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Hermes P. Vargas, LPT

Principal IV
Dep Ed Angeles City

1. Recap
2. Review Proper
2.1. Definition of Indicators
2.2. Functions of Indicators
2.3. Performance Indicators
3. Mock Test No. 7 with Discussion
4. Reminders
1. There will be 10 questions.

2. Each question will be shown on the

screen and will be read once.

3. You will be given 60 seconds to read and

answer. Timer will be used.
4. Use the answer sheet provided. Blacken
the circle of the correct answer.

5. The key to correction will be given after

all questions have been asked.

6. The passing score is 70% (5 x 0.70=3.5)


1. Masipag High School is about to craft its Enhanced School
Improvement z
Plan (ESIP) in August 2022. The performance
indicators are empirical data which the school needs to produce a
data-based plan. Using the data in the table, what is the simple
drop-out rate of the school for the current school year?

I. 4.90% II. 4.89% III. 4.88% IV. 4.87%

a. IV b. III c. II d. I
2. As a school head, which among the performance
indicators inz school year 2021-2022 shall be the priorities
in school year 2022-2023?

I. Cohort Survival Rate IV. Graduation Rate

II. Completion Rate V. Promotion Rate
III. Drop-out Rate VI. Repetition Rate

a. I & II b. II & IV c. III & V d. V & VI

3. How much is the increase of the performance indicator
which has the
z biggest improvement for school year 2021-

I. 0.71% II. 4.34% III. 6.20% IV. 8.48%

a. IV b. III c. II d. I
4. One of the activities in the Assess Phase in the crafting
of Enhanced z School Improvement Plan (E-SIP) is
Identifying the Priority Improvement Area (PIA). With the
given table, which is the topmost priority of Mabait
Elementary School?

I. Improve retention rate

II. Achieve 0% drop-out rate
III. Poorly maintained physical facilities
IV. Low Genera Point Average in Mathematics

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
5. After accomplishing Annex 2A or Child-Friendly
School Survey,
z Maliksi Elementary School (MES) got 29
points. What does it mean?

I. MES is a child-friendly school.

II. MES is an exemplary child-friendly school.
III. MES is an outstanding child-friendly school.
IV. MES is a very outstanding child-friendly school.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
6. What is the school enrollment growth rate from
school year z2020-2021 to school year 2021-2022?

a. 2.62% b. 2.64% c. 2.66% d. 2.68%

7. Which Dep Ed Issuance discusses the guidelines on
the Enhanced
z School Improvement Planning (SIP)
process and the School Report Card (SRC)?

I. Dep Ed Oder No. 43, s. 2015

II. Dep Ed Order No. 44, s. 2015
III.Dep Ed Order No. 45, s. 2015
IV.Dep Ed Order No. 46, s. 2015

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
8. Which of the following Project Objective Statements
is correctly zwritten? increase the MPS in Science from 71.53 to 75.53

in three years by 2025 increase the MPS in Science to 75.53 in three
years by 2025
III. to increase the MPS from 71.53 to 75.53 in three
IV. to increase the MPS in Science from 71.53 to 75.53

a. IV b. III c. II d. I
9. Which of the following statements about root cause
analysis is NOT
z true?

I. It can be done using three (3) problem analysis

tools: stream analysis, why why diagram and fish
bone diagram.
II. It is a structured and thorough review of the
problem designed to identify and verify what is
causing the problem.
III. It is necessary in meaningfully addressing the
cause of the problem.
IV.It requires transparency and no predetermined
a. IV b. III c. II d. I
10. What are the three (3) possible causes why students answer
incorrectly during recitation?

I. Students do feel nervous

II. Students do not understand the question
III.Students do not pay attention to the question
IV.Students do understand the question, but cannot think of correct

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

11. How many percent of the students understand the question but
cannot think of the correct answer?

a. 14.61% b. 14.71% c. 14.81% d. 14.91%

12. What is the root cause of the problem?

I. Students are afraid of the teacher

II. Students have limited vocabulary
III.Students are not familiar with the words
IV.Students are afraid to make mistakes in the class
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
13. After the SBM validation of level of practice, Juan Dela Cruz
Memorial High School got the scores presented in table above. In
which principle does the school need to improve most?

I. Principle I III. Principle III

II. Principle II IV. Principle IV

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
14. One of the indicators state that Participatory assessment of
performance is done regularly with the community. Assessment results
and lessons learned serve as the basis for feedback, technical assistance,
recognition, and plan adjustment. On which Principle does the indicator
likely to fall?

I. Leadership and Governance III. Accountability and Continuous Improvement

II . Curriculum and Learning IV. Management of Resources

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
15. What is the score of the school in Principle IV?

a. 0.4483 b. 0.4484 c. 0.4485 d. 0.4486

16. What is the final SBM rating of Juan Dela Cruz
Memorial High
z School?

a. 2.95 b. 2.96 c. 2.97 d. 2.98

17. What is the SBM level of practice of Juan Dela
Cruz Memorial
z High School?

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
18. Which of the following statements about Annual
z Plan (AIP) are true?

I. It is prepared by the School Governing Council.

II. It is the year-by-year operational plan for the School
Improvement Plan.
III. It is based on the general objectives and targets set in
the Division goals and objectives.
IV.It is based on the general objectives and targets set in
the School Improvement Plan.
a. I & II b. I & III c. II & IV d. III & IV
19. How much is the incremental target
in school year 2023-2024?

a.0.50 c. 1.50
b.1.00 d. 2.00

20. What are the three (3) expected major written outputs in
Phase II of the crafting of Enhanced School Improvement
Plan (E-SIP)?

I. Planning Worksheet
II. School Improvement Plan
III. Annual Improvement Plan
IV. Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix

a. I, II & III c. I, III & IV

b. I, II & IV d. II, III & IV

21.Why is there a need to test the proposed solutions on a

small population?

I. to reduce the risk of failure

II. to increase the rate of success
III. to make the necessary adjustments
IV. to engage the concerned stakeholders

a. I & II c. I & IV
b. I & III d. II & IV

22.At the end of the cycle in the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
Year 1, where will AIP Year 2 begin?

