answered by the woman.
(S + Modal + be + V3)
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