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Surrogacy and “Procreative Tourism” 1st Rustavi Journal Club Seminar

What Does the Future Hold from the Ethical and Legal Perspectives? Commercial surrogacy banning in
IX semester DTMU 19 December 2022

Introduction When courts are called upon to decide on the issue of surrogacy, they tend to favour several factors, often in conflict with each Conclusion
What is surrogacy? other:
We believe that, to minimize the risks posed by commercial
the best interests of the child,
Surrogacy involves a person agreeing to carry and give birth to a surrogacy, it may not be enough for national legislatures to devise
 the rights of the gestational mother,
baby for someone else. After the baby is born, the birth parent new laws, or amend existing ones, in isolation
the genetic link between the child and the genetic parents
gives custody and guardianship to the intended parent or parents.  the of the objectives of the couple who signed the surrogacy contract Surrogacy agencies could take advantage of the loopholes that exist
Surrogacy has complex legal and medical steps that must be met. in the law. Eggs, sperm, embryos, surrogates and intended parents
It’s important to be aware of the process, seek professional advice Countries and the legal status of surrogacy methods could simply move to countries where commercial surrogacy is still
and build supportive networks legal. Finally, let us remind ourselves that, when one industry is
Who is involved? banned in a country, another one can promptly and easily open for
Countries Legal Status
A person who agrees to carry and give birth to a baby for someone business elsewhere (possibly favouring underground, unregulated
else is known as the surrogate or birth parent. The person or and unsupervised agreements and procedures liable to harm
couple who will receive the baby once it’s born are known as the France Banned vulnerable women even more). That seems to be the case in
intended or commissioning parent(s). Ukraine, which is quickly becoming a commercial surrogacy
Many other people need to be considered before taking this life- “promised land”, now that other countries have banned or severely
Germany Banned restricted the practice.
changing step, including the partner and children of a surrogate,
any other children of the intended parent(s) and egg or sperm overning, rather than banning, a phenomenon that is obviously not
donors (if any) and their families. going away by itself anytime soon is probably the best way to go:
Italy Banned
the ultimate goal is in fact to ensure that the dignity, integrity and
self-determination of women are upheld at all times, at every stage
What types of surrogacy are there? of the surrogacy process, and the rights and well-being of children
Traditional surrogacy United States There is no federal law governing surrogacy across the country; are guaranteed afterwards.
The surrogate provides her own egg, which is inseminated with regulations vary at the state level. The main effort, however, needs to be made at the international
the commissioning parent’s sperm. This can be done using in vitro level. It is of utmost importance to pursue an international
insemination (IVF) or artificial insemination. In this case, the Altruistic surrogacy is legal. Commercial surrogacy is banned. consensus on surrogacy, which can evolve into a joined-up
baby is biologically related to the surrogate. United Kingdom
legislative approach. Despite the inevitable difficulties of arriving at
Gestational surrogacy a global agreement, i.e., getting people from different places,
Full or gestational surrogacy is legal, i.e., the surrogate mother cannot
In this type of pregnancy, an embryo is transferred into the Russia have a genetic tie with the child. Commercial surrogacy is legal as cultures or backgrounds to espouse a common set of values,
surrogate’s uterus. The embryo is formed from the egg and sperm well. concerns about exploitation and acceptable ethical standards—
of the intended parents or from donors, using IVF. The egg particularly in terms of upholding the rights of the most vulnerable
doesn’t come from the surrogate Currently, only resident married heterosexual couples with infertility —represent a significant reason to work towards common ground
problems are allowed to access altruistic surrogacy agreements (only and over time, a global approach to surrogacy arrangements.
There is a wide range of methods available for infertile couples India compensation of medical expenses is legal). Commercial surrogacy is Surrogacy as a means to further reproductive rights for all is worthy
that offer important support for natural fertilization. However, not legal in India anymore. of a global conversation.
according to critics, such techniques, including surrogacy, can
result in the commodification of human life and the exploitation of
women, which is what makes surrogacy, particularly the
commercial kind, so moot from a bioethical standpoint . Commercial Surrogacy and the Risk of Exploitation: Is Banning Really the Answer? Not so Fast
The phrase surrogate motherhood refers to the process by which a REFERENCES
woman, referred to as carrier or surrogate mother, undertakes Commercial surrogacy has been termed by many critics with the charged phrase “global baby business” , and, before it was banned in India, in Piersanti, V. et al. (2021) Surrogacy and "Procreative tourism". what
gestation and delivery upon demand from a commissioning couple December 2018, it was estimated to be worth somewhere between $500 million and $2.0 billion does the future hold from the ethical and legal perspectives?, Medicina
or individual, the “intended parents”; this practice uses Consequently, surrogacy has become a feasible and even attractive alternative for many couples when infertility or sexual orientation rule out a (Kaunas, Lithuania). U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at:
“natural” pregnancy or when a woman is unwilling to undertake a pregnancy (Accessed:
heterologous fertilization techniques
January 24, 2023). 


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