14globalization of Religion

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1 02.05.2017
Globalization and Religion:
Table of Contents

1 Religion – Definition, Meaning and Actors

2 Impact of Globalization on Religion
3 Secularization in different Theoretical Perspectives
4 Position of Religions towards Globalization today

3 02.05.2017
Vortrag you Believe in God?

Changes in British Beliefs 1968-2014

4 02.05.2017

5 02.05.2017
What is Religion?

Some Christians declare that Christianity "is not a religion, it is a

relationship with Jesus“.

Some Muslims say "Islam is not a religion - it is a way of life“.

It used to be the case that "most Hindus do not realize they 'belong' to
that religion, for it is a name given by outsiders.

6 02.05.2017
What is Religion?

 atheists say things like the world would be

better off without religion, religious belief
is a delusion, religion is a fairytale

Religion is difficult to describe and realize, because human belief structures are varied
and complex. Religion is strongly connected to culture.

7 02.05.2017
Religion Definition
The belief in and worship of a
superhuman controlling power,
especially a personal God or

A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature,

and purpose of the universe, especially when
considered as the creation of a superhuman
agency or agencies, usually involving devotional
and ritual observances, and often containing a
moral code governing the conduct of human
Religion Definition
Religion, then, consists of beliefs,
actions, and institutions which assume
the existence of supernatural entities
with powers of action, or impersonal
powers or processes possessed of
moral purpose.”

Definitions of religion differentiate between personal beliefs and organized religion

9 02.05.2017
Religious Actors - Groups Statistics

Religion Members Percentage

Religious actors Christianity 2.1 billion 33.0%
Islam 1.5 billion 21
Hinduism 900 million 14
• individuals or groups, who act on Buddhism 376 million 6
consistent messages regarding the Sikhism 23 million 0.36
relationship between religion, politics and Judaism 14 million 0.22
Bahaism 7 million 0.1
society Confucianism 6.3 million 0.1
• religious actors are among the oldest of Jainism 4.2 million 0.1
transnationals – carrying words and praxis Shintoism 4 million 0.0

across vast spaces

Encyclopaedia Britannica (2005),

10 02.05.2017
Connectiveness of Globalization and Religion
The spread of religion

•Pilgrimage and tourism is a major

force in the globalization of culture
•Christians often pilger to holy sites
e.g. Jerusalem
•Muslims should travel to Mecca to
undertake the haji at least once in
their life, connecting also to the
Islamic communes around the world

Cultural exchange, missionary

activity and pilgrimages are
important sectors, which promoted
the process of globalization.


11 02.05.2017

-Religions foster great effort to create a

global network of believers. Reaching out
to people is an act of “globalization.” Long
before the term was coined, religions had
already imbibed its essence through its
missionary activities.

-The efforts of Religions to influence the

people in every part of the world is a global

-Religions look forward to expanding their

clout for spiritual, economic, and political

Internet and social media allow people to contact each other

worldwide and therefore hold forums and debates that
allow religious ideas to spread.
The media plays an important role in the dissemination of
religious ideas. In this respect, a lot of TV channels, radio
stations and print media are founded solely for advocating

Groups such as Al Qaeda
oppose Westernization, but
are at the same time products
of this phenomenon even
utilizing the tools and
techniques to achieve their
own globalizing aim

Religion and globalization share a mutually reinforcing relationship.

15 02.05.2017
Impacts of Globalization on Religion

Religion is being eroded. Some religious leaders engage in

worldly acts.

Religion is being strengthened.

Religion is declining but it has developed new identities of


16 02.05.2017
2/6 - Impacts of Globalization

Cultural homogeneity / destruction vs Cultural pluralism

The distinct norms, different cultures and different

worshiping ways and practices will be wiped out by
globalization which promotes homogeneity.

Threat to traditions of religions, disintegrate

traditional social norms and values by the
invasion of consumerism, cyber culture and etc.

Human rights are becoming the main issue in global

• Status of women
• Ritual killings and human sacrifice

17 02.05.2017
3/6 - Impacts of Globalization

Conflicts vs Cooperation

Internal and external conflicts – multipolar world

Resurgence of conservative-traditionalist religious movements. These movements have been often

labelled as
religious fundamentalism.

Religious fundamentalism:
1) Religious phenomenon; religious is very essential as ideology, ethos, goals, leadership of
fundamentalism are founded and built on religious beliefs and practices.
2) A reaction to and cultural changes which are experienced as a dramatic crisis so that it differs from
3) Defensive reaction which attempts to preserve or restore an idealized or imagined former social
order which is characterized by a strict patriarchal order and moralism.

Creation of extremists and terrorists

18 02.05.2017
4/6 - Impacts of Globalization

Conflicts vs Cooperation

Essentially, all religions teach these shared principles of love, patience, peace, justice and equality.

