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& ideas
Step 1 Developing ideas

Step 2 Presenting ideas


various adj. 各种各样的 orientation
_____________ n. 迎新,培训
volunteer 志愿者,义务工作者 _____________
Orientation Day 迎新日
gain v. 获得 _____________
frightened adj. 受惊的,害怕的
apply 申请 _____________
sight n. 看见
schedule 进度表,日程表 _____________
figure v. 以为
opportunity 机会,时机 _____________
go all out 全力以赴,竭尽全力
hint 有用的建议 _____________
select v. 挑选
view n. ( 一次 ) 观看 _____________adj.
paticular 特定的,特指的
former 从前对的,以前的 _____________
in particular 特别,尤其
graduate 毕业 _____________
rainbow n. 彩虹

various 令人愉快的 _____________
look forward to 期待,盼望
specific adj. 具体的,特定的 _____________n.
committee 委员会
refer v. 提及,说到 _____________v.
improve 改善,提高
refer to 提到,谈到 _____________
rate v. 对 ... 作评估,评价
journal 日记,日志 _____________
performance n. 表现
junior adj. 低年级的 _____________
exchange v. 意见,信息等交流
struggle 奋斗,拼搏 _____________
share v. 分享
memorise v. 熟记,记住 _____________
interviewer n. 采访者,面试官
skateboarding n. 滑板运动 _____________n.
award 奖赏,奖励
forward adv. 向前 _____________n.
course 课程
Think about the things you want to achieve at high school and rank
them in order of importance.(1 = most important)
□ join a school club
□ take a trip with your classmates
□ get the highest score in a test at least once an open
□ get to know all the schoolmates in your grade discussion
□ stand on stage at least once
□ win an award
□ read as many books as possible
□ learn a new skill
□ other_____
gr ow.
r t uni ty to
a g r e a t op e m s .
i g hi s p r obl
nio r h m a n y
t se w i t h
Life a r n t o d eal
t o l e a i o r h i g h.
hav e k h ar d a t s e n
You Y o u rtan t t o w o r
mus I t ’s i m p o
t fac e d i sa p p o in ted.
e ma i m e s y o u m ay b
ny n Somet
ew c
halle .
nges s s ar y
. e n n e ce
n d w h
s a h a
f ri e n d
o u r
Give y
It’s very important to keep an open mind.
How to develop a talk about high school hints?

Welcome a former student, Lisa and give a brief introduction about her.
Step 1

Get to the points: What helped when Lisa first started high school?
Step 2
How to deal with new challenges?
Lisa gave her own high school hints.

Step 3 Lisa summarised her hints and the interviewer offered her thanks.
A brief introduction of Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928 in St.
Louis, Missouri, USA. She was an actress and
writer, known for Madea's Family Reunion (2006),
How to Make an American Quilt (1995) and Poetic
Justice (1993). She died on May 28, 2014.
Her famous quote
When you learn, teach. When you get, give.
当你学有所悟,就分享你的领悟, 当你业有所成,
Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.
□Learning to learn
When scanning a text, you
While- reading read it quickly in order to
find a specific piece of
Scan the interview and answer the questions. information. For example
to find out the answer to
the question"What did Lisa
1. What did Lisa find most helpful when she started high school? find most helpful when she
started high school?",you
Orientation Day would look for the key
words"helpful"and "started
high school"
2. How did she deal with new challenges?

She figured that she should go all out and not be afraid of failure.

3. How did she handle disappointments?

She realised that it wasn't just about winning, and kept working
hard to be part of something she loved.
While- reading
What is the main purpose of the passage?

A . To introduce how Lisa dealt with new challenges at senior high.

B . To encourage the students to keep an open mind.
C . To share Lisa's suggestions for high school with the students.
D . To recommend the students to read the works written by Maya Angelou.
While- reading
How did Lisa deal with the chemistry test at the end of the first

A . She decided to face failure bravely.

B . She asked her deskmate for help.
C . She refused to take the exam.
D . She was too frightened to write down the answers.
While- reading
How did Lisa deal with her not being selected for the end­of­year

A . She kept being angry.

