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2022 Juna Gjergjindreaj/ Matrikelnummer-703523

SDI International Hochschule

International Business and Communication

LV1 “Corporate Communication” & LV2 “
Cultural Analysis”
Prf. Dr. Andrew Williams
Table of contents

Customer 03 Active Listening

01 Service


02 pg.6-7
05 pg.14-16
Customer Service
Description of
the task
On this topic, we
We were divided into two groups with two people each. We were given a paper with a QR code
discussed how cultural that discussed cross-cultural customer service. The paper also included the tasks that we had to
diversity affects customer do. These tasks included: Scan the QR code.
service. We learned some Read the information on customer service.
tips on how to manage Evaluate its usefulness, and take notes.
customer service in a To say what the main focus of the information is.
Exchange information with your partner.
diversity of cultures.
After reading and taking notes, I started explaining my Article's information to my partner. The
title of my Article was- Customer Diversity: Providing Great Customer Experience Across
Cultures. The main points to outstanding customer experience in different cultures were 5. The
first was to reinforce the importance of recognizing customer diversity. Second- know your
customers and seek out culture-specific knowledge, Third- listen actively and recognize patterns
for communicating, Fourth- Create a welcoming environment by having a diverse workforce,
and lastly, Share your experiences with colleagues to work out consistent approaches.
Customer Service

Importance of
the task
I found this Article very interesting.
Before reading this task, I thought that
This Article helped me to understand better
customer service was something anyone
how important it is to be aware of cultural
could manage. But it is more profound
diversity regarding customers. Respecting
than I thought. People who deal with
the customer culture is crucial, and having
customers should have some skills and
the right staff that knows how to deal with
knowledge about cultural diversity.
every type of customer is essential. I learned
a lot of interesting tips on how to improve
the relationship with a broad spectrum of


A digital illustration made by me about 996

Description of Reflection
Introduction the task In my opinion, this working hour system
is brutal. I find it discriminating towards
What is 996? the workers.
I did not participate in this task
"996" is shorthand for a I did a short research about this topic and
because it was my first day at SDI.
work schedule spanning However, I was there to listen to found that it is Illegal, but people continue
from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six one of the presentations that 3 of to apply this schedule. Being underpaid
days per week. This is a my classmates prepared. The topic and not having time to take care of
yourself are two main reasons to consider
working hour system interested me, and I listened
this a brutal schedule. It may seem alright
mainly used in China. carefully to the presentation.
to workaholics, but to me, it is cruel and
should stop.
Importance of For me, thinking that this system makes
you work hard and achieve your goal is
the task wrong because you won't have the time to
think and achieve what you want.
This topic shows how different work
Everyone needs rest, a nontoxic work
cultures are. China is a significant producer
environment, and a proper reward for the
in the world. Thus they need many workers
hard work.
and more working hours than the norm.
Active Listening
Description of
Introduction the task
Firstly we opened books on page 101. The first task was to answer the question: How do you
This topic talks about
know if someone is not listening to you? How does it make you feel?
active listening. So what
is it? Everyone gave their answer in a slightly different way. This shows how different cultures are.
Active listening is a way The most common responses were: eye contact and body language. My answer also included
these two, but I also feel that people are not listening when talking when they don't nod their
of communicating,
head and say "yes," "mhm," "really?". I feel they are not paying attention when people don't
including listening and
do this. I can say when this happens, I feel bad. Because you are not paying attention to what
responding to another I'm saying, why are you here sitting with me then?
person, which creates and
improves mutual The other task was to choose some ways you add to show people that you are listening to
understanding. We them. Mine included: look people directly in the eye, nod my head often to show interest,
repeat what the speaker has said in my own words, be aware of the speaker's body language,
learned what it means to
use body language to show that ib am attentive, try to predict what the speaker is going to say
be an active listener.
next and lastly ask questions if I don't understand.
After this, we discuss some phrases that are useful when listening. We learned what to say
when we have to show interest, when we show empathy, when we ask for details, when we
want to clarify, when we have to summarize, and lastly, question tags. This all indicates that the
listener is listening.
Active Listening

Importance of
Reflection the task
This topic was not only exciting but also
This topic was exciting. I learned new necessary. Being an active and good listener
things about how to be an active listener. I is something important when
also learned that not everyone uses the communicating. Every person and culture
same ways to show that they are listening. has a different way of showing that they are
Everyone and every culture have a listening.
difference in active listening.

Description of
the task
On this topic, we We read the case of Vanessa Harris. she was a top reporter and went to report in
discussed a case in which a war zone. She has then kidnapped while reporting. One soldier was killed, and
a top reporter called two others were heavily injured trying to rescue her. she was heavily criticized
Vanessa Harris took a for the risk she took. We had to discuss our opinion on this case and whether she
risk to report in a war should or should not have been criticized. Some of my classmates said that she
shouldn't have taken the risk to go out there to report. Because of her fault, one
zone. But she was
soldier is dead and two injured. But in my opinion, she did the right thing. she
criticized a lot for the risk was brave t go out there and show people what is happening there. We live in a
she took. democracy, and we have freedom of speech. She was reporting to people about
what was happening out there. Many people criticized her for her actions
because h three soldiers were involved. But they don't think of the other option
she was trying to help and show them the truth.

Importance of
the task
We dealt with criticism. This topic took a
turn into a debate. Everyone had a different This topic helped us to broaden our
opinion about this case. Some said she was thinking, despite our own opinion.
right, and some said she was wrong. I Learning about risk and dealing with
enjoyed discussing this case. criticism is also crucial for our daily life.


An illustration made by me about Debate

Description of
the task
Debating is a team activity, so we were divided into two groups: "Team1" and "Team 2." Every group included
Introduction three individuals who had specific roles. Team 1, the affirmatives included: First Affirmative, whose job is to
define the topic and outline the team's strategy. Second affirmative, to give counterarguments to the
opposition. And lastly, the third Affirmative should summarise the team's arguments. Professor Williams gave us
the proposition " That it is immoral to be a billionaire."
On this topic, we learned
how to do a proper I took part in Team 1, the affirmatives. Our job was to give arguments that supported the proposition. Firstly
debate. Debate is needed we collected some arguments that supported the proposition. These arguments included:

not only for formal Money equals power; billionaires use the money to act out power over poor people; it is impossible to become
causes but also for a billionaire without exploiting people; Corruption. Don't pay taxes or pay fewer taxes, depending on their
everyday life when we
have conflicting ideas. Counterarguments. (We also tried to guess the opposition's arguments so that we would have some

These included:Donating money- there is a large gap between rich and poor; compared to their money, there is
no significant change. To be a billionaire means making 1$ for 32 years.

A better future for people ( schools, hospitals, new inventions, etc.)-. The problem is that billionaires don't give
many opportunities to other people to become as powerful as they are.

After discussing everything with our team, three individuals were chosen to represent our group. I was the third

Importance of
the task
I learned a lot from this topic. Now I can
say that I can manage to do a proper I think this topic is crucial. Having skills in
debate. It is teamwork, in which you have debating is important for our everyday life.
to discuss and agree to find the correct Debate teaches valuable skills for academic
arguments. Working together with my pursuits and life in general. It builds
teammates made this easier. At first, I confidence in public speaking, helps you
found it a bit difficult, but after arranging broaden your view, and enables you to think
our opinions and roles, it got clearer. critically.
Being prepared to throw
counterarguments is also very important
in debating.

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