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It is a comprehensive evaluation of the current human resource development strategies, structure, systems, styles and skills in the context

of the long-term business plans of an organisation.

HRD audit attempts to find out the future HRD needs of an organisation after assessing the current HRD activities and inputs available. Pioneered by T V Rao along with his colleague Dr. Udai Pareek.

HRD Audit starts with an understanding of the future business plans and corporate strategies. HRD Audit is a comprehensive evaluation of HRD encompassing strategies, systems, practices, structures, competencies, styles and culture and their appropriateness to achieve the short term and long term business goals of an organisation.

Organisational growth-expansion, diversification and entering into a fast growth phase. Professional Endowment-for promoting more professionalism and professional management. Benchmarking-for improving HRD practices

Coping with dissatisfaction-with any component. Leadership change.

This is based on four metrics such as HRD competencies of the employees,HRD systems maturity, HRD culture and linkage of HRD to business strategy of an organisation.

METHODS Top management and senior management of an organisation are interviewed by HRD auditor to solicit information, thinking and perspectives on the future growth plans and goals of an organisation. Also the readiness of HRD strategies to pursue future organisational goals is also analysed.

Structured interviews. Now the employees are interviewed to know their perception about organisation`s vision, mission,values, culture, strengths and areas of improvement , various opportunities, SWOT analysis of HRD function and their activities.

Auditor designs, develops and administers a questionnaire which includes the competency of the HRD staff, Manager`s styles,Implementation of various HRD systems.

HRD Auditor should observe the employees in their natural environment such as at work place, canteen, training centres, residential colony etc.

Secondary data regarding the following are collected. Training and Development programs conducted, frequency of the programs, their duration, number of participants,evaluation and feedback of training, manner of assessment of training needs of employees, Learning programs

A large scale interactive process can be utilised to assess HRD systems such as performance appraisal, potential appraisal, counseling, coaching and mentoring etc . SWOT analysis involving employees.

A task force can be constituted to identify, evaluate and recommend an appropriate solution to the identified HRD issues, problems, strategies and concerns.

Provides insight-insight into organisation`s affairs. Promotes strategic leverages-Prompts the top management to think in terms of strategic and long-term business . Modify Style-changes in the style of top management. Role clarity-of HRD dept.

Improves Human Resource Development systems. Developing competencies Effective recruitment-Better recruitment policies and more professional staff. Effective Training-more planning and more cost effective training. Enhancing accountability-Strengthening accountabilities through appraisal systems.

Introduction-Organisation and its characteristics, objectives and purpose of HRD audit, Various tools and methods employed. Description of HRD systems framework.

Future plans of organisation.

Structure and staffing of HRD function. Its objectives. Various HRD instruments. Mechanisms employed. SWOT analysis of HRD function.

General strengths, weakness, opportunities of the organisation in relation to its present opportunities, future potential and competitors.

Findings of the audit pertaining to HRP, career planning and development, succession management practices of the organisation . Feedback of performance evaluatipon Strategies for improvement. Improvement strategies for the organisation.

Approaches to training need analysis. OD initiatives. Healthy culture. Development oriented climate.

For improvement of HRD policies, programmes, practices and strategies.

Can provide insights into organisation`s affairs. Clarity of role of HRD function Organisational competency analysis. HRD systems analysis Changes in the style of top management ROI analysis Increased focus on h

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