I. Conduct Child Mapping

II. Convene the School Planning Team
III. Gather and organize the necessary data
IV. Identify/Review Priority Improvement Areas

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

23. Magalang High School wrote on its School Report Card

the various stakeholder’s contributions for school year
2021-2022. How many percent did the LGU contribute to
the school?
I. 34.18% III. 22.63%
II. 23.33% IV. 19.86%

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

24. Who is the biggest contributor among the stakeholders

of Magalang High School for school year 2021-2022?

I. Alumni III. Parents

II. Local Government Unit IV. Private Donors

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

25. Based on the data in the Gap Analysis Template, in

which Division Targets did the school contribute?

a. I, II & III c. I, III & IV

b. I, II & IV d. II, III & IV

26. Based on the data in the Gap Analysis

Template, in which Division Targets did the school
fail to contribute?

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

27. In which grade level was there more male than

female students who were no longer participating
in school activities during the third quarter?
I. Grade 7 III. Grade 9
II. Grade 8 IV. Grade 10
a. I, II & III c. II, III & IV
b. I, III & IV d. I, II, III & IV

28. In which grade level was there more female

than male students who were no longer
participating in school activities during the second
I. Grade 7 III. Grade 9
II. Grade 8 IV. Grade 10
a. I, II & III c. II, III & IV
b. I, III & IV d. I, II, III & IV

29. How many learners were added to No Longer

Participating in School Activities (NLPA) from 2nd
to 3rd quarter?

I. 35 III. 37
II. 36 IV. 38

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

30.What possible interventions can be given to

save learners who are NLPA?
I. Home Visitation III. Constant Communication
II. Academic Ease IV. Homeroom Guidance

a. I, II & III c. II, III & IV

b. I, III & IV d. I, II, III & IV

31. Which of the following method of
procurement z
of goods involves direct
invitation to bid by the procuring entity from
the list of pre-selected suppliers or
consultants with known experience and
proven capability on the requirements of the
particular contract?

I. Direct contracting III. Shopping

II. Selective bidding IV. Splitting
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
32. Miss Bea Binene has been a Teacher II for
five years in Matulungin Elementary School.

She filed for maternity leave one month before

she will give birth. Which appointment shall
be issued to Mr. Kokoy De Santos who will
replace her during the leave period?

I. Permanent III. Temporary

II. Provisional IV. Substitute

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
33. Which of the following statements are TRUE about

I. It is a result in change in any or all the following:

position, title and salary grade.
II. It involves a change in position and can only be
accompanied by upward change in salary.
III. It is applied when there is substantial change in the
regular duties and responsibilities of the position.
IV. It is a generic term for position classification which
involves upgrading, downgrading and recategorization.

a. I, II, III b. I, II, IV c. I, III, IV d. II, III, IV

34. What exists when an official/employee quits work
because of
z the agency head’s unreasonable,
humiliating, demeaning actuations which render
continued work impossible because of geographical
location, financial dislocation and performance of
other duties and responsibilities inconsistent with
those attached to the position?

I. Detail III. Reassignment

II. Designation IV. Constructive Dismissal

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
35. Probationary period refers to the period of
actual service following the issuance of a

permanent appointment wherein the

appointee undergoes a thorough character
investigation and assessment capability.
Generally, how long is the probationary

I. 3 months III. 6 months

II. 4 months IV. 12 months
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
36. In SDO Bongga City, the SGOD Chief item was vacant. There were
10 applicants, zbut the appointing authority shall choose from the top
5 ranking applicants, to wit:

The SDS appointed Ben D. Tambling, what was the basis of the
appointing authority?

I. CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017 sections 85-87

II. CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017 sections 89-90
III. CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017 sections 88
IV.CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017 sections 91
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
37. Mrs. Maricel Soriano has been with Maulan
High School for 10 years. After a decade of

service, she decided to voluntarily resign

effective August 1, 2022. Which document
does she need to prepare first?

I. Written Acceptance III. Letter of Intent

II. School Clearance IV. Special Order

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
38.Mr. Ruru Madrid shall have a compulsory
retirement z on December 20, 2022.He was ranked 1
among the five (5) applicants for Master Teacher I in
the School Division of Pasado City. Mr. Albie Casino,
64 years old and ranked 2, with a score of 60 points
was instead appointed. Was the act legal and valid?

I. Yes, the basis was CSC MC No. 24, section 126.

II. Yes, the basis was CSC MC No. 24, section 127.
III. No, the basis was CSC MC No. 24, section 128.
IV. No, the basis was CSC MC No. 24, section 129.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
39. Mr. Jefferson K. Dagdag applied for a study
leave. It was
z approved, how much salary shall he

I. 40% of salary c. 60% of salary

II. 50% of salary d. 70% of salary

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
40. Which is the Magna Carta for Public School

I. RA 4660 III. RA 4680

II. RA 4670 IV. RA 4690

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
41. The section 25 of Republic Act 4670 stipulated
that teachersz shall be granted indefinite leave. Who
among the teachers is likely to be granted such
I. Teacher A got urinary tract infection due to
habitual eating of salty foods.
II.Teacher B got covid-19 disease after attending a
national training.
III.Teacher C got influenza after a heavy rain in
IV. Teacher D got lung cancer being a chain smoker.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
42. Marikit Elementary School has 1,778
enrollees, z 48 teachers, 36 classrooms and 297
graduating learners. How much may be
allotted for teachers’ capacity building in the
school MOOE?

I. P258,000 III. P278,000

II. P268,000 IV. P288,000
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
43.In the North District of SDO La Paz City, there
are only four
z (4) schools; Bongga Elementary School,
Mas Bongga High School, Pinakabongga Integrated
School and Pabongga Senior High School. Which
among the schools has a variable cost of P1,774 per
I. Mas Bongga High School
II. Bongga Elementary School
III. Pabongga Senior High School
IV. Pinakabongga Integrated School

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
44. Maulan Elementary School allotted P100,000 for minor repair in
the 2022 School Operating Budget (SOB) and Work and Financial Plan
(WFP). The SOB, WFP and the Project Proposal were approved by the
SDO. However, in June 2022, the Division Office Engineer told the
School Head of MES, that the school is a recipient of a P100,000
minor repair from the City Engineers Office (CEO). More so, the repair
shall start on August 2022. What shall the School Head do?

