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HCL SAS Capability

Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

HCL SAS Practice Snapshot
Services Operating Systems
1. Development & Consultation (ETL/BI/Analytics) 1. Windows
2. SAS Fraud Analytics 2. Unix/Linux
• Global Consulting partner 3. SAS AML solution
• Silver 4. SAS Data Management SAS Products
5. SAS High Performance Analytics (HPA)
• 120+ Resources, 6. SAS VDMML Analytics
1. SAS 9.2,9.3,9.4
• 550+ Person Years 7. Managed services
2. SAS Visual Statistics / Visual Analytics
of SAS Experience 8. Migration & automation
3. SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning
9. SAS EBI /GRID/VA administration and configuration
4. SAS HPA Enterprise miner / SAS text Miner
10. Skill gap assessment and leverage SAS training
5. SAS Studio
11. Performance improvement and Best practices
6. SAS Environment Manager/SAS SMC
• 80% Resources
7. SAS Viya
• SAS Base Certified
8. SAS Forecast studio /SAS Visual Forecasting
Industry 9. SAS EGRC/ AML / Fraud Analytics
10. SAS Enterprise guide
1. Banking and Financial services(BFSI) & Insurance
11. SAS Data Integration studio
• 20% resources 2. Life Science & Pharma, Retail & Manufacturing
12. SAS BI Dashboard and WRS
• Advanced SAS and SAS
Platform Admin certified
Platforms & Technologies

1. SAS GRID/ LASR/HPA distributed and Non distributed

2. SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI)
3. SAS Viya

2 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

Case Studies

3 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS GRID/VA support and maintenance

A leading American global biotechnology company


 Development of the next generation SAS • HCL provides Admin and Application Support Business
environment to support Biometrics and • Development of SAS Visual Analytics environment that  Significant improvements were
provides Biometrics and Safety business users to observed for Safety users as jobs
Safety users
create complex reports and powerful visualizations running in GRID environment were
 Central Administration of various able to extract vendor data in order of
 Development of a SAS GRID environment based on a 100 of GBs in hours, as compared to
Biometrics study groups cluster of several compute servers, supported by web several days on the old system
 Migration of the SAS program data and and desktop based client tools
 SAS GRID and Visual Analytics share
files to the new environment
 Manage SAS Metadata level changes for SAS GRID common platform which allows users
and SAS Visual Analytics to run powerful visualizations and
 Developing Backup and Recovery  Manage LASR server and AutoLoad settings for SAS exploration on clinical data.
framework and Service level agreements Visual Analytics to ensure continuous in-memory  Ubiquitous access for users was
around it availability of SAS datasets for Visual Analytics users made possible with help of browser
 Setting alerts mechanisms based on CPU and based tools such as SAS Studio and
 Setting up batch queues based on priority,
memory usage to ensure high availability of SAS connectivity through Citrix
load and business areas. GRID.

Admin Support during business hours and  Automation of housekeeping tasks, alerts and logging
System maintenance mechanism SAS GRID 9.4, SAS VA 7.3, SAS SMC 9.3 ,
Environment Manager

• Migration, Development and Support for SAS GRID

and VA environment. Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |
SAS VA and GRID Architecture

SAS GRID monitoring tool interface

5 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS Implementation and upgrade

A leading financial services holding company in UK


 Understand the complete business  HCL to configure the target environments as
Capture logical architecture of source described in any High-Level and \ or Low-Level Business
Design documents and action prerequisites as  Smooth migration without adding
environment, and of target environment outlined in the SAS supplied installation prerequisites project risk
 Review the IBM supplied Systems document. The SAS estimate includes 7.5 hours of
support to HCL from an installation consultant. • Well designed ETL processes
Architecture Design (SAD) documents for ensuring the access to timely
 SAS Installation consultant to audit the new information and integrity.
suitability to base the SAS installation environments to ensure that the installation
• Consistency in data across
prerequisites and installation plan from. prerequisites are in place and the environments are
ready for installation activities to commence enterprise
 SAS shall provide Technical Architecture • Secured data centers environment
 Automation of housekeeping tasks, alerts and logging
Support to HCL as they complete their own mechanism
High-Level and Low-Level Design  Up gradation from SAS 9.1.3 to SAS 9.3 software
documents for the new SAS installations  Test the installation and up gradation
 HCL shall provide Technical Architecture  System and configuration management.
expertise to explore the existing SAS9.3 Tools
environment to assess whether any issues SAS EBI, SAS GRID ,SAS Enterprise
HCL ROLE Guide, SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS
being experience by customer can be SMC, SAS Eminer,SAS VA, SAS AMO,SAS
addressed (without adding project risk) • Installation, Configuration and Management of the Platform LSF
during the migration project and will make SAS EBI environment with help of SAS.
recommendations on how to proceed. • Migration, Development and Support for SAS
6 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |
7 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |
End To End SAS Development and Support

A Leading Integrated Financial Service Bank in Australia


• Design, Development, Testing, • Detect the suspicious activities, Trigger the alerts in Technical
Implementation and Maintenance of data Financial Crime Platform using SAS AML solution. • Automation of data processing and
processes using SAS Data Integrations • alert generation to reduce the turn
Fraud detection solution provided for Cheque
Studio and SAS Enterprise Guide and around time and a cost effective
Fraud, Internal Fraud ,AML and Application Fraud.
SAS Macros. solution.
• Two data marts created. Raw data are stored in
• Data Extraction from the Source system Business
Core Schema and Analyzed and triggered alerts
and load the data to the Data Mart using
are stored in Knowledge Centre Schema. • Cheque Fraud, Internal Fraud and
the Extract, transformation and loading
• User Interface is used as Front End application to AML fraud has been detected from
(ETL) technique .
facilitate the end user to work on the alerts and the transaction and profiling data.
• Prepare the De-normalized SAS Dataset
close the alerts. • Application Fraud has been detected
to work in the AML System Administrator
• Watch list is downloaded everyday from the web from various applications like Home
Alert Generation Engine to produce the
based database and extracted transformed and Loan, Personal Loan, Credit Card
suspicious activities alerts
loaded in to data mart and used to find the and Asset Finance
• Configure and pass the parameters and fraudulent customers and accounts. • Cost Savings, Scalability, Flexibility
set the route in AML Scenario
Administrator to create , edit and tune the • Monitoring and investigating the alerts. and Knowledge Retention.
Headers, scenarios and routings based HCL ROLE Tools
on the business rules and to reduce the
false positive alerts SAS EBI, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Data
• HCL created data management platform using
Integration Studio, SAS SMC, SAS AML
and Autosys
• Development and Support for SAS environment.

8 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

Solution Architecture/Operating Model

9 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS Enterprise Governance Risk and Compliance



• Maintain the EGRC application and • IRISS(Internal Risk Intelligence software system) Technical
resolve the issues raised by the application provide a central application which • Fine tuned the existing data loaders
business users on daily basis which is allows Insurance staff to collect and use key so that the complexity in loading the
part of Solvency II-Data Management information related to Governance, Risk and data has been reduced.
(Solvency) Compliance.
• Automated common processes to
• Insert and update the data using the • SAS Enterprise Governance Risk and improve the application efficiency
application data loader based on the user Compliance (EGRC) is a product solution which is and effectiveness
requirements. being implemented as part of the overall Solvency
• Design, develop, test and implement the II Program.
• Cost Effective Application
new change request as per the business • Create Stand alone application used for recording
need. Development and Support using
all information related to feedback comments on
Offshore/Onsite Model.
• Call Center Application Management the claims call center call and claims that
suspected to be a Fraud claim. • Availability of skilled resources with
• good technical and business
• Fraud Register - Application to Fraud Create SAS ETL process for data loading into
understanding for quick turnaround
claim Data (Mint) Microsoft CRM dynamics and in-house legacy
policy Admin system.
• Data Integration with CRM Dynamics –
Microsoft Cloud (BRM) HCL ROLE Tools
• Data Integration between External Policy SAS GRID ,SAS DI Studio 4.2, SAS
• HCL currently manages the entire support
Admin System with In House Policy Workflow Studio, SAS EGRC, Platform
admin system (Etrade) functionality for Solvency II, Call Center Application
Management, Fraud Register (Mint), Data Computing 7.1 and SAS Enterprise guide
Integration with MS Cloud and Etrade applications. 4.3, SAS stored process, Java Scripting

10 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS GRID Architecture

11 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS Analytics - AML for tier 1 major international bank


Outlier analysis is carried out to get the data into normal distribution. This analysis
OUTLIER is done for scenarios with Amount/Count/ Percentage Thresholds. This is the first
step for Threshold Analysis .
Change in Behavior (Historical
Peak, Historical Average)
THRESHOLD The objective of threshold analysis is to perform an analysis on transactional data
to calculate values , which can be used to set MANTAS AML thresholds.

Statistical analysis of thresholds involves determining the percentile of the existing Analysis
production thresholds using 13 months of historical untrimmed production data
STATISTICAL for a given risk level. The current production threshold for a given risk level (when
appropriate) will be compared with an untrimmed distribution of 13 months of
Random Threshold
Rapid Movement of Funds walk
historical data in the corresponding risk level to facilitate an assessment of the walk Analysis Analysis
efficacy of the existing production thresholds to generate alerts
Sensitivity analysis is performed to ensure that the thresholds are not set very high
SENSITIVITY to risk loosing productive alerts. Sensitivity analysis will be performed for the Productive
Productive Statistical
existing segments to justify to the regulators that no alerts were missed out. Alert
Alert Analysis of
Recurring Originators and Analysis
Analysis Thresholds
Beneficiaries in Fund Transfers
This component of the Sensitivity Analysis consists of randomly drawing a sample
BACK of auto-closed and suppressed alerts (based on the Activity Type Codes) from the Sensitivity
TESTING production database to determine if these rules are working correctly (i.e. only Analysis
closing alerts that are not of interest).

RANDOM Random walk analysis involves obtaining a random sample of customers, who have
transactions not limited to cash, wire, and MI, and examining their transactions for
WALK money laundering. Tools
Sequentially Numbers Checks
Result of Evaluation involves performing analysis on transactional data using top 5 SAS AML, SAS EG, SAS STAT
ROE and bottom trim. This was an Adhoc request
12 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |
Integration with SAS HPA and Hadoop MR & CCR for a leading investment bank

Portfolio MR & CCR Workbench
Trades •HCL has been a strategic partner in the E2E delivery
Calculator Full Reval
Scenario Stress for Market and Counterparty Credit Risk platforms
Manager Testing for close to 15 years.

Sensitivities •HCL helped the bank adopt Hadoop as their

persistence store to address large scale data
Raw Risk Finder requirements through a PoC, which opened up
MR trade trades possibilities of integrating with SAS.
processing Std
trades •HCL helped in decommissioning the earlier
reporting stack, as well as integrating existing
FORPS Analyser platforms with SAS ESP and LASR components.

