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Case Study: Walmart

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Title and Content

 Introduction
 Selling and Marketing
 Business-To-Business Strategy
 Social Networking, Mobile Commerce
 Legal, Ethical Taxes
 Software Security
 Conclusion

 It is an American Multinational
Company, headquarter in
 The CEO of Walmart is Doug
McMillon and founder is Sam
Walton. The company’s revenue
is 57280 crores.
 It includes Grocery Store,
Departmental Stores, and many
Selling and Marketing on the Web

Walmart Remain
Marketing Mix to Help You
Business Model Of Walmart Competitive Even With Low
Start Selling On Walmart
Business Model of Walmart
Walmart Remain Competitive Even With Low

To meet the competitive pressures in its industry, Walmart implements

several programmers, which include:
 Every Day Low Cost (EDLC).
 Every Day Low Price (EDLP).
Pick Walmart For Your Omni Channel Strategy:
 Bigger Reach.
 Liquidate Your Slow-Selling Stock.
Marketing Mix to Help You Start Selling On
7Ps of Walmart Marketing Mix are as follows:
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
• People
• Process
• Physical Evidence
Business-To-Business Strategy
Social Networking, Mobile Commerce

Social Marketing- Walmart used

social media like facebook,
Instagram, YouTube, Twitter,
LinkedIn etc. for promoting their
Mobile commerce- In today’s era
mobile commerce is in great trend.
People use their mobile for e-
shopping from Walmart products.
Legal, Ethical Taxes

Legal- Walmart is not required to withhold

payments on taxes made to shareholders of
the foreign countries with a stake of less than
5% and no right of management.
Ethical- Walmart is a branded company and
doing all its ethical duties. Ethics means
principles, laws, rules and regulations in the
company and Walmart is doing all his ethical
duties like proper supply of material to
dealers and provide quality goods to their
Software Security
Walmart uses many software and
 SLEPOS: SLEPOS meets the changing
requirements of distributed point-of-
service environments. SLEPOS, when
combined with SUSE Manager for
Retail, provides a comprehensive
management solution for retail IT
 SUSE Linux Enterprise Point Of
Service: It is an operating system which
is very safe and secure source from the
point of providing service to their

 Walmart uses many antivirus software to prevent our firewall for external
Steps to purchase antivirus software:
 The very first step is to decide the antivirus program.
 Next is to create an account
 Then consent to licensing agreement.

 Walmart is listed company and a leading global brand in United States

 It helps in providing the best services to their customers and try to satisfy them
 It provides safe, secure, protected , affordable products to their customers.
 Company also provides safe and healthy working conditions to their employees.

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