I. Reject the project from the City Engineers Office.

II. Accept the project from the City Engineers Office.
III. Accept the project and allot the P100,000 for the 2023 project.
IV. Submit a project proposal to realign the budget for the minor
repair originally indicated in the WFP and SOB.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
45. A school who violates Dep Ed Order No. 8,
s. 2019 may
be charged with administrative
case based on what Dep Ed issuance?

I. Dep Ed Order No. 48, s. 2006

II. Dep Ed Order No. 49, s. 2006
III. Dep Ed Order No. 50, s. 2006
IV. Dep Ed Order No. 51, s. 2006

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
46. Matapang High School has 4,285 enrollees,
162 teachers,
100 classrooms and 1,100
graduating learners. How much is the school
MOOE for 2022?

I. 4.6 million III. 4.8 million

II.4.7 million IV. 4.9 million

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
47. The Gender and Development (GAD)
program zshall have an allotment from the
school MOOE. How many percent must be
allotted to GAD programs?

I. at least 3% III. at least 5%

II. at least 4% IV. at least 6%

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
48.Using the MOOE of Matapang High School,
how much z
shall be allotted to its GAD

I. P240,000.00 III. P250,000.00

II. P245,000.00 IV. P255,000.00

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
49. Dep Ed Order No. 4, s. 2020 states a
maximumz monthly provision for the
communication expense of School
Head/Principal. In one fiscal year, how much
shall it cost?

I. P10,000.00 III. P12,000.00

II. P11,000.00 IV. P13,000.00

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
50. Mayumi Elementary School has 1,678
enrollees, z 49 teachers, 36 classrooms and 280
graduating learners. How much shall be
allotted for graduating learners from the
school MOOE?

I. P102,000 III. P104,000

II. P103,000 IV. P105,000

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
51.Arianna Grande was appointed as Teacher
III in Matinik
Senior High School last July 13,
2021. Which of the following statements about
his compensation and benefits are true?

I. His salary grade is 13.

II. His basic salary in 2022 is P28,276.
III. He was entitled to a cash gift in 2021.
IV. He was entitled to a year-end bonus in

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. III & IV

52.Who among the following teachers received
a cash giftz on November 15, 2021?

I. Teacher A was appointed on August 27, 2021.

II. Teacher B was appointed on June 1, 2021.
III.Teacher C retired on May 14, 2021.
IV.Teacher D retired on March 31, 2021.

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. II & IV

53. Celeste Cortesi, a Head Teacher II in English at
Matibay Highz School shall celebrate her birthday on
July 18, 2022, thus filed a requests for a special
privilege leave. As the School Head, what will you

I. Approve the request.

II. Disapprove the request.
III. Ask the teacher to write a request letter.
IV.Ask the teacher to write a justification letter.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
54. Whelga Santos, Head Teacher IV of Malapit
High Schoolz
got sick due to pneumonia. Which
leave will she file?

I. Special Privilege Leave III. Forced Leave

II. Vacation Leave IV. Sick Leave

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
55. Mr. Rusty Canlas Principal II of Mabait
School filed for the monetization
of leave credits (MLC) equivalent to 30 days
last July 15, 2022. How much will he receive?

I. P80,673.13 III. P80,674.13

II. P80,673.14 IV. P80,674.14

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
56. Katrina Velarde, was appointed as Teacher
II on August
18, 2012. How much loyalty cash
incentive will she receive in August 2022?

I. P15,000.00 III. P5,000.00

II. P10,000.00 IV. P1,000.00

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
57.Who among the following shall receive Service
Recognition zIncentive (SRI)?

I. The personnel transferred from agency to another.

II. The personnel received a penalty in the form of a
III. The civilian personnel occupying regular, contractual or
casual positions.
IV. The personnel are still in current service as of November
30 of the current year.
V. The personnel rendered less than a total or aggregate of
four months of service as of November 30 of the current

a. I, II, III & IV c. I, III, IV & V

b. II, III, IV & V d. I, II, III, IV & V
58. How many leave credits shall Coco
Martin, Principal IV of Masaya Elementary

School, accumulate at from January to

July 2022?

I. 12.5 III. 17.5

II. 15 IV. 20

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
59. On February 24, 2022 DepEd released DO No. 5, s. 2022 entitled
Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) Guidelines on Eligibility
Requirements and Accountability Matrix which shall be the basis in
granting PBB fiscal year 2021. Which among the following statements
are TRUE?

I. The four dimensions of accountability are Performance Results,

Process Results, Financial Results, and Client Satisfaction Results.
II. To be eligible for the grant of PBB, DepEd must attain a total score
of at least 70 points based on the PBB Scoring System.
III. DepEd employees who got 90 points in the PBB Scoring System
shall receive 61.75% of their basic salaries.
IV. There are four (4) dimensions of accountability in the PBB Scoring
a. I, II & III c. I, III & IV
b. I, II & IV d. II, III & IV
60. Mr. Lito M. Pagasa, Head Teacher IV and Officer-
in-Charge of
z Masaya Elementary School passed the
Principal’s Test in 2018. It was only in May 2022
when there was an available item in the School
Division. He joined the competitive ranking and
emerged as Rank 1. The Human Resource Officer in
the Division Office asked him to accomplish Oath of
Office. Which among the following shall he submit?

I. CS Form 1 III. CS Form 32

II. CS Form 4 IV. CS Form 48

a. I b. II c. III d. IV


61. At the end of school year 2021-2022, Miss Pia Alonzo
Wurtzbach, za grade 10 teacher in Mapagkumbaba High
School listed the following leaners with their obtained
general averages. Using the table below, how many learners
got “With High Honors?”