Signed off •SAS VA and HP Risk are the bank’s reporting and
analytics platforms for all the 3 streams – Market
MR Data store

HP Risk
Reporting Risk Full Revaluation (shown in Blue); Market Risk
Sensitivities based Monte Carlo calculations (in
Signed off SAS
purple) and Counterparty Credit Risk (in brown)

Data Lake •Our team is exposed to all SAS components (VA, HP
Risk, LASR & ESP) in various roles such as integration,
Risk Data Aggregation (RDA) QA, business analysis and overall architecture
[Extensible XML based service] definition.
CCR store

Trades EPE
PFE Tools
SAS EG, Hadoop
13 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |
Business SAS ADMIN and APPLICATION Support



 Automating conversion and creation of SAS  Technical
 Design, Development, Testing, datasets from data extraction prospective.
Implementation and Maintenance of
 Admin support and maintenance for the server
Staples data processes using SAS/Base,
 Providing optimization of the existing code for data and the ETL Loads
SAS/Access, SAS/Connect, SAS/Macro. extraction and server performance, disk utilization.  Better understanding on the environment and
And DI Studio  Ad-Hoc analysis of the data for creation of new resolved the incidents on the same day
 extraction job or any discrepancy reported by user. Fine tuned the existing data loaders so that the
Provide admin support for the SAS 

environment i.e. managing overnight  Email alert to the users about the Load Status and complexity in loading the data has been
Jobs, services and ETL Loads, managing the data validity checks reduced and load would take less time
user’s and file permission, configuring  Business
 Providing direct connectivity solution to users to
ODBC connectivity, managing SAS
access data directly from Staging area  Enhance and optimize the data processing and
management of jobs in Unix environment,
 Automation of manual data extraction making the data available for the users
 SAS ETL process like data extraction  Suggesting the Disk utilization and
from Oracle, and Flat files
 HCL provided an end-to-end solution, development improvement in server performance.
and Admin Support using SAS DI and BI.
 System Healthchecks, Housekeeping  Improvement in the techniques of Loads
 Installation, Configuration and Management of the
and Troubleshooting any environment
SAS BI environment. Tools
related issues.
SAS DI Studio , SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.3,
 Performance optimization of the server as well as
 Establishing connection between SAS EG 7.1,EMiner14.1, SAS management
the 600+ jobs for data loads
Exadata and SAS Console 9.4
Language: Unix Shell Script, Base SAS
Scheduler :CRON TAB
Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |
Reference Architecture

Data layer Staging Layer BI and Analytics Access

Layer Layer

Data Visualization

Data Profiling &

Source Dependent Extract

Quill Reports/ Dashboards
OLTP data ERP Load Oracle OTLP
files: EUDW data
CSV or TXT Data
Bernard Validation
AS400 &
PT ERP Cleansing Analytics

Provides data to BO
System Management
Scheduling and Audit and
Monitoring Services Exception Handling Security

15 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS GRID consulting

A leading pharmaceutical company


 Development of the next generation SAS • HCL provides platform administration support Business
environment to support clinical trails and • Development of SAS Grid environment that provides  Able to develop and single unified
clinical and Worldwide Integrated Statistical platform for SAS for WISE (Worldwide
Non clinical, BIOSTAT and various SAS
Environment (WISE) business users to create complex Integrated Statistical Environment)
users reports and powerful visualizations users to have a powerful computing
 environment with HA
SAS Grid 9.4M4 installation and  Installation and configuration of SAS GRID platform
configuration with High Availability of SAS with HA using 3 metadata clustered servers , 8  Improved performance in SAS batch
compute and 2 web servers with load balancing. jobs compared to previous SAS
metadata (metadata clustering ), Compute environment.
 Manage SAS Metadata level changes for SAS GRID.
and Web services.  SASGSUB for batch processing
 Bridge the knowledge gap for the support teams
 Migration of the SAS metadata, programs across the globe by organizing trainings and  Ubiquitous access for users using
and data to new infrastructure that has workshops SAS Studio. Connectivity through
Citrix to launch applications which can
been developed.  Ensure high availability of SAS GRID.
trigger SAS Stored processes.

 SASGSUB for long running production batch jobs and
Organizing workshops on SAS Grid and
users analysis streams.
SAS Administration. Tools
 Setting up batch queues based on priority, HCL ROLE SAS GRID 9.4M4 and its platform suite
load and business areas. clients (SAS EG, SAS Studio), Platform
• Provide extended support for all the SAS Site RTM , SAS EVM
 Platform LSF administration and L4 level installations for the customer across the globe.
support on all SAS technical issues. • Provide Installation and Migration assistance
16 alongside SAS Vendor Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |
SAS GRID Architecture

17 Copyright © 2018 HCL Technologies Limited |

HCL SAS Capability
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies Limited |
HCL SAS Practice Snapshot

Services Operating Systems

1. Development & Consultation (ETL/BI/Analytics) 1. Windows
• Global Consulting partner 2. SAS High Performance Analytics (HPA) 2. Unix/Linux
• Silver 3. SAS VDMML Analytics
4. SAS Fraud Analytics SAS Products
5. SAS AML solution
• 120+ Resources, 6. SAS Data Management
• 550+ Person Years 1. SAS 9.2,9.3,9.4
7. Managed services
of SAS Experience 2. SAS Visual Statistics / Visual Analytics
8. Migration & automation
3. SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning
9. SAS EBI /GRID/VA administration and configuration
4. SAS HPA Enterprise miner / SAS text Miner
10. Skill gap assessment and leverage SAS training
5. SAS Studio
11. Performance improvement and Best practices
• 80% Resources 6. SAS Environment Manager/SAS SMC
• SAS Base Certified 7. SAS Viya
8. SAS Forecast studio /SAS Visual Forecasting
Industry 9. SAS EGRC/ AML / Fraud Analytics
10. SAS Enterprise guide
• 20% resources 1. Banking and Financial services(BFSI) & Insurance
11. SAS Data Integration studio
• Advanced SAS and SAS 2. Life Science & Pharma, Retail & Manufacturing
12. SAS BI Dashboard and WRS
Platform Admin certified
Platforms & Technologies

1. SAS GRID/ LASR/HPA distributed

3 and Non distributed
2. SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI)
3. SAS Viya

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 20

Case Studies

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 21

SAS Fraud Analytics & Case Management System

Department of Intelligence, African Nation


• Intelligence team collects input from • Customized data model and

• Implementation of SAS analytics fraud framework
various sources on a daily basis, but Enterprise Case Management for
unable to track the Incidents over period complex and unique business
of time due to lack of data maintenance • Data management solution scenario.
• Manual process on Identifying criminal • Customized case management and AGP solution • Investigative efficiency & Early
incidents/ cases leads to loss of • Develop and apply advance algorithms and models detection of fraud
Information and delay in decision making. to identify suspicious behaviors and create SAS • Advanced algorithms to identify
• Difficulty in identifying the high risks or SNA alerts/network map reports for further suspicious behaviors and generate
classifying the suspicious behavior. investigation SNA alerts/network map reports for
• Do predictive analytics and identify uses • Build Predictive models and Text analytics models further investigation.
cases • Monitor and track each tasks assigned to groups • Highly interactive dashboards and
• Complexity in tracking Individuals and individual authority dynamic reports
involved in investigation of various cases • Interactive and dynamic Dashboards and reports • 360 degree fraud investigation
• Unable to perform Network Analysis on • Offline Maps and multi lingual reports
individuals involved in Fraudulent Tools
• 360 degree fraud investigation
• Multi lingual solution
HCL ROLE SAS EBI 9.2 Suit, SAS Fraud Analytics, SAS
Enterprise Miner/Text Miner, SAS Social
• Develop a Data Model that can support • HCL provided an end-to-end solution, development
Network Analysis Server 2.2 ,Java, J2EE,
Analytic Models, Dashboards and and Admin Support using SAS
Auditing on user behaviors. • Installation, Configuration and Management of the
SAS Fraud Analytics environment.
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 22
SAS Fraud Analytics Solution

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 23

Integration with SAS HPA and Hadoop MR & CCR for a leading investment
Portfolio MR & CCR Workbench
Calculator Full Reval
SPv Scenario Stress
BackTester •HCL has been a strategic partner in the E2E delivery
Manager Testing
for Market and Counterparty Credit Risk platforms for
close to 15 years.
•HCL helped the bank adopt Hadoop as their
persistence store to address large scale data
Raw Risk Finder
MR trade trades requirements through a PoC, which opened up
processing Std possibilities of integrating with SAS.
•HCL helped in decommissioning the earlier reporting
Portfolio stack, as well as integrating existing platforms with
FORPS Analyser SAS ESP and LASR components.

Signed off •SAS VA and HP Risk are the bank’s reporting and
trades analytics platforms for all the 3 streams – Market Risk
MR Data store

HP Risk
Reporting Full Revaluation (shown in Blue); Market Risk
Hierarchies Sensitivities based Monte Carlo calculations (in purple)
Signed off SAS and Counterparty Credit Risk (in brown)

Data Lake
Analytics •Our team is exposed to all SAS components (VA, HP
Risk, LASR & ESP) in various roles such as
SAS integration, QA, business analysis and overall
Risk Data Aggregation (RDA)
ESP architecture definition.
[Extensible XML based service]
CCR store

Trades EPE
SAS EG, Hadoop
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 24
SAS GRID/VA support and maintenance

A leading American global biotechnology company


 Development of the next generation SAS • HCL provides Admin and Application Support Business
environment to support Biometrics and • Development of SAS Visual Analytics environment that  Significant improvements were
provides Biometrics and Safety business users to observed for Safety users as jobs
Safety users
create complex reports and powerful visualizations running in GRID environment were
 Central Administration of various able to extract vendor data in order of
 Development of a SAS GRID environment based on a 100 of GBs in hours, as compared to
Biometrics study groups cluster of several compute servers, supported by web several days on the old system
 Migration of the SAS program data and and desktop based client tools
 SAS GRID and Visual Analytics share
files to the new environment
 Manage SAS Metadata level changes for SAS GRID common platform which allows users
and SAS Visual Analytics to run powerful visualizations and
 Developing Backup and Recovery  Manage LASR server and AutoLoad settings for SAS exploration on clinical data.
framework and Service level agreements Visual Analytics to ensure continuous in-memory  Ubiquitous access for users was
around it availability of SAS datasets for Visual Analytics users made possible with help of browser
 Setting alerts mechanisms based on CPU and based tools such as SAS Studio and
 Setting up batch queues based on priority,
memory usage to ensure high availability of SAS connectivity through Citrix
load and business areas. GRID.

Admin Support during business hours and  Automation of housekeeping tasks, alerts and logging
System maintenance mechanism SAS GRID 9.4, SAS VA 7.3, SAS SMC 9.3 ,
Environment Manager

• Migration, Development and Support for SAS GRID

and VA environment.
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 25
SAS VA and GRID Architecture

SAS GRID monitoring tool interface

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 26

SAS Implementation and upgrade
A leading financial services holding company in UK


 Understand the complete business  HCL to configure the target environments as
Capture logical architecture of source described in any High-Level and \ or Low-Level Business
Design documents and action prerequisites as  Smooth migration without adding
environment, and of target environment outlined in the SAS supplied installation prerequisites project risk
 Review the IBM supplied Systems document. The SAS estimate includes 7.5 hours of
support to HCL from an installation consultant. • Well designed ETL processes
Architecture Design (SAD) documents for ensuring the access to timely
 SAS Installation consultant to audit the new information and integrity.
suitability to base the SAS installation environments to ensure that the installation
• Consistency in data across
prerequisites and installation plan from. prerequisites are in place and the environments are
ready for installation activities to commence enterprise
 SAS shall provide Technical Architecture • Secured data centers environment
 Automation of housekeeping tasks, alerts and logging
Support to HCL as they complete their own mechanism
High-Level and Low-Level Design  Up gradation from SAS 9.1.3 to SAS 9.3 software
documents for the new SAS installations  Test the installation and up gradation
 HCL shall provide Technical Architecture  System and configuration management.
expertise to explore the existing SAS9.3 Tools
environment to assess whether any issues SAS EBI, SAS GRID ,SAS Enterprise
HCL ROLE Guide, SAS Data Integration Studio, SAS
being experience by customer can be SMC, SAS Eminer,SAS VA, SAS AMO,SAS
addressed (without adding project risk) • Installation, Configuration and Management of the Platform LSF
during the migration project and will make SAS EBI environment with help of SAS.
• Migration, Development and Support for SAS
recommendations on how to proceed.
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 27
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 28
End To End SAS Development and Support

A Leading Integrated Financial Service Bank in Australia


• Design, Development, Testing, • Detect the suspicious activities, Trigger the alerts in Technical
Implementation and Maintenance of data Financial Crime Platform using SAS AML solution. • Automation of data processing and
processes using SAS Data Integrations • alert generation to reduce the turn
Fraud detection solution provided for Cheque
Studio and SAS Enterprise Guide and around time and a cost effective
Fraud, Internal Fraud ,AML and Application Fraud.
SAS Macros. solution.
• Two data marts created. Raw data are stored in
• Data Extraction from the Source system Business
Core Schema and Analyzed and triggered alerts
and load the data to the Data Mart using
are stored in Knowledge Centre Schema. • Cheque Fraud, Internal Fraud and
the Extract, transformation and loading
• User Interface is used as Front End application to AML fraud has been detected from
(ETL) technique .
facilitate the end user to work on the alerts and the transaction and profiling data.
• Prepare the De-normalized SAS Dataset
close the alerts. • Application Fraud has been detected
to work in the AML System Administrator
• Watch list is downloaded everyday from the web from various applications like Home
Alert Generation Engine to produce the
based database and extracted transformed and Loan, Personal Loan, Credit Card
suspicious activities alerts
loaded in to data mart and used to find the and Asset Finance
• Configure and pass the parameters and fraudulent customers and accounts. • Cost Savings, Scalability, Flexibility
set the route in AML Scenario
Administrator to create , edit and tune the • Monitoring and investigating the alerts. and Knowledge Retention.
Headers, scenarios and routings based HCL ROLE Tools
on the business rules and to reduce the
false positive alerts SAS EBI, SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Data
• HCL created data management platform using
Integration Studio, SAS SMC, SAS AML
and Autosys
• Development and Support for SAS environment.

