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The Scientific Research

Presented by: Jesrel V. Sarmiento, LPT – Science Teacher

What is scientific research?
• Scientific research is the application of the scientific method and
how to conduct experiments with fair testing.
Types & Classification of a Scientific
1. Basic/Pure Research
- type of investigation focused on improving the understanding
of a particular phenomenon, study or law of nature. This type of
research examines data to find the unknown and fulfill a sense of

Examples: Archimedes Principle, Newton’s Law of Motion, Calvin

Cycle, Science Investigatory Project
Types & Classification of a Scientific
2. Applied Research
It seeks to apply basic research towards more practical
endeavors, such as solving everyday problems.

A Study How to Cure HIV/AIDS in the Philippines
A Study How to Address Teenage Pregnancy in Pangasinan
Parts of a Scientific Research Paper
IMRaD Format Traditional Format
Title Title
Abstract Abstract
I. Introduction I. The Problem and Its Setting
II. Materials and Methods II. Review of Related Literature
III.Results and Discussion III.Materials and Methods
IV.Conclusion and Recommendations IV.Results and Discussion
Acknowledgement V. Conclusion and Recommendations
Bibliography Acknowledgement
Appendices Bibliography
Title Page
• First page of a scientific research paper
• It shows the complete name of the school, the researcher(s), and
the adviser(s).
• Displays the date of submission
Steps in Writing a Title of Scientific
Research Paper
• Concise, simple, interesting, and appropriate to the content of
the manuscript.
• It must also identify the variables under investigation.
• “An investigation on”, “A Study of”, and “Analysis of” must be
• Words should not exceed than 15 words.
Examples of Title of a Scientific Research
Example: The antimicrobial effect of Ilang-ilang extract
Improved example: The Antimicrobial Effect of Ilang-ilang (Canaga
odorata) Extract against Staphylococcus aurreus
Further improved example: In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Ilang-
ilang (Canaga odorata) Ethanoic Extract against Staphylococcus
Examples of Title of a Scientific Research
Example: Oregano Extract
Improved example: Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Extract as Ice
Further improved example:
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Extract as Flavored Ice Cream

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