I. 2 II. 3 III. 4 IV. 5

a. IV b. III c. II d. I
62. Mr. Jeje Mon is a grade 9 adviser in Matinik High
School. How z many students shall be promoted to grade

10 for school year 2022-2023?

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
63. The covid-19 pandemic affected the assessment of
learning in the
z K to 12 Basic Education Program. Which of
the following statements about DO 31, s. 2020 also known
as the Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in
Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan are
I. Quarterly assessment shall not be administered.
II. Written works and performance tasks shall be administered to
assess students learning in each quarter.
III. The Self-Monitoring Tool shall be accomplished mandatorily to
track the learner’s academic progress.
IV. In Grades 1-10, written works and performance tasks were
given an additional 10% in their original weights stipulated in Dep
Ed Order No. 8, s. 2015.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

64. In the selection of the Outstanding Performance in
z Arts (English), 20% is given to academic
rating. Who among the following students of Grade 10-
Darwin shall be ranked 1?

I. Ang Agataona A. III. David, Goliath D.

II. Co, Maie C. IV. Fernandino, Facundo F.
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
65. In the selection of the Outstanding Performance in
z Arts (English),which among criteria has
the biggest weight?

I. Academic Rating
II. Skill in the Discipline
III. Attitude towards the Discipline
IV. Contribution to the School related to the

a. IV b. III c. II d. I
66. In which track is performance task given the biggest
weight? z

I. Academic Track
II. Sports Track
III. Arts and Design Track
IV. Technical-Vocational

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

67. Lolong B. Waya is a grade 11 student at Mapulang
Lupa High z School. One of his subjects in the first
semester is General Mathematics. How much weight
shall be given to all his written work?

I. 20% II. 25% III. 30% IV. 35%

a. IV b. III c. II d. I
68. Nata D. Coco is currently studying Applied
Economics in
z the General Academic

What is the weighted score of the student in the

quarterly assessment?

I. 23.1% II. 23.2% III. 23.3% IV. 23.4%

a. IV b. III c. II d. I
69. What is the weighted score of the student in the
written work?

I. 19.15%
II. 19.16%
III. 19.17%
IV. 19.18%

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
70. What is the initial grade of the student in
the Applied

I. 78.54% III. 78.55%

II. 78.56% IV. 78.57%

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
71.On July 21, 2020 the Office of the Undersecretary for
Curriculum and
z Instruction issued DM-CI-2020-00162 also
known as the Suggested Strategies in Implementing
Distance Learning Delivery Modalities (DLDM) for school
year 2020-2021. How many hours shall a grade 10 learner
spend in online classes?

I. 1
II. 1.5
III. 2
IV. 4
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
72. Who among the learners shall primarily benefit
from the Individual
z Learning Monitoring Plan?

I. Alena, a grade 7 learner who tops the class.

II. Amihan, a grade 8 learner who excels in Math and
III.Pirena, a grade 9 learner who does not
participate in class activities.
IV.Danaya, a grade 10 learner who does not submit
modules for four weeks.

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & IV d. III & IV

73.Which among the following statements about Distance
Learning Delivery
Modalities (DLDM) are true?

I. Learners may adopt either Digital Modular Distance

Learning (DMDL) or Printed Modular Distance Learning
II. Guidance from parents/learning facilitators during
viewing/listening time shall be required in
television/radio-based instruction.
III. Blendend learning refers only to the combination of
online distance learning and modular distance learning.
IV.Schools may adopt a combination of synchronous and
asynchronous online teaching.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

74.Who among the following teachers implement Homeroom
Guidance appropriately?

I. Miss Mabait, a grade 1 teacher, allotted a 40-minute once

a week Homeroom Guidance in the class.
II. Miss Mabuti, a grade 2 teacher, allotted a 35-minute once
a week Homeroom Guidance in the class.
III. Mr. Mabait, a grade 1 teacher, allotted a 40-minute
twice a week Homeroom Guidance in the class.
IV. Mr. Mabuti, a grade 2 teacher, allotted a 40-minute twice
a week Homeroom Guidance in the class.

a. I & II b. I & III c. I & IV d. II & IV

75. In which grade level is English used as
a medium on teaching and learning in
Edukasyong Pantahanan at
Pangkabuhayan (EPP)?

I. 3 II. 4 III. 5 IV. 6

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
76.Which of the following statements about
English as a Learning Area are TRUE?

I. The focus of Grade 10 English is World

II. The focus of Grade 9 English is Philippine
III. The focus of Grade 8 English is Afro-Asian
IV. The focus of Grade 7 English is Anglo-
American Literature.
a.I & II b. I & III c. I & IV d. II & IV
77. Which among the Learning Areas in the
Junior High School has the shortest time


I. Araling Panlipunan
II. Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
III. Filipino
IV. Matematiks

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
78.Which of the following statements about National Career Aptitude
Examination (NCAE)
are TRUE?

I. The taking of test is mandatory, but the results are

II. The taking of test is recommendatory, but the results are
III. It is an aptitude test meant to provide information through test-
results for self-assessment, career awareness and career guidance
of high school students for their post-secondary courses.
IV.It is an aptitude test meant to provide information through test-
results for self-assessment, career awareness and career guidance
of high school students for their application for scholarship.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

79. Which of the following Specialized
Subjects in the TVL Track Home Economics

Strand is given 320 hours in a semester?

I. Front Office Services (NC II)

II. Caregiving (NC II)
III. Local Guiding Services (NC II)
IV. Dressmaking (NC II)

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
80.Which of the following provides a menu of
learning interventions and pathways that

are responsive to the needs, context,

circumstances, and diversity of learners?

I. Flexible Learning Option

II. Alternative Delivery Modes
III. Home School
IV. Alternative Learning System

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
81. Which of the following statements about Instructional
Managementz by Parents, Community and Teacher

I. It is only available for elementary schools.

II. Programmed teaching is available for grades 1 and 2
III. It is designed to address educational problems and
issues while maximizing the state’s limited resources.
IV. It allows three (3) modes of learning delivery;
programmed teaching, peer group learning and self-

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

82. Juan Masipag is an 18-year-old day student of Matatag
High School.z He works the whole day to support himself and
his family. Which among the DepEd Alternative Delivery
Modes (ADMs) can he avail?