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 29

Solution Architecture/Operating Model

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 30

SAS GRID consulting

A leading pharmaceutical company


 Development of the next generation SAS • HCL provides platform administration support Business
environment to support clinical trails and • Development of SAS Grid environment that provides  Able to develop and single unified
clinical and Worldwide Integrated Statistical platform for SAS for WISE (Worldwide
Non clinical, BIOSTAT and various SAS
Environment (WISE) business users to create complex Integrated Statistical Environment)
users reports and powerful visualizations users to have a powerful computing
 environment with HA
SAS Grid 9.4M4 installation and  Installation and configuration of SAS GRID platform
with HA using 3 metadata clustered servers , 8  Improved performance in SAS batch
configuration with High Availability of SAS
compute and 2 web servers with load balancing. jobs compared to previous SAS
metadata (metadata clustering ), Compute environment.
 Manage SAS Metadata level changes for SAS GRID.
and Web services.  SASGSUB for batch processing
 Bridge the knowledge gap for the support teams
 Migration of the SAS metadata, programs across the globe by organizing trainings and  Ubiquitous access for users using
and data to new infrastructure that has workshops SAS Studio. Connectivity through
Citrix to launch applications which can
been developed.  Ensure high availability of SAS GRID.
trigger SAS Stored processes.

 SASGSUB for long running production batch jobs and
Organizing workshops on SAS Grid and
users analysis streams.
SAS Administration. Tools
 Setting up batch queues based on priority, HCL ROLE SAS GRID 9.4M4 and its platform suite
load and business areas. clients (SAS EG, SAS Studio), Platform
• Provide extended support for all the SAS Site RTM , SAS EVM
 Platform LSF administration and L4 level installations for the customer across the globe.
support on all SAS technical issues. • Provide Installation and Migration assistance
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | alongside SAS Vendor 31
SAS GRID Architecture

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 32

Business SAS ADMIN and APPLICATION Support

A leading retail industry in Europe


 Automating conversion and creation of SAS  Technical
 Design, Development, Testing, datasets from data extraction prospective.
Implementation and Maintenance of
 Admin support and maintenance for the server
Staples data processes using SAS/Base,
 Providing optimization of the existing code for data and the ETL Loads
SAS/Access, SAS/Connect, SAS/Macro. extraction and server performance, disk utilization.  Better understanding on the environment and
And DI Studio  Ad-Hoc analysis of the data for creation of new resolved the incidents on the same day
 Provide admin support for the SAS extraction job or any discrepancy reported by user.  Fine tuned the existing data loaders so that the
environment i.e. managing overnight  Email alert to the users about the Load Status and complexity in loading the data has been
Jobs, services and ETL Loads, managing the data validity checks reduced and load would take less time
user’s and file permission, configuring  Business
 Providing direct connectivity solution to users to
ODBC connectivity, managing SAS
access data directly from Staging area  Enhance and optimize the data processing and
management of jobs in Unix environment,
 Automation of manual data extraction making the data available for the users
 SAS ETL process like data extraction  Suggesting the Disk utilization and
from Oracle, and Flat files
 HCL provided an end-to-end solution, development improvement in server performance.
and Admin Support using SAS DI and BI.
 System Healthchecks, Housekeeping  Improvement in the techniques of Loads
 Installation, Configuration and Management of the
and Troubleshooting any environment
SAS BI environment. Tools
related issues.
SAS DI Studio , SAS OLAP Cube Studio 4.3,
 Performance optimization of the server as well as
 Establishing connection between SAS EG 7.1,EMiner14.1, SAS management
the 600+ jobs for data loads
Exadata and SAS Console 9.4
Language: Unix Shell Script, Base SAS
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | Scheduler :CRON TAB
Reference Architecture

Data layer Staging Layer BI and Analytics Access

Layer Layer

Data Visualization

Data Profiling &

Source Dependent Extract

Quill Reports/ Dashboards
OLTP data ERP Load Oracle OTLP
files: EUDW data
CSV or TXT Data
Bernard Validation
AS400 &
PT ERP Cleansing Analytics

Provides data to BO
System Management
Scheduling and Audit and
Monitoring Services Exception Handling Security

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 34

Data Analytics for a Leading F200 Financial Services Company
History and Services Objectives
US based Fortune 200 financial services organization Remain an industry leader in customer satisfaction
 Top Net Promoter Score in the industry
 Highest ranking is customer satisfaction
Grow the customer base by 5x

Unique customer sales and service model Business domain analytics

 Pioneer in direct marketing
 Member service agent provide services to customer rather than agents
 Early adopter of digital marketing via email Integrate data & analytics across the enterprise

Key Programs & Delivery Highlights since 2009

Data Science – Established new methodology for Media campaign analytics, Social Digital Dashboards – Delivery of Digital Dashboards for Performance Analytics
Marketing Leads, Call Reduction, DFAST models for OPC Regulations, Predictive models leveraging Web-I, Lumira, Design Studio and BO universes. Will drive operational and
for Marketing etc. digital insights, supports experience and behavioral analytics.

Member Experience Analytics – Surveys, Voice of Member, Social Media Feeds, MX ETL Factory – First multi-million fixed bid effort. UDA Retirement, Hadoop hydration,
Insights, Member Satisfaction Analytics, Feedback Analytics. quality check and Hortonworks implementation.

“Sustain Traditional with Transformation focus”

Insights Driven Data & Analytics with 90% agile delivery BI Lab set-up at Offshore & Nearshore and BCP set-up at Bangalore

Efficient Resourcing Engine Highest CSAT secured from the last 3 years: 7/7

Zero Defect Delivery & Zero Customer complaints High Utilization & Lowest Attrition

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 35

Key Projects executed

Voice of Customer Micro-Targeting

Social Media Listen & Increase acquisition rate
Response Center through personalized targeting

Financial Stress Test

Call Reduction
Modeling Identify preventable calls to
Economic Response Models to reduce operations cost
support DFAST Act compliance

Campaign Saturation Increase product penetration
Improve customer experience & propensity to buy
and reduce campaign costs

SAS Enterprise Miner/Text Miner, SAS

EG, Python

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 36

SAS Analytics - AML for tier 1 major international bank
Outlier analysis is carried out to get the data into normal distribution.
OUTLIER This analysis is done for scenarios with Amount/Count/ Percentage
Thresholds. This is the first step for Threshold Analysis .
Change in Behavior (Historical
The objective of threshold analysis is to perform an analysis on Peak, Historical Average)
THRESHOLD transactional data to calculate values , which can be used to set
MANTAS AML thresholds.

Statistical analysis of thresholds involves determining the percentile of Outlier

the existing production thresholds using 13 months of historical Analysis
untrimmed production data for a given risk level. The current
STATISTICAL production threshold for a given risk level (when appropriate) will be Random
Random Threshold
Rapid Movement of Funds walk
compared with an untrimmed distribution of 13 months of historical walk Analysis Analysis
data in the corresponding risk level to facilitate an assessment of the
efficacy of the existing production thresholds to generate alerts
Sensitivity analysis is performed to ensure that the thresholds are not
set very high to risk loosing productive alerts. Sensitivity analysis will
SENSITIVITY be performed for the existing segments to justify to the regulators that
Productive Statistical
Recurring Originators and Alert
Alert Analysis of
no alerts were missed out. Analysis
Analysis Thresholds
Beneficiaries in Fund
This component of the Sensitivity Analysis consists of randomly
drawing a sample of auto-closed and suppressed alerts (based on the Transfers
BACK Sensitivity
Activity Type Codes) from the production database to determine if Analysis
TESTING these rules are working correctly (i.e. only closing alerts that are not of
Random walk analysis involves obtaining a random sample of
customers, who have transactions not limited to cash, wire, and MI, Tools
WALK and examining their transactions for money laundering. Sequentially Numbers Checks

Result of Evaluation involves performing analysis on transactional data SAS AML, SAS EG, SAS STAT
ROE using top 5 and bottom trim. This was an Adhoc request

Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies | 37


Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS Overview
Empowers to move forward by transforming data into intelligence, inherent need to understand, speeds your journey toward
discovery and also helps story to get re-defined.

Key Features - From Data - to Discovery - to Deployment

Can distribute data integration tasks across any platform and Provides state-of-the-art statistical analysis that empowers
can virtually connect to any source or target data store. to make new discoveries

Data Statistical
Management Analysis
Allows you to model and forecast all your
Solution for speeding up reporting and analytic
products and also create and manage localized
applications or shortening extract, transform and Scalable Business assortments with in-plan analytics driven by
load times for data.
Performance Planning consumer

Data Operations
Can typically help to create one subset from a Extraction Identify which actions will produce the best
Research results – given constraints – using optimization,
simulation and project scheduling techniques
Application Quality
Development Improvement

A pre-built rapid development solution that can be used by a Support quality improvement across entire organizations
business user to quickly develop enterprise applications
40 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Our SAS Practice Snapshot
Global Consulting Person Years Advanced SAS and SAS
partner - Silver 120+ Resources 550+ of SAS Experience
80% SAS/Base Certified 20% Platform Admin certified
 Banking and Financial services(BFSI) & Insurance
 Life Science & Pharma, Retail & Manufacturing
 Development & Consultation
Industry  Migration & automation
 Data Management
 Risk Management
 SAS GRID distributed and Non distributed  Fraud Analytics
 AML solutions
 SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI)  Managed services
 SAS Viya  SAS EBI/GRID/VA System Administration and
Solution Offerings
Platform & Services  Skill gap assessment and leverage SAS
Technologies training
 Performance improvement and Best

Key Clients

Retail & Others

Life Science &

F 200
Banking &

41 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
HCL SAS COE Value Prepositions

 Dedicated Lab used for Demos & Training

 SAS ETL optimization framework
Solutions & COE Lab  Certified Specialists
Frameworks  Migration best practices
 Domain/ Technology Specific POCs
 Automate ASM processes
 Early Adoption Programs with Partners
 Predictive ASM using Text Analytics and SAS Models
 Hands on Experience

 Dedicated Knowledge Management Portal  BI Strategy & Roadmap

Knowledge  Continuous Learning & knowledge dissemination  SAS Platform set-up and Administration
Management Service
 Knowledge Sharing Sessions Offerings  Managed Self-Service BI & Analytics
& Academy
 Knowledge Sessions from Partners  SAS VA /VS
 Best Practices Library  Managed services

Industry Best New Tools &

Continuous Innovation Re-usable Framework Quality Control Technical Support
Practice Technologies

