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Disabilities and
Julianna Maka
What is a learning disability?

“A learning disability is an area of weakness or inefficiency in brain function that significantly

hinders our ability to learn. It is a pattern of neurological dysfunction in the brain that causes a

person to have difficulty correctly receiving information (perception), correctly processing

information (cognition/thinking), or satisfactorily responding to information (written and verbal

expression, visual-motor coordination, memory, etc.)” (NILD,2021).

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism is analyzed through a spectrum because
there is such a range of abilities and challenges that
an individual can face.

Social, Emotional, and Communication Skills

All of these areas can be effected by autism. This looks different
in each individual but can look like: repeating actions, difficulty
expressing needs, trouble adapting to change, etc.

Children and adults diagnosed with autism are
observed by their development and behavior.
Autism - Its Impact on Social Development

Communication Language

Behavior Relationships
Effective Social Interventions


Discrete Trial Modeling specific Picture Exchange Voice Output
Teaching - teaching behaviors, Communication Communication
skills in small, movements, or System - Using Aids - portable
planned, and language. symbols and electronic that
repeated steps. pictures to generates language
communicate output.
Autism - Its Impact
on Educational
Children with autism may have difficulty
communicating their needs to peers and
educators. This can lead to trouble with
academic comprehension and may negatively
impact social development. Being unable to
communicate effectively can cause a child to
feel left out and feel frustrated. These feelings
and challenges make it difficult for the child to
focus on academics in the classroom.
Effective Interventions in Education

General Education Resource - Pull Out

Autistic children can be Support
successful in a general An often controversial
education classroom. pull out method still
takes place in the
Special Education education system and
may or may not be
Some children may be in effective for an
a special education for individual.
the entire school day with
educators who specialize
in their needs and
NILD. 2021. What is a Learning Disability? National Institute for Learning Development. Retrieved

Silveira-Zaldivar, T., Özerk, G., & Özerk, K. (2021). Developing Social Skills and Social Competence in
Children with Autism. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 13(3), 341–363.

Special needs education: Teaching autistic students. (2020, February 17). Daily Monitor, Uganda
[Kampala, Uganda], NA.

Tincani, M., Travers, J., & Boutot, A. (2009). Race, Culture, and Autism Spectrum Disorder:
Understanding the Role of Diversity in Successful Educational Interventions. Research and Practice for
Persons with Severe Disabilities, 34(3–4), 81–90.

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