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To :
• Develop rational thinking
• Express opinions & facts
• Analyse and find pros & cons of a situation
• Express arguments in the form of article
• Develop writing skills using a variety of accurate sentence
• Write an Article for a Newspaper/ School Magazine
• Expressing concern, opinion, views etc on various issues viz.
social, political, economic, health hazards, law & order
situations, public interest etc
Article is a piece of writing through which one can
express one’s concern, opinion or views on a wide
range of issues.

Article Writing –Collecting information, analysing,

sequencing, writing -involves clarity of thought and
command over language (sentence structure,
lucidity, use of phrases and idioms, a sense of
humour, a rational mind etc)  of 3-4 paragraphs.
Marks : 5 (Format-Content-Expression :1+2+2=5 Marks)
Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spellings.
Coherence and relevance of ideas and style.
Word Limit : 100-150
Understanding the Strategies of Writing an Article
Format/Lay Out
By _______________
___________________opening note_________________________

____________________Causes & Impact_____________________



no signature at the end

date not required
Understanding the Strategies of Writing an Article
  By ....................
 ”Can be started with a relevant quote”
Introduction/ A good beginning.....................................................................
(Para Break) ....................causes...................................................................
................. .......... .........
Content – must be coherent
Understanding the Strategies of Writing an Article

HEADING- The heading should be catchy and in not more than 5-

6 words. You can be as creative as you want with this but ensure
that you do not devote much time on it in the exam.

BY LINE- It refers to the name of the person writing the article. It

is generally given in the question. If not given, then do not write
your personal details.

(NOTE- You are not supposed to mention any of your personal

details while attempting the answers in the exam) 

BODY- It is the main part of your writing piece. It generally

consists of 3-4 paragraphs.
Understanding the Strategies of Writing an Article

PARAGRAPH 1: It is always prescribed that you begin with a short introduction

of the topic; it’s meaning to be precise. Briefly tell what the article is about
giving some quotations or startling facts to arouse the interest of the readers.

PARAGRAPH 2 & 3: Now this part can be written in either one or two
paragraphs. You are required to do a complete analysis of the subject matter
in question. It may include-

TYPES - In how many forms does the problem exist? You are required to
mention the various possible types (if these exist).
Understanding the Strategies of Writing an Article
CURRENT SCENARIO - Then you need to explain the current situation, the
problems (if any) and whether after any corrective actions, betterment in the
situation has been observed or not.
It may include advantages/ disadvantages depending upon the topic in

CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP- Develop the cause and effect relationship
by supporting it with facts or data. You may also write the consequences.
Any other relevant and related information. (DATA)

PARAGRAPH 4: The conclusion. It is the concluding paragraph. It is important

to conclude what you’ve started. Never leave an article open-ended. Now, it is
to be remembered that wherever you elaborate a problem, you always have
to mention the steps being taken to improvise the situation and suggest a few
solutions as well. Predictions may be included. You may add some glitter to
your art piece with some quotes.
Article Writing

Collecting information
Writing involves :
Clarity of thought
Command over language
(sentence structure, lucidity, use of phrases
and idioms, a sense of humour, a rational mind etc)
Article Writing : Sample

Q. The present-day youth are greatly stressed due to cut-

throat competition and consumerist culture. Write an
article in 150 words on the causes of the stress on the
modern generation suggesting suitable solutions.
Causes of Stress on the Modern Generation

By ………………

The main cause of stress on the modern generation is

the cut-throat competition and consumerist culture
prevalent in our society. This always puts them under
pressure of efficiency and productivity.

The modern environment is highly competitive and

calls for relentless effort on the part of each youngster.
To achieve the goals they have to devote all their time
and capacity, without rest. So they have no time to care
even for their own selves.
They have no time for relaxing or to pursue something of
their own interest sounds like a luxury to them.

The effects of this stress on the youth are also visible

in their physical being whereby they have increased
pulses and a lot of tension in their muscles. As per a
recent survey by ……….. (data)

With increased professionalism and specialisation

there seems no practical and suitable solution for this
stress due to the competition. In this age of
consumerism, it is not surprising that the youth of today
are also constantly vying to outdo each other in
acquiring material things.
Causes of Stress on the Modern Generation

But now, it is high time each of us sat back in quiet

introspection to contemplate where we are actually
heading to in this rat race.

Our health and well-being will have to be our primary

concern for, as they say, “A healthy mind lies in a healthy
body”. Let us stop living like robots. We are humans and
have to behave likewise and not like machines
otherwise, future of mankind may be at stake.
Assignment : Article
Q.  India is a land of diversity. One way in which it
makes us feel proud of it is the number of festivals we
enjoy. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Festivals of
India’. You are Karuna/Karan. (SOURCE- CBSE 2016)

Marks : 5 (Format-Content-Expression :1+2+2=5 Marks)

Word Limit : 100-150

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