42 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
HCL SAS CoE Expertise

 SAS Web Report Studio

 SAS DI (ETL) Studio  SAS Information Delivery Portal
 SAS Dashboards
 SAS Stored Process
Self service Reporting  SAS Visual Analytics
Data warehousing

 SAS OLAP Cube Studio  SAS Data flux

 SAS Advance Data Management (MDM)

OLAP Data Quality

 SAS Enterprise Guide

 SAS Add-in for MS Office  SAS/STAT
 SAS Information Map Studio  SAS ETS
 SAS Office Analytics  SAS QC

Reporting Statistical Tools

 SAS DI (ETL) Studio

 SAS E-Miner  SAS Grid
 SAS Text Mining
Data Mining SAS Integration

 SAS Data loader for Hadoop  SAS/SPDS

 SAS HPDS  SAS Foundation
Hadoop SAS Data Engines

 SAS Visual Analytics

 SAS Forecast Studio  SAS Visual Statistics
 SAS Viya
Forecasting SAS Visual BI & Cloud

43 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Our Marquee Solution …


Access data of any complexity, Streamline and accommodate data Best, most up-to-date models with
size, speed, format or source preparation robust model governance

Get a better return on your Extraordinary range of data

Mine, alter, manage and retrieve
analytics investments analysis and data management
data from a variety of sources and
perform statistical analysis on it


50-70% cut Better return on Ready to use business Maximizes

Reduction in costs
down on time investment process components customer value

44 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Snapshot Of Our Success Stories

Fortune 500 financial services company Major International Bank Leading Insurance Company in Europe
offering banking, investing, and
Campaign Analytics, Customer Acquisition and Regulatory Compliance –Risk based monitoring Maintain and Support SAS EGRC Application on
Cross Sell and Up Sell GRID

Leading Financial Service Bank Public sector in UK and Leading American Global Leading pharmaceutical
in Australia Singapore Biotechnology company Company in USA

AML and Fraud Detection Re-architect and Fine tune Existing Support Biometrics and Safety users Up versioning of Clinical Trial
SAS ETL Jobs on GRID and provide using SAS Visual Analytics and GRID software.Complete implementation
support environment and Maintenance of data processes

45 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

Case Study 01 - SAS GRID/VA support and maintenance for a leading
American global Biotechnology company
 HCL provides Admin and Application Support
 Development of SAS Visual Analytics
 Development of the next environment that provides Biometrics and Safety
generation SAS environment to business users to create complex reports and
support Biometrics and Safety powerful visualizations
users  Development of a SAS GRID environment based
 Central Administration of various on a cluster of several compute servers,
Biometrics study groups supported by web and desktop-based client tools
 Migration of the SAS program SOLUTION  Manage SAS Metadata level changes for SAS GRID
data and files to the new and SAS Visual Analytics
environment  Manage LASR server and AutoLoad settings for
 Developing Backup and Recovery KEY
SAS Visual Analytics to ensure continuous in-
framework and Service level S TRATEGIC
IMPERATIVES memory availability of SAS datasets for Visual
agreements around it Analytics users
 Setting up batch queues based on  Setting alerts mechanisms based on CPU and
priority, load and business areas. memory usage to ensure high availability of SAS
 Admin Support during business GRID.
hours and System maintenance  Automation of housekeeping tasks, alerts and
logging mechanism

Significant improvements were SAS GRID and Visual Analytics Ubiquitous access for users was
observed for Safety users as jobs share common platform which made possible with help of
allows users to run powerful browser-based tools such as SAS
OUTCOMES running in GRID environment
visualizations and exploration on
were able to extract vendor data Studio and connectivity through
in order of 100 of GBs in hours. clinical data. Citrix

48 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
SAS VA and GRID Architecture

49 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Case Study 02 - SAS Implementation and upgrade for leading Financial
services holding company in UK
 Understand the complete business  HCL to configure the target environments as
Capture logical architecture of source described in any High-Level and \ or Low-Level
environment, and of target environment Design documents and action prerequisites as
 Review the IBM supplied Systems outlined in the SAS supplied installation
Architecture Design (SAD) documents for prerequisites document. The SAS estimate includes
suitability to base the SAS installation 7.5 hours of support to HCL from an installation
prerequisites and installation plan from. consultant.
 SAS shall provide Technical Architecture  SAS Installation consultant to audit the new
Support to HCL as they complete their SOLUTION environments to ensure that the installation
own High-Level and Low-Level Design prerequisites are in place and the environments are
documents for the new SAS installations ready for installation activities to commence
 HCL shall provide Technical Architecture KEY  Automation of housekeeping tasks, alerts and
expertise to explore the existing SAS9.3 S TRATEGIC logging mechanism
environment to assess whether any IMPERATIVES  Up gradation from SAS 9.1.3 to SAS 9.3 software
issues being experience by customer can  Test the installation and up gradation
be addressed (without adding project  System and configuration management.
risk) during the migration project and will
make recommendations on how to

Smooth migration without adding project risk

Consistency in data across enterprise
Well designed ETL processes ensuring the access to Secured data centers environment
timely information and integrity.

50 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
SAS Architecture

51 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Case Study 03 – End To End SAS Development and Support for leading
Integrated Financial Service Bank in Australia
 Design, Development, Testing,
Implementation and Maintenance of data  Detect the suspicious activities, Trigger the alerts in
processes using SAS Data Integrations Financial Crime Platform using SAS AML solution.
Studio and SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS  Fraud detection solution provided for Cheque Fraud,
Macros. Internal Fraud ,AML and Application Fraud.
 Data Extraction from the Source system  Two data marts created. Raw data are stored in Core
and load the data to the Data Mart using Schema and Analyzed and triggered alerts are stored in
the Extract, transformation and loading Knowledge Centre Schema.
(ETL) technique .
HCL  User Interface is used as Front End application to facilitate
 Prepare the De-normalized SAS Dataset to SOLUTION the end user to work on the alerts and close the alerts.
work in the AML System Administrator
Alert Generation Engine to produce the  Watch list is downloaded everyday from the web based
KEY database and extracted transformed and loaded in to data
suspicious activities alerts S TRATEGIC
 Configure and pass the parameters and mart and used to find the fraudulent customers and
set the route in AML Scenario accounts.
Administrator to create , edit and tune  Monitoring and investigating the alerts.
the Headers, scenarios and routings
based on the business rules and to reduce
the false positive alerts

Automation of data processing and alert generation Application Fraud has been detected from various applications
to reduce the turn around time and a cost effective like Home Loan, Personal Loan, Credit Card and Asset Finance
OUTCOMES solution.
Cheque Fraud, Internal Fraud and AML fraud has been Cost Savings, Scalability, Flexibility and Knowledge Retention
detected from the transaction and profiling data.

52 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Solution Architecture/Operating Model

53 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Case Study 04 - SAS Enterprise Governance Risk and Compliance for
leading Insurance Company in Europe
 Maintain the EGRC application and
resolve the issues raised by the
business users on daily basis which is
 IRISS(Internal Risk Intelligence software system) application
part of Solvency II-Data Management
(Solvency) provide a central application which allows Insurance staff to
 Insert and update the data using the collect and use key information related to Governance, Risk
application data loader based on the and Compliance.
user requirements.  SAS Enterprise Governance Risk and Compliance (EGRC) is a
 Design, develop, test and implement product solution which is being implemented as part of the
HCL overall Solvency II Program.
the new change request as per the
business need.  Create Stand alone application used for recording all
 Call Center Application Management information related to feedback comments on the claims call
(Frontline) S TRATEGIC center call and claims that suspected to be a Fraud claim.
 Fraud Register - Application to Fraud IMPERATIVES  Create SAS ETL process for data loading into Microsoft CRM
claim Data (Mint) dynamics and in-house legacy policy Admin system.
 Data Integration with CRM Dynamics
– Microsoft Cloud (BRM)
 Data Integration between External
Policy Admin System with In House
Policy admin system (Etrade)

Fine tuned the existing data loaders so that the Cost Effective Application Development and Support using Offshore/Onsite
complexity in loading the data has been reduced Model
Automated common processes to improve the Availability of skilled resources with good technical and business
application efficiency and effectiveness understanding for quick turnaround time.

54 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
SAS GRID Architecture

55 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Case Study 05 - Business SAS ADMIN and APPLICATION Support for
leading Retail Industry in Europe
 Design, Development, Testing,
Implementation and Maintenance of
Staples data processes using
 Automating conversion and creation of SAS datasets from
SAS/Base, SAS/Access, SAS/Connect,
SAS/Macro. And DI Studio data extraction prospective.
 Provide admin support for the SAS  Providing optimization of the existing code for data extraction
environment i.e. managing overnight and server performance, disk utilization.
Jobs, services and ETL Loads,  Ad-Hoc analysis of the data for creation of new extraction job
managing user’s and file permission, or any discrepancy reported by user.
configuring ODBC connectivity,  Email alert to the users about the Load Status and the data
managing SAS applications validity checks
 Automation of manual data
KEY  Providing direct connectivity solution to users to access data
extraction S TRATEGIC
 SAS ETL process like data extraction directly from Staging area
from Oracle, and Flat files
 System Health checks, Housekeeping
and Troubleshooting any
environment related issues.
 Establishing connection between
Exadata and SAS
Admin support and maintenance for Fine tuned the existing data loaders Enhance and optimize the data processing
the server and the ETL Loads and management of jobs in Unix
environment, making the data available for
O U TC O M E S Better understanding on the Improvement in the techniques of the users
environment and resolved the Loads Suggesting the Disk utilization and
incidents on the same day improvement in server performance

56 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Reference Architecture

Data layer Staging Layer BI and Analytics Access

Layer Layer

Data Visualization
Data Profiling &

Source Dependent Extract

Quill Reports/ Dashboards
OLTP data ERP Load Oracle OTLP
files: EUDW data
CSV or TXT Data
Bernard Validation &
AS400 Cleansing

Provides data to BO
System Management
Scheduling and Audit and
Monitoring Services Exception Handling Security

57 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Case Study 06 - Analytics overview in AML for tier 1 major
international bank SAS ANALYTICS

Team performs various statistical analysis Institutional

Global Consumer International
The reports were generated and published for compliance team for Constitutional Private Banking
Group Private Banking
optimizing the thresholds group

Analysis NAM EMEA LATAM ASPAC World-Link

Random walk Threshold NAM and LATAM regions are supported by India resources
Analysis Analysis
Onshore presence at Singapore to address the data privacy constraints of
ASPAC and EMEA regions

Productive Alert Threshold

Analysis Analysis


58 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Outlier analysis is carried out to get the data into normal distribution. This analysis is done
OUTLIER for scenarios with Amount/Count/ Percentage Thresholds. This is the first step for
Threshold Analysis .
Change in Behavior (Historical Peak, Historical
THRESHOLD The objective of threshold analysis is to perform an analysis on transactional data to Average)
calculate values , which can be used to set MANTAS AML thresholds.

