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Development of surfaces

• 1. Elements of Dimensioning
• It includes projection line, leader line, termination of the dimension line, the origin indication,
symbols and the dimension itself.
• Dimension Line: Dimension line is a continuous thin line. it is indicated by arrowheads, it is
drawn parallel to the surface whose length must be indicated.
• Projection or Extension Line:  A projection line or extension line, it is a thin line. It is drawn
perpendicular to the surface which is to be dimensioned. The projection line slightly extends
than the dimension line.

Constructions line: A construction line is a thin line drawn to indicate the dimension line. The construction
line is extended slightly beyond the point intersection.

Arrowheads: Arrowheads are used to indicate the dimension line. Usually, the arrowhead must
include angles of a minimum of 15°. The Arrowhead may be open or close or closed and filled.
• 2. Units of Dimensions
• The dimension unit is millimetre. The unit of the dimension is omitted while writing the dimension fig. and
a footnote stating “ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM” is written at the prominent place on the drawing

• 3. Dimensioning common features

• Dimensioning diameters : Circular features like cylindrical parts like shafts, pipes, rods or any other
round shape are always dimensioned by indicating their diameter. Because it is easily measured.
• The diameter is indicated by the symbol ∅. The diameters on the circular objects may be
indicated in any one of the following ways as shown in fig.

-The measured radius is indicated by letter R. The dimension line is drawn radial with the arrowhead
touching the arc.

-When the centre is located by the projection lines, the centre shall be marked by a clear dot and the
arrowhead may be reversed.
• Dimensioning Chords
• It is a linear distance between any two points of an arc. And it is dimensioned as shown in the figure.
• Dimensioning Angles
• The angles are dimensioned in the same manner as that of linear dimensions.
4. Types of Dimensioning systems:
• There are two types of dimensioning systems one is Aligned system and another is
Unidirectional system.
• Aligned System
• In this type of dimensioning systems, Dimensions are placed above the dimension lines which are
drawn without any break and written parallel to them.
• That they may be read from the bottom or any other side of the drawing sheet. Dimensions are
placed in the middle and on top of the dimension lines.
Chain Dimensions
Chain dimensioning is a dimensioning system that dimensions from point to point. Or it is a series of
adjacent dimensions are arranged in one horizontal row. When chain dimensioning is used the location of
one feature is based on the location of the previous feature from which it is dimensioned.
Chain dimensioning is used when it is important that two features are located at a certain distance from
each other. For example, Two fixed holes with two fixed pins may require a certain distance from each other
to draw chain dimensions.

Parallel Dimensioning
When the number of dimensions is measured in the same direction from a common surface or line. The
method of indicating all the dimensions from the same feature is called parallel dimensioning. The
dimension lines are parallel to each other and equally spaced.

Combined Dimensioning
In this method, both the chain and parallel dimensions are used in the same drawing.

Progressive Dimensioning
This method is adopted when dimension has to be established from a particular datum. The overall
dimensions are placed outside the smaller dimensions this dimension is showed by the common reference
• Dimensioning by Coordinates
• Dimensioning by a coordinate table can be used in place of other dimensioning styles. This can
make drawing easier to read, this method is done when a number of holes of different sizes have
to be dimensioned.
• Equidistant Dimensioning
• The dimensioning simplified by given the product of the number of spacing and the dimension
value. A point is said to be equidistant from a set of objects if the distance becomes that points
and each object in the set are equal.
• Repeated Dimensions
• When certain features or elements of the same size are repeated a number of times on drawing,
to avoid repetition of the same dimension everywhere, the product of a number of repeated
features and the dimensions value may be indicated only at one such feature.

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