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Task 1 A: Bullying Survey

Answer this School Climate Bullying Survey. Share

your responses with a dyad.
B. Encircle your response to this question, “How often
do you witness bullying in the campus?”


What do these words signify?

What are these adverbs called?
  Common Adverbs of Frequency  
frequently generally infrequently normal
sometimes ly

usually often seldom hardly


Placement of Adverbs of Frequency

These adverbs are located between the subject and the verb.


A. I often witness bullying in the campus.

B. We always report the incident to school authorities.
A. Select 5 adverbs above and arrange it in a continuum from the
least to most
B. Rewrite the following sentences using the adverbs in the parentheses.
1.I bully others. (never)
2.They go to the Guidance Office. (often)
3.Susan is disheartened by what others say behind her back. (often)

4.Peter reads reports about bullying in school campuses. (sometimes)

5.She complains about her classmates. (rarely)
6.They reach out to peers who need their company. (always)
7.Pete feels terrible. (usually)
8.They attend counselling sessions. (regularly)
9.Bullying affects a person’s self-esteem. (usually)
We encounter bullying cases in our school. (hardly ever)

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