Statistical analysis of thresholds involves determining the percentile of the existing

production thresholds using 13 months of historical untrimmed production data for a given
STATISTICAL risk level. The current production threshold for a given risk level (when appropriate) will be
compared with an untrimmed distribution of 13 months of historical data in the
corresponding risk level to facilitate an assessment of the efficacy of the existing production Rapid Movement of Funds
thresholds to generate alerts

Sensitivity analysis is performed to ensure that the thresholds are not set very high to risk
SENSITIVITY loosing productive alerts. Sensitivity analysis will be performed for the existing segments to
justify to the regulators that no alerts were missed out.
Recurring Originators and Beneficiaries in Fund
This component of the Sensitivity Analysis consists of randomly drawing a sample of auto- Transfers
BACK TESTING closed and suppressed alerts (based on the Activity Type Codes) from the production
database to determine if these rules are working correctly (i.e. only closing alerts that are
not of interest).
Random walk analysis involves obtaining a random sample of customers, who have
RANDOM transactions not limited to cash, wire, and MI, and examining their transactions for money
WALK laundering.
Sequentially Numbers Checks
ROE Result of Evaluation involves performing analysis on transactional data using top 5 and
bottom trim. This was an Adhoc request

59 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Case Study 07 - SAS GRID consulting for leading Pharmaceutical
 Development of the next generation
SAS environment to support clinical  HCL provides platform administration support
trails and Non clinical, BIOSTAT and
 Development of SAS Grid environment that provides clinical
various SAS users
 SAS Grid 9.4M4 installation and and Worldwide Integrated Statistical Environment (WISE)
configuration with High Availability of business users to create complex reports and powerful
SAS metadata (metadata clustering ), visualizations
Compute and Web services.  Installation and configuration of SAS GRID platform with HA
 Migration of the SAS metadata, using 3 metadata clustered servers , 8 compute and 2 web
HCL servers with load balancing.
programs and data to new
infrastructure that has been  Manage SAS Metadata level changes for SAS GRID.
developed. KEY  Bridge the knowledge gap for the support teams across the
 Organizing workshops on SAS Grid S TRATEGIC globe by organizing trainings and workshops
and SAS Administration. IMPER ATIVES
 Setting up batch queues based on  Ensure high availability of SAS GRID.
priority, load and business areas.  SASGSUB for long running production batch jobs and users
 Platform LSF administration and L4 analysis streams.
level support on all SAS technical

Able to develop and single unified platform for SAS for WISE Improved performance in SAS batch jobs compared to previous SAS
(Worldwide Integrated Statistical Environment) users to have a environment.
powerful computing environment with HA
O U TC O M E S Ubiquitous access for users using SAS Studio. Connectivity through Citrix
to launch applications which can trigger SAS Stored processes.
SASGSUB for batch processing

60 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
SAS GRID Architecture

61 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
62 | Technology for the Next Decade, Today Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
Tortoise SVN Remote Desktop Svcs SAS Metadata and Grid Control Server Client and
Adobe Acrobat Windows Server 2012 R2, - RedHat RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM, Meta Data Tier
SAS Viewer - 64GB RAM, 60GB Local Storage 50GB Local Storage
MS Office - 2 Sockets, 4 core each x 2 - 2 Sockets, 1 core each
Multi-Edit - 16 Cores total - 2 Cores total
7-Zip, JMP?
RTM Web Server
Monitors all Environments (Dev, Test, Prod) SAS Grid Compute Nodes
- RHEL 7.1, 4GB RAM, 50GB Local Storage - RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM, 50GB Local Storage
- 2 Sockets, 1 Core each = 2 Cores total Middle Tier
- 2 Sockets, 4 Cores x 4 = 16 Cores total
- SSD Drive
SAS Middle Tier Web Server Oracle Client,
- RedHat RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM,
50GB Local Storage
- 2 Sockets, 1 core each x 2
- 4 Cores total

Dev/Test Prod.
Dev/Test Prod. Storage Tier
TARIsilon02 – IP ranges: - Binaries Binaries RENIsilon02 – IP ranges: - Binaries Binaries
TARIsilon02-1 Nexus 5672 Core Switch(s) RENIsilon02-1 Nexus 5672 Core Switch(s)
TAR-53223-5672-1 REN-85330-5672-SERV-1
TARIsilon02-2 WS-C6509-NEB RENIsilon02-2 WS-C6509-NEB
TARIsilon02-3 Active Directory

TAR-53223-5672-2 RENIsilon02-3 WS-C6509-NEB


TARIsilon02-4 RENIsilon02-4

TARIsilon02-5 RENIsilon02-5


Int-b Scan Server Int-a Scan Server
Int-a Int-b
IP ranges: - Infiniband Switches IP ranges: - Infiniband Switches
IP ranges: - IP ranges: -
Failover Failover
IP ranges: - Centrify IP ranges: -
AD Bridge

Tortoise SVN SAS Metadata and Grid Control Server
Adobe Acrobat Windows Terminal Server & Client and
- RedHat RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM, Meta Data Tier
SAS Viewer Desktop Clients 50GB Local Storage
MS Office - Windows Server 2012 R2, - 2 Sockets, 1 core each x 2
Multi-Edit - 64GB RAM, 60GB Local Storage - 2 Cores total
7-Zip, JMP? - 2 Sockets, 2 core each
WinNonline? - 4 Cores total

Note: SAS Grid Compute Nodes

RTM Monitoring - RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM, 50GB Local Storage Middle Tier
- 2 Sockets, 2 Cores x 2 = 8 Cores total
Server used from Oracle Client,
Production SAS Middle Tier Web Server R?
RedHat RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM,
50GB Local Storage
- 2 Sockets, 1 core each x 2
- 2 Cores total

Apps, SAS Home, SAS Data

Dev/Test Prod. Storage Tier
TARIsilon02 – IP ranges: - Binaries Binaries RENIsilon02 – IP ranges: -
TARIsilon02-1 Nexus 5672 Core Switch(s) RENIsilon02-1 Nexus 5672 Core Switch(s)
Users TAR-53223-5672-1 Users REN-85330-5672-SERV-1
TARIsilon02-2 WS-C6509-NEB RENIsilon02-2 WS-C6509-NEB
TARIsilon02-3 Active Directory

TAR-53223-5672-2 RENIsilon02-3 WS-C6509-NEB


TARIsilon02-4 RENIsilon02-4

TARIsilon02-5 RENIsilon02-5


Int-b Scan Server Int-a Scan Server
Int-a Int-b
IP ranges: - Infiniband Switches IP ranges: - Infiniband Switches
IP ranges: - IP ranges: -
Failover Failover
IP ranges: - IP ranges: -


Metadata Server Applications Software to Install (continued) SAS Metadata and Grid Control Server
- RedHat RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM,
• Metadata Server Infrastructure Data Store SAS Application Server • SAS Add-in for MS Office Server Data 7.11
50GB Local Storage
• Grid Manager Control Server Clients - Administrative • SAS Enterprise Guide Server Data 7.11 - 2 Sockets, 1 core each x 2
• SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Scheduling Services 9.4_M3 - 4 Cores total
Software to Install/Configure • SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Server 2.2 SAS Web Application
• Server 9.42
Platform Suite for SAS 9.1 SAS Grid Manager Control Server 9.41
• SAS Web Application Server 9.42
• SAS Metadata Server 9.4
• SAS Studio Basic 3.4
• SAS Office Analytics Clients - Administrative 7.2
• SAS ODBC Drivers for the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.42
• SAS Office Analytics Server Tier 7.2
• SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5
• Prerequisites:
• SAS Environment Manager Log File Collector 2.2
• Platform Grid Management Service 8.01D
• SAS Deployment Tester - Server 2.2_M3
• Platform LSF 9.13
• SAS Deployment Tester - Client 2.2_M3
• Platform Process Manager 9.13
• Report Fonts for Clients 9.42 SAS ODS Graphics C Renderer 9.42
• SAS ODS Graphics Editor 9.42 SAS Security Certificate Framework 1.1
Software to Install
• Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment 1.7.0_76 SAS Deployment
• Agent 9.49508 SAS Remote Deployment Agent Client 9.49508
Software to Configure
• SAS Application Server Context 9.4_M2
• SAS Foundation 9.4
• SAS Metadata Server Configuration 9.4_M3
• Base SAS 9.4
o Base SAS User Interface 9.4_M3 • SAS Management Console 9.4_M3
o SAS Compiler and Symbolic Differentiator 9.41_M2 • SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server Configuration 9.4_M3
o SAS Data Mining Scoring 9.4_M3 • SAS Object Spawner 9.4_M3 Operating System Services Scheduling Server
o SAS/CONNECT 9.4_M3 SAS/IML 14.1 9.4_M2 Platform Process Manager
• 9.13 SAS Grid Manager Control Server Configuration 9.42
• SAS High Performance Server Help and Documentation 2.1_M3
• SAS Stored Process Server 9.4_M3
• SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server 9.4_M3 SAS Intelligence Platform
• SAS Workspace Server 9.4_M3 SAS Add-in for MS Office Server Data 7.11
• Object Framework 9.4_M3 SAS Management Console 9.4_M3
• SAS Enterprise Guide Server Data 7.11
• SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server Configuration 9.4_M3
• SAS Management Console Server Data 9.4_M3
• SAS Configuration Manager 9.4_M3
• SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Scheduling Services 9.4_M3
• SAS Deployment Tester Plug-in for SAS Management Console 9.4_M3
• SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Server 2.2
• SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M3
• SAS Environment Manager Agent Configuration 2.5
• SAS Environment Manager Log File Collector 2.2
• SAS Deployment Tester - Server 2.2_M3

SAS Middle Tier Web Server
Middle Tier Web Server Applications Software to Install (continued) (Clustered)
• Web Server - RedHat RHEL 7.1, 32GB RAM,
• 50GB Local Storage
Environment Manager • SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.41 - 2 Sockets, 1 core each x 2
• Help Document Server • SAS Security Administration Module 2.3 - 4 Cores total
• SAS Help Viewer for the Web 9.43
Software to Install/Configure • SAS Shared Services 9.4_M3 Deployment Backup and Recovery
• SAS Office Analytics Clients - Administrative 7.2 • Tool Help and Documentation 9.41
• SAS Web Application Server Components 9.4
• SAS Environment Manager Help and Documentation 2.5 Software to Configure
• SAS Environment Manager Mid- Tier Help and Documentation 2.5 SAS Management Console 9.4_M3
Prerequisites • SAS Flex Application Themes Help and Documentation 4.7 SAS SAS Web Server Configuration 9.62
• Platform LSF 9.13 SAS Web Application Server Configuration 9.62
• Grid Environment Manager Module Help and Documentation 1.3
SAS Foundation Services 9.4_M3
• SAS Studio Mid-Tier Help and Documentation 3.4
Software to Install: • SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Help and Documentation
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform 9.4_M3
• Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment 1.7.0_76 SAS Flex Application Themes 4.7
• SAS Deployment Agent 9.49508
9.4_M2 SAS Web Application Themes 9.43
• SAS Remote Deployment Agent Client 9.49508 • SAS Environment Manager Library Module 2.1 SAS Environment Manager Mid- Tier 2.5
• SAS Intelligence Platform Object Framework 9.4_M3 • SAS Environment Manager Server Module 2.1 Platform Web Services for SAS 1.3
• SAS Management Console 9.4_M3 • SAS Environment Manager User Module 2.2 SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.41
• SAS Configuration Manager 9.4_M3 • SAS Studio Mid-Tier 3.4 SAS Security Administration Module 2.3
• SAS Deployment Tester Plug-in for SAS Management Console 9.4_M3 SAS Help Viewer for Midtier Applications 9.43
• SAS Environment Manager Plug- ins for Foundation Servers
• SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console 9.4_M3 SAS Shared Services 9.4_M3 SAS Environment
9.4_M3 Manager Library Module 2.1
• SAS Web Infrastructure Data Base JDBC Drivers 9.4

• SAS Environment Manager 2.5 SAS Environment Manager SAS Environment Manager Server Module 2.1
SAS Web Server 9.42
• SAS Web Application Server 9.42 • Enablement Kit Plug-in 2.2 SAS Grid Manager Module for SAS SAS Environment Manager User Module 2.2
• SAS Foundation Services 9.4_M3 • Environment Manager 1.3 SAS Environment Manager Agent 2.5 SAS Studio Mid-Tier 3.4
• SAS Web Infrastructure Platform 9.4_M3 • SAS Environment Manager Log File Collector 2.2 SAS Environment Manager Plug- ins for Foundation
• SAS Flex Application Themes 4.7 • SAS Deployment Tester - Client 2.2_M3 Servers 9.4_M3
• SAS Web Application Themes 9.43 • SAS Environment Manager Configuration 2.5
Report Fonts for Clients 9.42 SAS
• SAS Environment Manager Mid- Tier 2.5 SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Plug-in 2.2
• Security Certificate Framework 1.1 SAS Grid Manager Module for SAS Environment
• Platform Web Services for SAS 1.3
• SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool 9.4 Manager 1.3 SAS Environment Manager Agent
• SAS Security Administration Module 2.3 Configuration 2.5
SAS Environment Manager Log File Collector 2.2