I. IMPACT III. Night High School

II. MISOSA IV. Open High School Program

a. I & II b. I & IV c. II & IV d. III & IV

83. Rusty, a grade 10 learner was in the school gate when
he realized that
z left his identification card in their house.
He asked the security guard to let him in, but the latter
shouted at him. Which of the following was committed?

I. Physical violence III. Child exploitation

II. Psychological violence IV. Corporal punishment

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
84.Who among the following shall be members of the Child
Protection Committee?

I. Abel Pineda, Kagawad Chairman of Violence Against Women and

II. Roberto Panaog, President of the General Parent-Teacher
III. Narda Visda, President of the Supreme Student Government
IV. Ivana Alawi, Principal II of Maganda Elementary School
V. Irah Cabigting, Administrative Assistant III of the school
VI. Donnie Pangilinan, School Guidance Counselor
VII. Jonalyn Viray, President of the Faculty Club

a. I, II, III, IV, V & VI c. I, II, III, V, VI & VII

b. I, II, III, IV, VI & VII d. I, III, IV, V, VI & VII
85. One of the functions of the Child
Protection Committee is to draft a school

child protection policy with a code of conduct.

How often is the document reviewed?

I. every two years III. every four years

II. every three years IV. every five years

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
86. Which of the following statements about the Learner
Reference Number
z (LRN) is NOT TRUE?

I. It shall be incorporated in all documents, forms,

examinations, surveys and databases which refer to a
II. It is a permanent 11-digit number which the learner shall
keep while completing the basic education program.
III.It shall be used to facilitate the tracking of learners
and their performance.
IV. It shall be issued to all pupil and students at public
school learners.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
87. Why do transferees from the public and private
schools become
z temporarily enrolled?

I. They failed to submit the required documents on

or before August 31 of the current school year.
II. They failed to submit the School Form 9 during
early registration or upon enrollment.
III. They failed to submit the School Form 10
during the early registration or upon enrollment.
IV. They failed to submit the Affidavit of
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
88. John Nick F. Danting was a grade 8 learner in school
year 2019-2020
z in Malayo High School. He was promoted to
grade 9, but stopped in the next two consecutive school
years. He will enroll on July 25, 2022 in Malapit High
School. Which of the following must he do?

I. Present School Form 9 upon enrollment in Malapit High

II. Present School Form 10 upon enrollment in Malapit
High School.
III.Submit birth certificate from the Philippine Statistics
IV. Submit birth certificate from the Local Civil Registrar.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
89. Albert Feliciano is a late enrollee in a
public schools. How many percent of the

School days are they required to meet?

I. 60% II. 70% III. 80% IV. 90%

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
90.Which Dep Ed Order issued the adoption of
the Unique Learner Reference Number

I. Dep Ed Order No. 21, s. 2012

II. Dep Ed Order No. 22, s. 2012
III. Dep Ed Order No. 23, s. 2012
IV. Dep Ed Order No. 24, s. 2012

a. I b. II c. III d. IV


91. How many teachers had very satisfactory
(VS) performance?

I. 1 II. 2 III. 3 IV. 5

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
92.What is the descriptive rating of Misa D.
Gallo? z

I. Outstanding III. Satisfactory

II. Very Satisfactory IV. Unsatisfactory
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
93.Which of the following summary of
descriptive ratings in Science Department is


I. O=5, VS=3, S=2 III. O=4, VS=3, S=2

II. O=5, VS=2, S=3 IV. O=4, VS=2, S=3
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
94. Which of the following statements about the descriptive ratings
of Teacher I isz TRUE?

I. One teacher got satisfactory rating, while two teachers got

very satisfactory.
II. Two teachers got satisfactory rating, while one teacher got
very satisfactory.
III. Three teachers got very satisfactory rating.
IV. Three teachers got satisfactory rating.
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
95. Which of the following statements about the descriptive ratings

I. 100% of the Teacher III got an outstanding rating.

II. 50% of the Science teachers got an outstanding rating.
III.50% of the proficient teachers got an outstanding rating.
IV.100% of the highly proficient teachers got an outstanding
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
96. Which of the following statements about the Office
Performancez Commitment Review Form (OPCRF) are TRUE?

I. It shall be accomplished by the Head of Office.

II. It shall be anchored to the overall organizational outcomes.
III. It shall reflect the Office Key Result Areas, Objectives and
Performance Indicators.
IV. It shall be discussed and agreed upon during the phase I of
Performance Planning and Commitment.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. I, II, III & IV

97. How many Key Result Areas and
Objectives shall be set in the OPCRF?

I. 1-2 KRAs and 2 objectives per office KRA

II.1-3 KRAs and 3 objectives per office KRA
III.3-5 KRAs and 2 objectives per office KRA
IV. 3-5 KRAs and 3 objectives per office KRA

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
98. Which among the following statements about
Performancez Indicators are TRUE?

I. They are exact quantification of objectives expressed

through rubrics.
II. There are three (3) performance measures which a
performance indicator must satisfy.
III.They are assessment tools which gauge whether a
performance is positive or negative.
IV. The three performance measures must be present in
each performance indicator.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

99. Mr. Zanjo Marudo, Head Teacher VI, is a newly transferred
z of Matagumpay Elementary School. The school
has 100 teachers and two (2) administrative staff. In her first
week in the school she reviewed the Summary of Results of the
Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) of
the previous school year. She found out that only 15 of the 100
teachers got an outstanding. Given the data, she vowed to
improve the situation. On which strand of Domain 4 will she
focus on?

I. Professional Development of School Personnel

II. Personal and Professional Development
III. Professional Reflection and Learning
IV. Performance Management

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
100. In DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015 there shall
be a Performance Management Team (PMT) in

various governance levels. Who shall serve as

the Chairman of the Division PMT?