The phenomenon of globalization of religion has made it easier to transfer the all-embracing message
any religion all over the world. As a result, societies are becoming less exclusive and more multi-

Social reality forces world religious communities to get rid of their exclusive attitudes and to develop
some universal orientations, which should be more accommodating to the other.

Inter-religious dialogue therefore can be a discourse between two or more religious organizations for
better understanding of the tenets of each religion in order to promote peaceful coexistence among the
practitioners of such religions.

Thus interreligious dialogue will be fruitful as people of different religions and faith encounter each other
in an atmosphere of freedom and openness for each partner to listen and understand each other.

19 02.05.2017
5/6 - Impacts of Globalization

Spread of Religion vs Secularization

Information technologies, transportation

means, and the
media are deemed important means on
which religionists rely
in the dissemination of their religious ideas.

EX: countless websites providing

information about religions have been

20 02.05.2017
6/6 - Impacts of Globalization

Spread of Religion vs Secularization

The increase of industrialization, urbanization and rationalization would

bring about the decrease of religious faith.

Religion would become less important factor in human life of modern

society and a modern secular system would be a dominant force as
theological system was falling down.

Religion would eventually vanish from the lives of modern secular society.

21 02.05.2017
1/3 - Secularization

Homogenization as Threat for Religions

• Homogenization might wipe out

cultural diversity
For example: Languages are
dying at an alarming rate.

• Friedman suggests that the

break-down to only 8 unique
civilizations is the result of

22 02.05.2017

Rise of Spiritual Market

-new rituals and new gods are

being invented in the market
where spiritualism is mixed
with capitalism and

23 02.05.2017

Spiritual Market
-focusing products, services and marketing
strategies on the human need of personal
-it sells the idea we have the power of

24 02.05.2017
What does religion do to people
in the midst of globalization?
the globalization of economics
and politics, individuals feel

In order for a person to maintain a sense of

psychological well-being and avoid
anxiety, he turns to scripture stories
Religion provides people the way to
inner peace and the sense of personal

Individuals who feel insecure in the

globalized world, in business or
personal life, will often pray to God for
spiritual support
-Globalization gives individuals a sense of
belonging. People become connected.

-Religious groups help them to find

themselves in modern times. In the midst of
political problems, such as loss of ethical
values and increased corruption, people find
shelter in religion.
Position of Religions
towards Globalization

29 02.05.2017
Extra Case – Extreme Buddhism in Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar Religion and Extreme Buddhism

- Buddhism 90%, Christianity 6%, Islam 4%
- People regard Christians and Muslims as threats
- Some Buddhist extremists attack other religious groups
- 1988-2010, More than 300 terrors among religions groups

Matthew - “How can Buddhists be extremists?”

- Teachings of Buddhism : Mercy, Moderation
Buddhist fundamentalist : Extreme hermit
- Myanma : Buddhism + Nationalism = Identity
- Ashin Wirathu : “A dog is better than a Muslim”

Radicalization is not an issue just for Islam.

It is also globalized.

30 02.05.2017
Religion in Globalization : Ongoing Conflict or
Coexistence ?

Mark Juergensmeyer – “Why global religious

-Nation-state provided a secure sense of identity,
accountability, and security for stable society.
People started to regard that religious community can
provide identity, accountability and security

31 02.05.2017
Religion in Globalization : Ongoing Conflict or Coexistence ?

32 02.05.2017
Religion in Globalization : Ongoing Conflict or Coexistence ?

-The end of Cold War (ideology has gone)

- Different civilizations (based on different religions) confront

each other

33 02.05.2017
The communication for Future

In 2014, religious leaders from 7 different religions in Korea gathered

and visited the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Istanbul.

34 02.05.2017
The Religion‘s role in Globalization

Q. Can religion help to bring a positive social change?

Korean religious leaders Friedensgebet (prayer for peace)

led Independence Movement became the seed of reunification
35 02.05.2017 in Korea in 1919 in Germany in 1990
We should build a community of harmony and
support, in which, regardless of person, gift
or talent, all members should feel accepted
and nourished. Each one should be free to
risk, to grow, and to embrace their
God -given potential.
Therefore, the TEACHER must be a
channel of change.
We combat the challenges of Globalization in the field
of education by giving emphasis on
the traditions of faith

community of harmony and support

community of justice
community of love
community of hope

community of faith
May God bless us

39 02.05.2017

1. When secularization increases – what could replace religion?

2. Is religion affected by globalization or does globalization affect religion?

If yes, how?

3. Do you see the possibility for religions to cooperate or there will be more religious
conflicts ?

4. Can liberal-democracy become a universal value?

If yes, will it be superior to religion and culture?

5. Do you think there is religious intolerance in your country? If yes, do you believe it has
increased or decreased throughout the years?

40 02.05.2017

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