B . She tried to forget it.
C . She forgot why she joined the team.
D . She kept working hard to support her teammates.
While- reading
Lisa’s problem Solution Hints

She was frightened She figured that Hold your head up.
at the sight of the she’d better go all
chemistry test paper. out.

She wasn’t selected Be a rainbow in

She kept working
for the end-of-year somebody else’s
hard to support her
vollayball cloud.
teammate while
competition. training.
While- reading

What is the purpose of Lisa using the words from Maya

A . To tell us Maya Angelou is a great writer.
B . To tell us we should give our friends a hand when they need it.
C . To tell us she likes Maya Angelou best.
D . To tell us how to make friends.
Post- reading Think Share

1 What do you think Lisa means by "If you fail, no problem-next time you can fail better"?
She means that it's OK to fail, as long as you learn something from it to help you succeed
next time.
2 Think about the words from Maya Angelou: "Be a rainbow in somebody else's doud." Do
you know of any similar sayings?
When someone is in trouble, try to give him a hand.
Helping others is always the best way to help yourself. ----Ralph Waldo Emerson
3 Which piece of Lisa's advice is the most helpful to you? Why? It’s open-ended
4 What else would you like to ask Lisa about starting high school? It’s open-ended
Learn to write a
journal entry Write about what is going on

Explore your feelings about it

Record your reactions

Questions you have and the

Read the journal entry and answer the questions.
1 What's the passage about?
It's about the author's experiences during the first week at senior high.
2 What happened in her physics class?
She couldn't take notes of everything the physics teacher said, but the teacher told her to stop
taking notes and just listen. He said that thinking was more important than note-taking and
3 What did she do after class?
She hurried to the school skateboarding club, and bumped into a girl on the way. Then she
tried skateboarding at the club and made friends with the girl she bumped into earlier.
Think of your own experiences of the first week at senio rhigh and complete the notes.

one Friday 8 September

version How time flies! I can't believe the first week is coming to an end. Things are
going quite well, and there are one or two things in particular that have left a
deep impression on me.

My first impression of the first week

The English class on Thursday was unforgettable. During the class, we were
asked to give a short speech about the first day at senior high. All my classmates
were excited but I buried my head in my book. I had never delivered a speech in
English before, and worse still, I didn't feel quite at ease speaking in public. I
was secretly hoping that nobody would notice me, when suddenly I heard my
name called. I stood up, blushing, with nothing coming out of my mouth."Don't
be shy! Just think of your first day at senior high and say whatever comes to
mind. Imagine we are all pumpkins if it helps." The teacher's words made me
relax a bit, and I finally began to say something. Despite my trembling voice, I
gave my first ever public speech in English. It was hard, but it didn’t feel bad.

an enjoyable class
After school that day, I decided to go to to the English
Club to further practise my English. I believe that by
practising more I can improve a lot. As the saying After-school activities
goes,"Practice makes perfect." While I was trying to
pick up the courage to talk to someone, I heard a kind
voice behind me."Hello, I'm Tom. Nice to meet
you."Sitting side-by-side, he shared with me some tips How I made a new friend
on how to improve my English. We had a lovely chat
and soon became friends.

The first week of senior high has been quite exciting,

and I am looking forward to making the most of senior
summarise his first week
Make a short presentation of suggestions to the head teacher
Topic: lunch break & school uniform

problems how to change

Prepare the lunch break just sitting on
prepare some
presentation chair,burying our
mattress to lie down
heads on arms, tired
uniform similar to the add some qualities
uniform of other of our school
school, difficult to
Hello, everyone. I’ll take this
opportunity to give our head
teacher some suggestions which
I hope will be considered
The first thing I’d suggest is about
the lunch break. As is known, we are
nearly exhausted after studying for a
whole morning, so we badly need a
good lunch break to relax.
But we don’t have anything to lie
down, we just sit on our chair with
our heads burying on arms. We hope
to have some mattress to lie down for
a rest.
Another thing I would suggest is
about our school uniform. I have to
admit, our school uniform is of good
quality and comfortable. But it looks
like sports uniform, similar to that of
other schools. It’s difficult to show
our own qualities. So I think it a
good idea to add some unique
elements of our school.
That’s all for my presentation.
and I hope my suggestions will
be considered carefully. Thanks.

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