I. Assistant School Division Superintendent

II. School Division Superintendent
III. Chief Administrative Officer
IV. Planning Officer III

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
101. On February 4, 2022 DepEd Memorandum No. 4, s. 2022 also
known as Implementation
of the Results-Based Performance
Management System-Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
for School Year 2021-2022. Which of the following statements are

I. There are nine classroom observable objectives for Proficient

Teachers, five objectives require Means of Verification from classroom
observation, while four objectives have two sets of options.
II. There are seven classroom observable objectives for Proficient
Teachers, five objectives require Means of Verification from classroom
observation, while two objectives have two sets of options.
III. There are 18 objectives for Proficient Teachers, with Plus Factor
as objective 19.
IV.There are 13 non-observable objectives for Proficient Teachers.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

102. Which objectives for Highly
Proficient Teachers have two sets of

I. 7 II. 8 III. 9 IV. 10

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. III & IV

103. In the recently concluded school year 2021-
2022, Mrs.z Sarah Geronimo, a grade 9 Science
teacher was rated by Mr. Boy Abunda, Head Teacher
V of the Science Department in Matiyaga High
School in the Division of La Carlota City. Who shall
be the Approving Authority in her IPCRF?

I. Assistant School Division Superintendent

II. School Division Superintendent
III. Education Program Supervisor
IV. School Head
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
104. In objective 7 for the Proficient Teachers,
which of zthe following may serve as Means of
Verification (MOV) under Set B?

I. Inter-observer Agreement Form

II. One lesson from self-learning module
III. Classroom Observation Tool Rating Sheet
IV. Any supplementary material made by the ratee
used in lesson delivery

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. III & IV

105.Mr. Patrick Visda, a Master Teacher II of Pinaglaban
High School,z shall be evaluated and rated by his Department
Head in Science. Which among the following proof can be
used for his plus factor?

I. a hard copy of a book he authored

II. a certificate of recognition for a module he wrote
III.a copy of Individual Teacher Program indicating he had
six teaching loads
IV. a certificate of recognition for being the Brigada Eskwela

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. III & IV

106. Which objectives for Proficient Teachers
accept Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) as

Means Of Verification (MOV)?

I. 7 II. 8 III. 9 IV. 10

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. III & IV
107. Which of the following statements about Learning
Action Cell are

I. LAC is a group of teachers who engage in collaborative

learning sessions to solve shared challenges encountered in
the school.
II. LAC is the most cost-effective continuing professional
development process but may still entail some expenses.
III. LAC is aimed to develop and support successful
teachers by nurturing their knowledge, attitudes, and
competencies in terms of curriculum, instruction, and
assessment in their workstations.
IV. One LAC can be composed of five (5) to 20 members.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

108. Which of the following statements about Learning
Action Cell are

I. LAC is a group of teachers who engage in collaborative

learning sessions to solve shared challenges encountered in
the school.
II. LAC is the most cost-effective continuing professional
development process but may still entail some expenses.
III. LAC is aimed to develop and support successful teachers
by nurturing their knowledge, attitudes, and competencies
in terms of curriculum, instruction, and assessment in their
IV.One LAC can be composed of five (5) to 20 members.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

109. Mabolo Elementary School has 72 proficient teachers,
8 Head Teachers
z and 8 Master Teacher. It plans to organize
its Learning Action Cells in preparation for school year
2022-2023. Who shall be its LAC Leader?

I. School Head III. Master Teacher

II. Head Teacher IV. Teacher III
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
110. Due to the various commitments of Mr. JC de Vera, the
School Headz of Bayabas Elementary School, decided to
designate a LAC Facilitator. Who among the following school
personnel is qualified to be one?

I. Zsazsa Padilla, Master Teacher I of the Araling Panlipunan

II. Regine Velasquez, Head Teacher III of the Mathematics
III. Lani Misalucha, Master Teacher II of the Science Department.
IV. Jaya Ramsey, a Teacher III of the school for 20 years.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

111. Which of the following illustrates the formation and
organization zof a LAC?

I. Mrs. Vilma Santos, grade 7 Chairperson convenes

teachers in the grade level.
II. Mrs. Nora Aunor, Head Teacher III gathers Filipino
teachers at the school.
III. Mrs. Sharon Cuneta, SPJ Coordinator meets Journalism
IV. Mrs. Maricel Soriano, MAPEH teacher calls sports
a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV
112. Who among the following school personnel is the LAC

I. Khalil Ramos, oversees the implementation of the LAC.

II. Seth Fedelin gathers evidences of LAC implementation.
III. Kyle Echarri prepares to share in each LAC session.
IV. Bailey May convenes the LAC team meetings.
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
113.Which among the following is NOT a role of the
LAC Resource z Person?
I. Shares current trends and best practices on
certain aspects of curriculum, pedagogy, and
II. Facilitates the activities during the session,
which may include workshops and
III. Mentors' teachers on content and pedagogies
for a particular lesson unit
IV.Reflects on the implementation
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
114. Mr. Arnel Usman, the school head of Matino High
School shallz conduct an In-Service Training (INSET) in
October 2022. He finished the Project Proposal but stopped
for a while when he was creating the Training Matrix. Which
among the following shall serve as data-based references on
the topics which he intend to include in the INSET?

I. Electronic Self-Assessment Tool (E-SAT) Results

II. Developmental Plans of Teachers
III.Focus Group Discussion
IV. Needs Assessment Tool

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. III & IV

115. Which law mandates and strengthens the
continuing z professional development program for all
regulated professions?

I. Republic Act 11476 III. Republic Act 10533

II. Republic Act 10912 IV. Republic Act 10157

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
116. Which among the following statements about the
continuing professional
z development (CPD) of professional
teachers are TRUE?