Windows Terminal Server &
Microsoft Windows Client Software to Install (continued) Desktop Clients
• Client – Administrative - Windows Server 2012 R2,
• Client – Analytics • - 64GB RAM, 60GB Local Storage
SAS Deployment Tester - Client 2.2_M3 - 2 Sockets, 4 core each x 2
• Client - End User • SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 7.11 - 16 Cores total
• SAS Enterprise Guide 7.11 Standalone Formats 9.4_M3 Report
Software to Install/Configure Fonts for Clients 9.42
• SAS Enterprise Guide 7.11 • SAS Client Connection Profile Configuration 5.2
• SAS Grid Manager Client Utility 9.41 • SAS ODS Graphics Designer 9.4_M2
• SAS Office Analytics Clients - Administrative 7.2 • SAS Personal Login Manager 9.4_M3
• SAS Office Analytics Clients - End User 7.2 • SAS Security Certificate Framework 1.1
• SAS Universal Viewer 1.4
• Platform LSF 9.13
Software to Configure
• SAS Management Console 9.4_M3
• SAS Grid Manager Client Utility Configuration 9.4_M1
Software to Install: • SAS Client Connection Profile Configuration 5.2
• Java Platform Standard Edition Runtime Environment 1.7.0_76
• SAS Providers for OLE DB 9.43 SAS Integration Technologies
Client 9.43
• SAS/GRAPH ActiveX Control 9.43
• SAS Intelligence Platform Object Framework 9.4_M3
• SAS Management Console 9.4_M3
• SAS Configuration Manager 9.4_M3
• SAS Deployment Tester Plug-in for SAS Management Console
• SAS Grid Manager Plug-ins for SAS Management Console
• SAS Grid Manager Client Utility 9.4_M3

SAS 9.4 In-Prem Support on AWS Cloud (SAS Viya Container) Modeler

SAS Viya Interoperates with SAS 9.4

• Support for SAS 9.4 data available to SAS Viya.
• Ability to migrate user-defined format catalogs.
• Supports remote submit & run SAS Viya code in SAS 9.4.
• Provides capability for modelers to continue on SAS 9.4 in cloud providing the on-demand model compute environment.

SAS Viya is designed to coexist with SAS 9.4 solutions and the SAS 9 environment. SAS provides a client/server utility called SAS/CONNECT.
The SAS/CONNECT toolset enables users to maintain SAS interoperability across architectures and SAS releases.
68 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |
SAS Support on MAP using SAS-Viya container

Model tracking
Migration Approach
Migration of data Migration of SAS
Validation of
and codes from metadata objects
Validation of the Configuring the Redeploy and migrated
the source from the source
Planning target SAS migrated Reschedule the components in
environment to environment to
environment components codes and scripts Target
the target the target
environment environment

Migration Consideration* Proposed Team

Sl. Team composition for the one-time migration and parallel run:
Source Objects Efforts 4 Week (20 days)
User Folders/Library’s/Tables
Metadata/SAS objects(i.e. SAS Role Month 1 Month 2
1 Metadata STP,SAS VA explorer, SAS VA Reports, 2000+ objects
SAS Administrator 1
EG projects, SAS AMO and Office
Analytics objects, AC, ACE etc.) Cloud SME 1 1
Upto 6000 codes for 3
2 Code SAS code environments Total 2 1
121 Linux Scripts
1500+ GB data (depends
on bandwidth, downtime
3 Data SAS datasets, SAS files
and utility tools used for Post month 2, Platform administration support team will take care of the
migration) environment.

* All migrating metadata objects, code and data are identified and finalized, the codes will
not require any modifications for e.g. to edit the hardcoded path, libname, etc.
Migration Strategy

Migration and Promotion Comparison

 Promote - install SAS 9.4 and upgrade portions of your current SAS content
Migration Promotion
 Migrate - install SAS 9.4 and upgrade all your current SAS content.
 Hybrid - Use a combination of migration and promotion.
A SAS system(content Selected SAS content (content
What is acted on?
and configuration) only)

During SAS 9.4

After SAS 9.4 deployment
When is it performed? deployment One time

Same logical machine

Topology constraints No constraints

Same operating system

Platform constraints No constraints

SAS versions supported SAS 9.2 and later SAS 9.2 and later

SAS Migration Utility

(SMU) and Export Package and Import
• Best practices for SAS Grid migration is Promotion Tools Used
SAS Deployment Package
Affin Bank – SAS modernization
Date : 26 July 2022

Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

Understanding of the Current System

Pain points of modelers and validators People Process Technology

Understanding developed during Discovery Workshop
Modeler Validator

No single view No data Inconsistent Lack of support for No traceability of

of data dictionary Connections to data various data wrangling data transformations

No feedback to
Fragmented Processes, Cannot Limited
modeller on Lack of collaboration
tools & practices bundle artefacts AI/ML adoption
model performance

Lots of email Lack of right resources Different code base Inconsistent Lack of
Communications, resulting in between development handshake between common platform
no tracking performance issues and production modeler and validator for all touchpoints

Model Risk is calibrated by placing right level of controls, infrastructure and policies for all the models across businesses through Model Risk
Management - a thorough framework to identify, assess, mitigate and monitor the evolution of model risk across all verticals.

75 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

Why SAS Viya?

Use proven AI to Balance costs and agility

operationalize insights so with a cloud-native platform
you can find and act on and built-in automation that
hidden opportunities before enables you to strengthen
the competition​ your operations.​
SAS Viya is an AI, Better decisions,
analytic and data maximum value, faster
management platform outcomes. That's the
that runs on a modern, SAS Viya difference.
scalable architecture.

Get results in seconds with

massively parallel processing.

Built-in governance makes Empower everyone to make

your decisions repeatable, faster, better decisions by
explainable, transparent democratizing data and

76 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

SAS 9.4 On-Prem Support on GCP Cloud (SAS Viya Container)

SAS Viya Interoperates with SAS 9.4

• Support for SAS 9.4 data available to SAS Viya.
• Ability to migrate user-defined format catalogs.

Google Cloud and SAS are making it easier to migrate data and analytics to a scalable cloud environment with uncompromised security.

77 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

 Why choose SAS® on Google Cloud?

Flexibility Ease – Time & Cost Savings Uncompromised Security

Get access to all the data in a big data world with Easily migrate existing data sources to the cloud: Protect your data, applications, infrastructure and
SAS Viya on GCP, which enables: customers from fraudulent activity, spam and
abuse with the same infrastructure and security
• Perform easy, cost-effective, homogeneous
services Google uses.
• Centralized management.
migrations to managed services.
• Faster access to data.
• Leverage SAS Viya with Google Big Query to • GCP’s networking, data storage and compute
• A scalable cloud environment that leverages
enhance business decisions from data across services provide data encryption at rest, in
Kubernetes, containers and other cloud-
clouds with a flexible, multicloud solution. transit and in use.
native capabilities.
• Build on fully managed open-source • Advanced security tools support compliance
databases designed for mission critical and data confidentiality.

Avoid vendor lock-in with Google Cloud’s commitment to open source, allowing Affin Bank to use your data and run your analytics
applications in any environment.

Google Cloud provides consistency between public and private clouds, enabling businesses to modernize faster in any environment.

78 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

 High-Level Migration Approach

• Understand the existing SAS DB Files and create the relational data model Approach Assumptions:
• Gather inputs for target state definition
• • Target application will interact with Target database and target
Data structure, schema, table details and transfer strategy
• database table structure will be based on the following assumptions:
Provide input to the application development team on the signed-off data
Plan model
• Table structure will be a normalized table
• No stored procedure or functions at the database level
• There will be no calculated fields in the target database

• Schema Creation • 100 GB of data is considered in scope for data migration

• Develop logical and physical data model for target
• Data Migration • Connectivity to the database servers will be allowed from offshore
Backup & • ETL tool-based conversion and transformation

• Migration Validation
• Data Reconciliation
Validate & • Deployment in Production Environment

79 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

 Cost & Licenses

• The cost of migrating a SAS workload to Google Cloud assumes that you establish a new environment on GCP.
• This includes accounting for personnel time and effort in addition to provisioning computing resources and licensing software for the new environment.
• SAS Viya offerings are delivered as a set of container images that are deployed with Google Kubernetes (GKE)
• SAS Viya licensing follows a GCP cloud-native model that uses boundless scaling.
• The number and size of containers vary because containers are regularly spun up and down in response to the volume of software use.
• Thus, fundamental aspect of containerized cloud architectures means that licensing is unrelated to the number of SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) and
Programming Runtime Environment (SPRE) cores. But it is related to the number of users, types of users, and total revenue.
Offering Node Groups (Example & Approx.) Additional
SAS visual analytics and SAS data preparation • RAM: 128 GB per instance • RAM: 64 GB per instance
• CPU: 16 vCPUs or 8 physical cores per instance • CPU: 8 vCPUs or 4 physical cores per instance

SAS visual machine learning • RAM: 128 GB per instance • RAM: 128 GB per instance
• CPU: 16 vCPUs or 8 physical cores per instance • CPU: 16 vCPUs or 8 physical cores per instance

80 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

Proposed Timeline

Scope of Work Activity WK1 WK2 WK3 WK4 WK5 WK6 WK7 WK8 WK9 WK10 WK11 WK12 WK13
Functional Requirement
Database Requirement
Analysis of Data
Data Quality
Data Modelling
Data Mapping
Database Data Cleansing and Formatting
Migration & Functionality Development
Integration Data Migration, Unit Testing
User Acceptance Testing
UAT & Training
Training for Business Users
Deployment Deployment Support & GoLive
Warranty Support Warranty Support

*Proposed timelines are considered based on the current understanding of SAS application,
may undergo changes as we discover more insights into application during Discovery phase

81 | Copyright © 2020 HCL Technologies Limited |

Case Study 1 – Market Share Analysis & Forecasting for 1. Modelling
a pharmaceutical company
Summary Project Approach Solution Overview
About Customer :  Streamlined data flows and Transform raw data  Improved data quality and Data driven decision
Client is one of the largest global research driven from heterogeneous sources making to drive sales force planning through
pharmaceutical company in the world. It is also a  Data validation and verification process by consistent performance measures
global leader in consumer products and animal care applying predefined rules with a focus on  Defined process for Data cleansing, Standardizing
improving Data Quality Metadata, Metrics and generate SAS data sets
BUSINESS OBJECTIVE :  Standard Metrics definition and transform in SAS  Spot fire interactive reports designed for the
 Study the competitors sales, Market share analytics dataset. business users to get a customizable visualization
for the defined markets of data view
 Interactive reports implemented using drilldown
 Enable Commercial Operations Group to perform reports, pie-charts showing aggregate and
Sales Forecast and strategize the defined market competitor’s sales, Market share analytics for the
 Market share analysis for the defined market and defined markets
refine campaign plan  Forecast of rolling 12 / 24 / 36 months based on
NRx and TRx values (New and Total
PROLEM AREAS : Prescriptions)
 Overload of information not relevant to the decisions  Heat map for Market share analysis for the
on hand, Poor quality ,accuracy and lack of defined market by region
 Lack of Metadata definitions and measurable
Metrics across defined markets Solution Implemented/Services Delivered
 Proactively monitor the Market share (Total vs. New prescription) and plan campaign program effectively
Tools & Technology Used :  Strategize the defined market by Identifying the clusters / patterns which are contribution Market share
 SAS tool change (Current vs. Prior)
 Spot fire  Installation free light weight web client based visualization capabilities for business users
 Heat Map Analysis

