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Java applets

Kuldeep Yogi
Java applets are one of three kinds of
Java programs:
– An application is a standalone program that
can be invoked from the command line.
– An applet is a program that runs in the
context of a browser session.
– A servlet is a program that is invoked on
demand on a server program and that runs in
the context of a web server process.
Applets, web page, client, server
• Applets are programs stored on a web server, similar to web
• When an applet is referred to in a web page that has been
fetched and processed by a browser, the browser generates a
request to fetch (or download) the applet program, then
executes the program in the browser’s execution context, on
the client host.
s e r ve r ho s t
br o w s e r ho s t
we b s e rv e r
bro ws e r
re qe u s t fo r
m y W e bPa g e .h tm l

m y W e bPa g e .h tm l
m y W e bPa g e .h tm l He llo W o rld.cla s s
... re qu e s t fo r
< a pple t co de = H e llo W o rld.cla s s < /a pple t> He llo W o rldcla s s
He llo W o rld.cla s s He llo W o rld.cla s s
Applet Execution - 1
• An applet program is written as a subclass of
the java.Applet class or the
javax.swing.Japplet class. There is no main
method: you must override the start method.
Applet objects uses AWT for graphics.
JApplet uses SWING.
• It is a Graphics object that runs in a Thread
object, so every applet can perform graphics,
and runs in parallel to the browser process.
Applet Execution
• When the applet is loaded, these methods are automatically
invoked in order:
– the init( ) method is invoked by the Java Virtual Machine.
– The start( ) method
– The paint( ) method.
• The applet is now running and rendered on the web page.
• You program the start( ) method and the paint( ) method for
your application, and invoke a repaint() call to re-render the
graphics, if necessary.
• At the end of the execution, the stop( ) method is invoked,
followed by the destroy( ) method to deallocate the applet’s
HTML tags for applets - 1
<APPLET specifies the beginning of the HTML applet code

CODE="demoxx.class" is the actual name of the applet

(usually a 'class' file)
CODEBASE="demos/" is the location of the applet (relative as
here, or a full URL)
NAME="smily" the name you want to give to this instance of
the applet on this page
WIDTH="100" the physical width of the applet on your page
HEIGHT="50"  the physical height of the applet on your page
ALIGN="Top" where to align the applet within its page space
(top, bottom, center)
HTML tags for applets - 2
<PARAM  specifies a parameter that can be passed to the applet
NAME=“name1" the name known internally by the applet in order
to receive this parameter
VALUE="000000" the value you want to pass for this parameter
> end of this parameter
<PARAM  specifies a parameter that can be passed to the applet
(applet specific)
NAME=“name2" the name known internally by the applet in order
to receive this parameter
VALUE="ffffff" the value you want to pass for this parameter
> end of this parameter

</APPLET> specifies the end of the HTML applet code

The HelloWorld Applet
<HTML> public void paint(Graphics g){
<APPLET code=hello.class width=900 height=300> final int FONT_SIZE = 42;
</APPLET> Font font = new Font("Serif",

// applet to display a message in a window // set font, and color and display
import java.awt.*; message on
import java.applet.*; // the screen at position 250,150
public class hello extends Applet{
public void init( ){
setBackground(Color.yellow); // The message in the next line
} is the one you will see

public void paint (Graphics g) {

// Draw string at specified x,y coordinates
g.drawString ("Hello, IS Society!", 100, 100);
• The applet object includes a built-in function (or
method) for painting to the screen.
• Here, we use the drawString() method for displaying
a string.
• To use drawString(), we specify a string, and x,y
Setting Fonts and Colors
g.setFont (new Font ("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 18));
g.setColor (;
• Java includes two more built-in methods:
– setFont() for setting a specific font face, type, and size.
– setColor() for setting a specific color
• Java includes six built-in fonts:
– Helvetica
– TimesRoman
– Courier
– Dialog
– DialogInput
– ZapfDingbats
Built-in Graphics Functions
• The Java Graphics Objects includes dozens of
drawing functions:
– drawLine(int x,int y,int x1,int y1)
– drawOval(int x,int y,int width,int height)
– drawPolygon(int[] xPoint,int[] yPoint, int nPoint)
– drawRect(int x,int y,int width,int height)
– draw3DRect(int x,int y,int width,int height, boolean
– fillOval()
– fillRect()
Advanced Applets
• You can use threads in an applet – embedding threads in Applets.
• You can make socket calls in an applet, subject to the security

Se r ve r ho s t C l i e nt ho st
H TTP s e rv e r bro ws e r

ap p le t d o w n lo ad
s e r v er Y allo w e d
c o n n ec tio n r eq u e s t a pple t

f o r b id d en
H ost X
c o n n e c tio n r eq u e s t
s e r v er Z
Proxy server
A proxy server can be used to circumvent the security
Se r ve r ho s t C l i e nt ho s t
H TTP s e rv e r bro ws e r

ap p let d o w n lo ad
s er v e r Y
c o n n ec tio n r eq u es t a pple t

H ost X
c o n n ec tio n r eq u es t
s e r v er Z
• An applet is a Java class
• Its code is downloaded from a web server
• It is run in the browser’s environment on the client host
• It is invoked by a browser when it scans a web page
and encounters a class specified with the APPLET tag
• For security reason, the execution of an applet is
normally subject to restrictions:
– applets cannot access files in the file system on the client
– Applets cannot make network connection exception to the
server host from which it originated

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