I. Forty-five credit units among professional teachers are

required every three years.
II. Forty-five credit units among professional teachers are
required every two years.
III. Forty credit units among professional teachers are
required every three years.
IV. Forty credit units among professional teachers are
required every two years.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
117. Miss Celia Rodriguez, School Head of Matarik High
School aimsz to empower teachers by developing their
leadership potentials. Before she appoints teachers to
ancillary positions, she immerses them on the job. Prior to
the start of every school year, she gives them designation
order with attached duties and responsibilities duly signed
by the School Division Superintendent. In return they
submit action plan and are given certificates of recognition
at the end of the school year. Which strand of Domain 4 in
the Philippine Professional Standard for School Heads this
clearly falls?
I. Strand 4.4 II. Strand 4.5 III. Strand 4.6 IV. Strand 4.7

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
118. It has been the practice of Mabuti Elementary
School to z recognize stakeholders at the end of
every school year. In this way, stakeholders feel the
value of appreciation. Which strand of Domain 4 in
the Philippine Professional Standard for School
Heads this clearly falls?

I. Strand 4.8 II. Strand 4.7 III. Strand 4.6 IV. Strand 4.5

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
119. Which of the following statements about Salary
Grade (SG) zof teachers are TRUE?

I. The salary grade of a Master Teacher III is 20.

II. The salary grade of a Head Teacher VI is 18.
III. The salary grade of a Principal IV is 22.
IV. The salary grade of a Teacher I is 11.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

120. Which of the following statements about
z Learning Network are TRUE?

I. It refers to a connected community of

II. It is community of lifelong learners.
III. It exists mostly in online platforms.
IV. It is mandatory.

a. I, II & III b. I, III & IV

c. I, II & IV d. II, III & IV


121. Which
DepEd Order formally
institutionalized the National Schools
Maintenance Week (NSMW) or the Brigada
Eskwela Program?
I. DepEd Order No. 23, s. 2008
II. DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2008
III. DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2028
IV. DepEd Order No. 26, s. 2008

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
122. The Steering Committee spearheads the

implementation of the Brigada Program. It

oversees the various efforts to be undertaken
for the program. Who is the Co-Chairman of
the Steering Committee?

I. School Head III. Barangay Chairman

II. SPTA President IV. Brigada Eskwela

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
123. Which zof the following statements about the working
committees in Brigada Eskwela are TRUE?

I. There are five (5) working committees in Brigada

II. The members of the Steering Committee may also chair
the other working committees.
III.The Advocacy and Marketing Committee focuses in
generating resources, both materials and manpower.
IV. The Program Implementation Committee aims to direct
and monitor the implementation of the different
activities in the schoolwork plan.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. II, III & IV

124. Which zof the following working committees prepares
documents for tax incentives availment by partners such as
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and Deed of Donation?

I. Documentation Committee
II. Resource Mobilization Committee
III. Advocacy and Marketing Committee
IV. Administrative and Finance Committee
V. Program and Implementation Committee

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
125. As earlyz as January 2022, the School Physical
Facilities Coordinator of Matatag High School assessed the
school facilities which needed repair. Which Brigada
Eskwela Form shall be accomplished?

I. BE Form 1 III. BE Form 3

II. BE Form 2 IV. BE Form 4

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
126. Which of the following statements is correctly written?
I. In October 18, 2019 the Department of Education released DepEd Order No. 30, s.
2019 also known as The Department of Education Manual of Style. DO 30, s. 2019
prescribes the latest language style, format and usage based on The Chicago Manual
of Style, 17th edition.
II. In October 18, 2019 the Department of Education released DepEd Order No. 30, s.
2019 also known as The Department of Education Manual of Style. DO 30, s. 2019
prescribes the latest language style, format and usage based on The Chicago Manual
of Style, 17th edition.
III.In October 18, 2019 the Department of Education (DepEd) released DepEd Order
No. 30, s. 2019 also known as The Department of Education Manual of Style. DO
30, s. 2019 prescribes the latest language style, format and usage based on The
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
IV.In October 18, 2019 the Department of Education (DepEd) released DepEd Order No.
30, s. 2019 also known as The Department of Education Manual of Style. DO 30, s.
2019 prescribes the latest language style, format and usage based on The Chicago
Manual of Style, 17th edition.

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
127. Which of
z the following is correctly written?

I. Hermes P. Vargas, PhD, CESO I

II. Hermes P. Vargas, Ph.D. CESO I
III.Hermes P. Vargas, PhD., CESO I
IV. Hermes P. Vargas, Ph.D., CESO I

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
128. Mr. Patrick
z Visda, Principal III of Magilas High School
made an endorsement addressed to the Schools Division
Superintendent. Which correspondence shall be used?

I. Respectfully forwarded III. Respectfully referred

II. Respectfully transmitted IV. Respectfully submitted

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
129. Whichz of the following is correctly written?
I. Sarah Z. Duterte, secretary of the Department of
Education, stated that classes in all public schools shall
open on August 22, 2022.
II. Sarah Z. Duterte, Secretary of the Department of
Education, stated that classes in all public schools shall
open on August 22, 2022.
III. Sarah Z. Duterte, Education Department secretary,
stated that classes in all public schools shall open on
August 22, 2022.
IV. Sarah Z. Duterte, Education Department Secretary,
stated that classes in all public schools shall open on
August 22, 2022.
a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. III & IV
130. How many elements are

there in a DepEd Order?

I. 15 II. 16 III. 17 IV. 18

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
131. Which of the following statements about DepEd
Memorandum z are TRUE?

I. It provides the detailed procedures for implementing

established laws or policies of DepEd or other government
II. It contains policies promulgated by the Central Office, which
are general or permanent in nature.
III. It is signed by the Secretary if it is department-wide in
IV. It has 16 elements.
V. It has 17 elements.

a. I, II & III b. I, III & IV c. I, III & V d. II, III & IV

132. Which element of
the DepEd Order includes
the assigned tracking

I. Control Number
II. Footer
III. Header
IV. Tracer

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
133. Which element
of the DepEd Order
stipulates the
objectives of the

I.6 II. 7 III. 8 IV. 9

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
134. DepEd Order
No. 34, s. 2022
has just been released last July 11,
2022. Which of the following
statements are TRUE?

