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Rizal’s Death (December 30, 1896)

3:00 A.M- Rizal heard mass, confessed his sins,

and took Holy Communion.

5:30 A.M- Rizal took his last break on earth.

After this, he wrote two letters, the first

addressed to his family and the and to second to
his older brother Paciano.
5:30 A.M- Josephine Bracken accompanied by his
sister Josefa, arrived.

Josephine with tears in her eyes, bade him farewell.

Rizal embraced her for the last time, and before she
left, rizal gave her a last gift which is a religious
book. (Imitation of Christ by: Fr. Thomas a Kempis)

6:00 A.M – Soldiers were getting ready for the

death. They march to Bagumbayan and Rizal wrote
his last letter to his beloved parents.
6:30 A.M- A trumpet sounded at Fort Santiago a
signal to begin the death and they march to
Bagumbayan, the designated place for the
execution. The advance guard of four soldier
with bayoneted rifles moved. A few meter
behind, rizal walked calmly, with his defense
counsel (Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade) on one side
and two Jesuit priests (Father March and
Vilaclara) on the other. More well-armed soldiers
marched behind him.
Rizal was dressed elegantly in a black suit, black
derby hat, black shoes, white shirt, and black tie.
His arms were tied with behind from elbow to
elbow, but the rope was quite loose to give his
arms freedom of movement.

Relunctanly, Rizal turned his back to the firing

squad and faced the sea. A spanish physician, Dr.
Felipe Ruiz Castillo, asked his permission to feel
his pulse, which request was graciously granted.
Dr. Castillo was amazed to find it normal, showing
that Rizal was not afraid to die.
The death ruffles of the drum filled the air.
Above the drum-beats the sharp command “Fire”
was heard, and the guns of the firing squad
barked. Rizal with supreme effort turn his bullet-
riddled body to the right, and fell on the ground
dead with face upward facing the morning sun.
Rizal died exactly on 7:03 A.M in the bloom of
manhood aged 35 years, five months and 11 days.

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