I. The control number of the DepEd

Order is July 11, 2022.
II. The control number of the DepEd
Order can be found in element 2.
III. The control number of the DepEd
Order can be found in element 3.
The control number of the DepEd
Order is DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2022.

a. I & II c. II & III

b. I & III d. III & IV
135. After zreading so much
on Inclusive Education,
Mrs. Sheralene N. Shirata,
Principal of Magaan
Elementary School wants
to search more about it.
Which element of the
DepEd Order is likely to
help her?

I. 14II. 15 III. 16 IV. 17

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
136. A guardian refers to a person or an individual
appointed byz a competent court as the legal guardian of the
learner. Who among the following can be considered as
I. Mr. Ong, head of Maria Orphan Center, has the physical care
and custody of Enjin.
II. Mang Dado, relative of Edwin within the fourth degree of
consanguinity lives in the same household as the learner.
III. Aling Nena was authorized in writing by the biological parents
of Erwin and has the physical care and custody of the learner.
IV. Aling Marta holds a certification from the barangay stating
that she has physical care and custody of Erin and provides
financial and other support to the learner.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. I, II, III & IV

137. Which among the following statements about
membership z in the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) are

I. It shall include parents of learners.

II. It shall include teachers in the school.
III. It shall include non-teaching personnel in the school.
IV. It shall include legally appointed guardians by a
competent court.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. I, II, III & IV

138. The Election Committee (ELECOM) shall have overall
supervision zover the conduct of the HPTA and GrPTA
elections and direct supervision over the conductof
election of the Teacher-representatives to the BOD and
SPTA-BOD Officers. Which among the composition of the
ELECOM is true?

I. 1-school head, 1 teacher, 5 parents

II. 1-school head, 2 teachers, 4 parents
III. 1-school head, 3 teachers, 4 parents
IV. 1-school head, 4 teachers, 2 parents

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
139. Melon Elementary School is a public school in SDO La
Carmen Cityz which offers grades 1 to 6. How many
members shall there be in SPTA-BOD?

I. 6 parents & 3 teachers III. 4 parents & 5 teachers

II. 5 parents & 4 teachers IV. 3 parents & 6 teachers

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
140. In Article VII, Section 26 of DepEd Order No. 13, s.
2022 how much
z shall be allowed for the school publication
among secondary schools?

I. P70.00 II. P80.00 III. P90.00 IV. P100.00

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
141. Which of the following statements about anti-TB fund
drive is TRUE?

I. The allowable amount for anti-TB fund drive is P5.00

II. The allowable amount for anti-TB fund drive is P10.00
III.The allowable amount for anti-TB fund drive is P15.00
IV.The allowable amount for anti-TB fund drive is P20.00

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
142. Last June 17, 2022 DepEd Order No. 26, s. 2022 also
known as Implementing
z Guidelines on the Establishment
of School Governing Council (SGC). What are the major
purposes of SGC?

I. structure for shared responsibility

II. structure for shared governance
III.communication mechanism
IV. feedback mechanism

a. I & II b. I & III c. II & III d. II & IV

143. Which of the following is NOT a function of the SGC
as a structure
z of shared governance?

I. serve as a collective and consultative body for school

plans, programs, activities, and strategic directions
II. help the school improve and sustain its feedback
system by strengthening practices that promote
stakeholders' participation
III. serve as the overall coordinating body that will
synergize, harmonize, and put together the work of the
different school committees
IV. serve as a platform to cultivate the spirit of bayanihan
among stakeholders to support the school and encourage
active participation of the stakeholders
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
144. Which of the following is NOT a function of the SGC
as a feedbackz mechanism?

I. help the school improve and sustain its feedback system by

strengthening practices that promote stakeholders' participation
II. assist the school in ensuring transparency in its operations and
performance, specifically school programs and resources
III. recommend ways of improving the quality of basic education
services and school performance to the school management and
school planning team
IV. serve as a platform to cultivate the spirit of bayanihan among
stakeholders to support the school and encourage active
participation of the stakeholders

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
145. The basic organizational structure of SGC is composed of
the Designated z Co-Chairperson, Elected Co-Chairperson,
Secretary and Council Members. Which of the following
statements about the Designated Co-Chairperson is NOT
I. The Designated Co-Chairperson shall be a school representative.
II. The Designated Co-Chairperson shall be chosen by the school head.
III.The Designated Co-Chairperson is an ex-officio member of the SGC.
IV.The Designated Co-Chairperson exhibits the leadership competencies reflected in
Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers.
V. The Designated Co-Chairperson exhibits the leadership competencies reflected in
Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers.

a. III & IV b. IV & V c. IV d. V


146. What is the maximum term of office by the

members of the SGC?

I. five school years

II. three school years
III. two school years
IV. one school year

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
147. In DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2015 also known as Guidelines to K
to 12 Partnerships,
z the Department of Education specified the two
(2) areas for partnership. Which of the following falls in work
immersion area?

I. Orakulo, a software company, provides Information Technology

specialists to supervise the senior high school learners from
Masinop High School.
II. The senior high school learners in TVL Home Economics of
Masipag Senior High School work in the kitchen of Le Grande
III. Puregoods Meat Incorporated regularly checks the workplace
before the learners of Matipid Senior High School start to work.
IV.Microhard Company constantly provides capacity building
among the teachers of Matiyaga Senior High School.

a. I, II & III b. I, II & IV c. I, III & IV d. I, II, III & IV

148. Whoz is the Partnership Focal Person of
Malakas Senior High School?

I. Grade 12 Chairperson
II. TVL Subject Group Head Person
III. School Head
IV. Senior High School Focal

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
149. There z are five (5) steps in Partnership-
Building Activities (PBA). The signing of a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between a
school and a partner institution falls in which
specific step?

I. Identification of Potential Partners

II. Monitoring and Evaluation
III.Partnership Development

a. I b. II c. III d. IV
150. Which z of the following activities fall in the
Identification of Potential Partners?

I. Matching of SHS Programs vis-à-vis list of

potential partners
II. Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
III. Gathering of information about the school
IV. Actual meeting

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

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