83 | Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies |

Case Study 1 – Market Share Analysis & Forecasting for 1. Modelling
a Pharmaceutical Company Contd.
Forecasted Analysis : Actual Vs Pre-predicted & Current Year Sales Performance By
Predicted Product Sales Growth Analysis

This Scatter plot shows the total sales of the four products across 36 months The Stacked bar chart shows the total sales of the four products The bubble graph showing the sources of sales
(1-24 Actual and 25 to 36 Pre-predicted / predicted). The color of the points across the Customer Team. The four color in the bar chart show the growth of the four products in current year across
denotes the type of the forecasted values and the shaped of points denotes four different products. previous year. This graph is colored based on the
the type of forecast. That all will be shown right of the report. Mouse tooltip enabled to show the values like which product, how Commercial Operation Group (North east, north cent,
This is enabled with selection criteria on Product, CO Group, Region, much sales and for which Customer team will come up. South east and West)..
Customer Name, Time, # of Rx by Product, Sales by Product, Forecast Selection criteria on Commercial Operations Group, Region, Selection criteria enabled on Commercial Operations
(Current, Prior), Measures – Actual, pre-predicted and predicted). Customer Name, Sales Current / Previous year and Sales growth Group, Region, Corporate entity, Sales team, Sales
Current / Previous year, Sales growth and Sales
growth %

84 | Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies |

85 | Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies |
Reporting Interne Konten Application (RIK)
Tech Refresh
7th June 2022

Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2021 HCL Technologies Limited |
HCL Understanding of the RIK Tech Refresh Programme

Business Overview Modernization Objective

Reporting Interne Konten application (RIK) is an application used for substantiation of Application Remediation
account balances and confirmation of the balancing open items. It also contain the
comprehensive documentation of the responsible entities/persons for all the internal • Rewrite to modern technologies stack & deployable on Fabric 3.11
• User-friendly interface (GUI) in using Angular.
accounts at Deutsche Bank. It is a P2 Critical application which will require robust
• Moving towards Scalable Architecture.
alerting mechanism to all stakeholders
Number of Screens 12  
Number of DB Tables 16   • Adopt DB cloud native technology stack to ensure smooth migration to cloud in future
(Open Shift 4.x in GCP)
Count of Schemas 1
No of Interfaces 10 All interfaces are file-based interface
SAS Programs 25   Technical Debt reduction
Daily, Monthly and Quarterly • Moving away from Legacy Technologies (Mainframe) to modern and open source ,
Number of Batch Jobs 18
scheduled jobs
Savings of MIPS and licensing costs will be added benefit

Problem Areas Key Facts

• Old Tech stack and high dependency to DWH processes on mainframe. DB is
• Majority of applications feeding data to RIK tool are Mainframe based app.
upgrading all its old tech to modern tech
The interface is File based.
• Application architecture is monolithic and cannot be migrated as is to TAL
• 0-100 DB internal users based in Germany
(GCP) and needs to be decomposed at technical layers
• Role based access provided to end users
• Any increase of MIPS due to additional workload will result in additional cost
SAS licenses
for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Scope of Work
Initiation and Set Up
 Project initiation and request for required infrastructure and platforms.
 Any Functional enhancements or functional re-engineering of in-scope
 Onboarding requests for access and tools setup (Jira, Confluence, EIDP, Glue etc.) apps, services & database
 Base setup for Fabric, Database, UCD, Myworkspace etc.  No additional program/modules will be included other than the
 Determine no of Pods required for the application inventory details in Slide 2
Analysis and Documentation  Any changes to the interfacing applications
 Analysis and understanding of SAS programs and jobs
 Feasibility check for leveraging DWH 2.0, IMB and dbExchange
 Feasibility check and technology choices aligned to Fabric 2.0 Infrastructure:
 Event based trigger handling via UC4 scheduler  Infrastructure & tools provisioning, license procurement
 Creating DSRS, User Stories and understanding documents  Core Infra activities setup such as firewall, networking , security, storage,
 Logging and alerting mechanisms as the application is P2 Critical DNS, patching, certificate creation etc.
RIK UI Application   Any additional tool configuration and setup
 Rewrite JSP/Servlet Application to Angular
 Leverage MyWorkSpace for UI development, Total in-scope screens 12 Database
 Database Migration is out of scope
RIK SAS Programs & Batch Jobs
 Backend layer of application to be Spring Boot deployed on Fabric 3.11 version on-premise
 Rewrite existing SAS programs and Jobs to Spring Batch deployable on Fabric Support
RIK Database  Application & Operations support post migration

 History data migration

DevOps Implementation
 Leverage existing DevOps setup and build application CICD pipelines for modernized state
 Create DevOps pipeline for various environments (Dev/ QA/ Prod)
 Application unit, functional and regression
 Support activities during business UAT execution
 Go LIVE readiness
88Technology and
for the Next SupportToday.
Decade, activities during Go-LIVE and cutover Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
AS-IS Architecture


 RIK includes two parts (Internal web &

Batch Processes):

 Intranet web application for

reporting and administering KK and
non-KK accounts (PK, Spar, Depot,

 Three-tier architecture based on

the MVC (Model-View-Controller)

 Software components includes

dWeb and DAP Tomcat

 Batch processes for the initial load

of the data and maintenance of the
accounts (daily updates from KK,
re-set of substantiation status,
month-end’s freezes of data, etc).
As-is architecture of RIK

89Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Key Solution Tenets

Delivery Experience: Experience in delivering similar Tech Refresh (Unclaimed Assets, Kredit Manager Modernization, TRE) program
for Deutsche Bank

Alignment to DB GCP Strategy: Aligned with DB’s GCP strategy, leveraging the platforms and technologies to ensure smooth migration
to GCP

Leveraging DB Landscape Knowledge: We have extensive knowledge on DB platforms like MyWorkspace, Fabric, DWH2.0, making us
a team with steep learning curve

Team Readiness: Highly skilled team ready to be onboarded for the program

Cross Leverage for FPS: Deliver FPS tech refresh with same core team, ensuring timely delivery and cost efficiencies

Automation: Automate the regression suite

90Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Reference Target Application Architecture
Target Architecture Details*
Inventarisierung Kontrolle BO/ SO
Single Sign on/ Two Factor API first hexagonal architecture using Java
Kerberos Authentication & Spring boot 
Saldennachweis Monitoring
Aligned to DB Architecture Guidelines
Deployment on scalable and elastic Open
RIK Frontend (My Workspace) EIDP/CIDP (Global Realm) Shift Fabric
UI will be angular based
components following DB’s brand
guidelines and design pattern 
EIDP (Glue Realm)
RIK Reporting (JASPER Reports) CRUD
Oracle ExaCC storage solution to leverage
Audit Trail Configuration Services the capabilities of relational database 
Leverage dbHealthCenter for
Observability needs.
RIK Backend
Integrate with DevSecOps pipeline with
tools of choice Team City / U Deploy
DB (ExaCC)
ZVKK TDX Jira, JMeter, Selenium, Postman /SoapUI
(dbexchange) to be leveraged for testing needs
OR Report Export to Excel /PDF using Jasper
Housekeeping Snapper

Glue API Layer

Reports or alternatives such as Apache
DWH 2.0 POI, iText etc.
App Monitoring/ Alerts - using New Relic
RIK Batch tool, Splunk/Scribe Fabric Monitoring,
IMB Database Monitoring/ Alerts – Geneos
NOSPK Batch Jobs Monitoring/ Incidents– UC4
Note: Initiate STiP Onboarding as the
Source * The target architecture is a reference TDX (dbexchange) Gatekeeper CMIO dbHC guidelines
Systems architecture; this might update as per EA
guidelines during analysis and design phase.
91Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Source to Target Solution Mapping
Layer Existing State Target State Rationale

Front End on dWeb/DAP

Landing Open Shift Fabric Alignment to DB target state on on-premise
Backend on Mainframe

Programming Language (UI) JSP, Servlet, MVC Angular (My Workspace) Alignment to DB standards

Spring Boot 2.5.5

Framework Starter Packs – jpa, web, security, test, Alignment to DB standards for open-source Java-based framework for backend APIs
Swagger 2.9.x, Lombok
None Spring Batch for batch framework
Batch Framework Spring Batch
SAS Programs
Scheduler Control M/Tivoli UC4/ Automic Scheduling the batch jobs on UC4
Maven/ Maven Wrapper or Gradle/
Build Unknown Both the choices are available depending upon DB’s preferred choice
Gradle Wrapper
UrbanCodeDeploy (UCD) UCD for Database and UC4 components Deployment
Deployment Unknown Teamcity for Fabric Deployment
Junit / Mockito
Testing Manual Automation Testing – Selenium and Standard choice of test frameworks for Java and Spring applications.
Karate or Cucumber for API
Opensource standalone user identity and access manager. Will be replaced and
Security Unknown 2FA using EIDP integrated by DB aligned security services
Data Base DB2 Oracle ExaCC Alignment to DB standards
Standard format describing API specifications and documents to be shared among
API Documentation NA Swagger 2.9.x development & integration teams
Teamcity for Build & Deploy, JFROG for Artifacts and UCD for Database deployments,
DevOps NA Teamcity, JFROG, UCD aligning to DB stack

92Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Program Plan

Phase Sub Phase Sprint 0 Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4 Sprint 5 Sprint 6 Sprint 7 Sprint 8 Sprint 9

Determination Phase
Project Initiation
Phase Infrastructure Onboarding and
Set Up

Analysis and documentation of

SAS Programs
Analysis Phase
Analysis and Documentation
Rest of Landscape

Development and Testing
Testing Sprints Update SDLC Documentation

UAT Phased UAT

Dress Rehearsals
Go-Live Final Go-Live

Post Prod Transition to Day to Day

Support Operations FSD

93Technology for the Next Decade, Today. 1 Sprint - 3 Weeks Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Project Initiation Phase (Sprint 0, 1)
Two-Fold Objective

Determination Phase Infrastructure Onboarding & Setup

Ensure the existing application logic and functionalities are clearly mapped to the new architecture Accelerate the setup and onboarding of DevSecOps and Tools leveraging existing DB know how
expectations and gaps identified early

Key Activities Key Activities

• Kickoff with all stakeholders clearly articulating/ brainstorming on the objectives of the Program • Fabric Environment Setup (INT, UAT, PROD)– Frontend, Backend and Batch and setting up of
• Prepare the High-Level Architecture (HLA) detailing the component view, system Context view, mTLS
Data flow and services view for the Front end and Backend Components • Bit •Bucket, Teamcity and Artifactory
Data modeling Setup for Build and Deployment of each component (Base
database design
• Design the Target Data Model of the Application • Onboarding of Team members
• Prepare Wireframes/ Click dummy of all Frontend Screens for the Target Application • JIRA• and
Onboarding of Tools
Confluence Setup
• Relevant accesses to environments, artifacts and documents
• Prepare Product Backlog for the Initial Sprints clearly defining the EPICS and User Stories • Database setup
• Identify High level NFR’s, Data Migration Requirements • UCD Onboarding and deployment of the Data model
• Setup the Status Reporting Framework • UC4/ Automic Onboarding including UCD deployment – Setup of Basic Workflow and Config
• Go-Live and Cutover Planning including Program Unity Impacts Separation
• Institutionalization of the Documentation framework • EIDP Onboarding- Glue Realm and Glue API/ Application Setup for Batch
• Application Manual • EIDP Onboarding Global Realm (2 FA) – (Check cIDP)
• Operating Instructions and L2 Handover • Test User Creation - EIDP and onboarding
• PDM and Escalation Matrix • Myworkspace
• SDA Architecture Document • DBEXCHANGE Onboarding
• DBAPM/ RELIC, Geneos Onboarding
• Gatekeeper Onboarding
• SDOD Profiling
• ALM Onboarding
• Setting up of Sprint Ceremonies

94Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Analysis Phase

In Scope Out of Scope

• Data Step functionality​ • JCL 
Scope • SAS Metadata management
• General Purpose SAS • CTRL-M (Scheduler)
• Data Profiling of historical load, DQ other than stated in the SAS/JCL modules
Procedures​ • File-transfers (FTP(S)/HTTP(S)/NDM  • In-memory storage in parallel with SAS LASR (used for SAS VA/VS)
• Proc SQL/Pass through steps​ • SAS datasets, Oracle, Reports  • OLAP, Dynamic SAS based reports
• SAS Macros​

• Discover and analyze existing SAS programs • Code Translation, Rewrite, Automate/Streamline & Optimization
• Initial Knowledge Sessions • Libraries, Functions & Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
• Data Discovery & System Setup • Translation of SAS to generic workflows (LLD)
• Analysis of existing  Landscape  • Testing and Validation – using simulated data
Key Activities • Agree on design & coding standards
• Re-Validate assumptions
• Analyze dependencies of modules and plan.
• High level Solution Approach
• Prioritize the applications after discussion with the stakeholders & then
plan the delivery of entire set of jobs in Agile mode

• High Level Design and Mapping document

• Visual workflow-based diagrams
• Test plan –across 
Key Deliverables • Environment settings & variables 
• UT (SAS & JCL levels)
• BNFR test case results
• Documentation

• DB will provide timely access to existing technical, functional & operational documentation, code/configuration details and Development / Test Environments
Pre - Requisites • DB to facilitate SOPs and system administration. for installation of HCL utilities, accelerators/productivity tools, after requisite approvals are procured.

95Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Development Sprints

In Scope Out of Scope

• Design UI components (12 In-scope Screens)
Scope • Develop Click ready prototype of 3-5 screens
• UX transformation.
• Build in-scope screens , reports and export to excel/pdf functionalities.
Application pipelines (build, deploy and test) • Business / Functional enhancements
• • Any enhancements or remediations in interfacing systems
• User Acceptance Testing Support & Cutover/Release support
• Handover to support

• Build test scripts, cases and test suites

Key Activities • Development of UI application using Angular. •
• Development of backend component of Angular UI using Spring Boot Create Conduct Functional testing
• Rewrite existing SAS programs and batch jobs using Spring Batch framework. • Defect triaging and management
• Setup and Schedule modernized state Jobs • Test management and Test status reporting
• Support QA team during QA testing and DB team in conducting UAT • Coordinate with DB for procuring test data requirements
• Support during production release
• Warranty support post go-live • Test sign-off
• Handover to support

• Modernized source code checked in to version control

• Build & Release scripts (Maven/Gradle) for application packaging
Key Deliverables • Code Quality Reports
• UAT sign-off
• Knowledge document & handover kits

• Ready Target Environment

• Signed Off UI Designs, Architecture and Application Designs
Pre - Requisites • Access to Development environment & tool sets

96Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Proposed Squad

• Experienced Resources from Unclaimed Assets

Program Manager ITAO
Project to continue with RIK Tech Refresh

• To ensure productivity of development Sprints

from Sprint 2 onwards, the Initiation phase
Product Owner/ BFA (1 FTE) Scrum Master (1 FTE) would have the Unclaimed Assets team
accelerating the Infrastructure onboarding and
setup together with DB

Angular Developer • Additionally the SAS consultant and BFA

SAS Consultant (1 FTE) Java Architect (1 FTE)
(1 FTE) analysing the existing system will ensure user
stories are groomed and product backlog is
Java Backend
Database Developer(1 FTE) Functional Tester(1 FTE) priortized
Developer (4 FTE)

Automation Tester (1 FTE)

DB Roles HCL Core Team - Offshore

97Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Ramp-up Plan
Our Readiness
Role Team Members Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
• 80% team already available to start who
Scrum Master/PM will provide the complete technical
1 1 1 1 1 1 coverage
Product Owner/BFA
1 1 1 1 1 1 • Key Team members have prior

SAS Consultant Rathi Subramaniam experience of similar transformation

0.5 1 1 1 program in Deutsche Bank

Java Architect Ranbir Sharma

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Team members currently working for
unclaimed assets can start initial
Angular Developer Sundaram Manikandan
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 activities in June

Java Backend Developer Kalidas

1 2 4 4 4 4 1

Database Developer Akhila Thampi

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Functional Tester Vikrant Mahanjan

1 1 1 1 1 1

Automation Tester Anbarasan

1 1 1 1 1

98Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
w w w. h c l t e c h . c o m


Key Solution Assumptions

Category Assumption
DB will provide access to source code, access to all environments , database etc. during the first week of engagement
General DB will make available - Technical SMEs, Business Analyst and application documentations
Infrastructure Provisioning, setup and other prerequisites will be enabled by DB.
Estimation and Effort is derived using existing experience in DB mainly with Unclaimed Assets Projects sizing assumptions details.

Any functional changes, and existing bug fixes in the RIK application have not included in the estimates. Inflight code changes and enhancements will be
analyzed separately and taken as Change Request.

Current estimates has been given considering DB on-premises as the target environment

UI screens would be replaced with corresponding screens accessible over web browsers with branding guidelines.  No user experience enhancements /
Application multilingual supports / screen consolidations are included in scope of modernization estimation

HCL has not considered any changes to interfacing application both inbound and outbound as part of the estimate
Any changes to the subsequent systems are not in scope and have not been considered as part of the estimate

Estimates are done based on the inventory details and current understanding of the application. It will be revisited post due diligence and revised
estimate and project plan will be shared

HCL assumes the completeness of functionality through existing test cases. Ownership of providing functional, System and Integration test cases rests
with DB. HCL will re-use/modify the test cases provided by DB for testing
Unit test cases preparation for changes made in order to resolve the incompatibility are in scope.

100Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Testing Approach

In Scope Out of Scope

• Functional & Regression Testing ( UI, Batch) – One Iteration
• DB migration testing (Integrity, Consistency, Completeness) – Security Testing
One Iteration •
Scope Performance Testing – One Iteration • Accessibility Testing
• • Compliance Testing
• Smoke Testing (UAT / Prod Env)
• User Acceptance Testing Support

Analysis Development & Validation Support Digital Quality Assurance

• Build test scripts, cases and test

• Understand existing test scenarios,
tools, environments suites Objectives
• Create performance test scripts.
• Understand test data management Create Conduct Functional testing • Support DB in conducting
requirements • UAT Zero On-Time
Understand performance baseline • Defect triaging and management Smoke Testing
Key Activities • • Test management and Test status • Disruption Delivery
• Define Testing entry, exit and Test • Tickets/Incidents resolution
acceptance criteria Coordinate with DB for procuring validation/workarounds
Define metrics, measurement & •
• test data requirements
continuous improvement practices
• Test sign-off
Indicative Tools
• Functional test results and reports
• Test execution strategy
Key Deliverables Test plan, Test metrics • Defect reports UAT sign-off
• • Automated test suites •
• Entry and Exit criteria
• Test sign-off

Shift Left Test Approach Product focused QA Persona Based Testing

HCL Approach • In-Sprint Test Automation • SDET roles part of Dev Teams • Customer workflow validation
• TDD, BDD • Involve QA from design phase • Usability Testing

101Technology for the Next Decade, Today. Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Appendix A – Analysis Phase
SAS Program Constructs & Complexity Effort Estimation Summary
SAS Program Constructs & Complexity Environment Data Data
Extraction manipulation
Data Loading
Data aggregation
Advanced SAS Features
/ graphing Distribution by
PROC PRINT       S  
Effort distribution in hours complexity
PROC SORT     S    
20 60 20
PROC DATASETS S   S S   SAS 5 10 15 SAS 5 15 5
PROC REPORT         C Format Lookups
JCL 10 15 20 JCL 4 10 4
PROC TABLULATE         M Hashing in SAS
SAS Procedures PROC PRINTTO     S    
PROC OPTIONS          
PROC MIGRATE       M   Some representational user stories
PROC COPY     S    
PROC EXPORT   S       S M C Effort in hours
PROC CPORT       S  
SAS 25 150 75 250
PROC CIMPORT   S       Measures
PROC OPTLOAD M         JCL 40 150 80 270
Lines of code
Data Input   M       Logic 520
Data Set Options S
      Readability Effort in man-days
Set Statement     M     Performance 57.78
Data _NULL_     S S  
DATA Step Subsetting       `  
SAS Data Step FIRST. and LAST.     S   S
PUT & INPUT functions     M    
Data Manipulation     M M M
Using the IN= Data Set Option     S    
Data Step Dictionary functions     S    
PUT it _ALL_ out to the Log - in style     M    
Data Step Loops     M    
Automatic Macro Variables S   S    
Positional Macro Parameters M   M    
Key word Parameters M   M    
Macro Debugging Options M M

102 || Technology for the next decade, today Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Appendix B – Analysis Phase - Outcome

103 || Technology for the next decade, today Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
104 || Technology for the next decade, today Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
For A Leading
Australian Bank
Enabling Digital

Commonwealth Bank of Australia is an Australian Multinational Bank with businesses across New Zealand, Asia, US and UK. The bank
provides a variety of financial services including retail, institutional banking, funds management, superannuation, insurance,
investment and brokerage services. It is one of the "big four" Australian banks.

HCL has been engaged with CBA for the last 15 Years with 900+ consultants
as the strategic Technology Services partner for the bank. During this
period, HCL has successfully executed multiple transformation and
modernization programs across application development, support and
maintenance, testing, operations / DevOps enablement, infrastructure
services from two locations – Sydney and India(Chennai).

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Account Name
HCL FTE Strength for the account (onsite+offshore+nearshore) 1500+ (Digital Business: 30+) // (30:70)

Account Duration with HCL 15 Years

(Please mention the number of working years with HCL in total)

Key SPOC details Sivakumar Radhakrishnan (

(Mention names with HCL email IDs of people who helped create the new content ) Karthikeyan S (
Mary Martin Melcy (

Total Programs / Projects running in the account 3 Business Delivery Units ( Group Operations Technology, Digital Operation
(Please provide the total number of projects) Technology, Chief Data Office)/ ~30 – 40 active projects across BUs

Practices / Technology for the above-mentioned Programs/ Data & Analytics (Legacy and new age products), BFSI CoE, Integration (IBM
Projects Integration Suite), IBM Mainframe, Cybersecurity, DevSecOps, Cloud
(For example, Data , DIPA , App Mod , Agile DevOps, CX , Consulting , Salesforce , BU(Azure & AWS), Kafka
Snowflake, Alteryx, Hyperscalers , Adobe etc. ) (Please include Operating Model
transformations related as well)

Case studies available/ provided for the above-mentioned Projects Yes

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

HCL CBA Engagement Journey
Apps (AD/AE, ASM), Testing,
1,800+ FTEs Delivery locations
~15+ years 85+ Scrum teams In Sydney and
Business Ops / DevOps, Analytics
of Relationship and Infrastructure Services, 336
30-70 on/off in Retail India (Chennai, Bangalore) Application supported

 Commenced operations  HCL forays into CBA Online  Package assurance - risk  GDF Framework Adoption of Pathways
with CBA with a team of channels reward model  Awarded Balanced Scorecard project
~60  Agile Kanban Team proposed  Squad model implemented
 Ramped up to 250+ FTEs  New Operating Model for A&I
with a plan for distributed agile Offshoring
 Initiated CommSee,  Set up Payments CoE  Empaneled as a strategic  CBA-CIO visit to India
Dialog & BI work  Payments consulting for BPH vendor

CBA ‘07 ‘09 ‘11 ‘14 ‘16 ‘18 ‘20 ‘22

 COSSE, HCL’s first PEGA project  Agile Principles implemented with Cost  Awarded Digital Protection Group  PALM Foundation
sanctioned Savings of ~38% project Program
 Improved productivity by over 50%  Set up CoE for Pega & Correspondence  Homebuying second site capability  RBS Retail
 Initiated work in Payments  GTTS awarded the Best Trade from Chennai enabled for banking Data
 Core Banking Modernization transformation project Integrated HB delivery Lineage Program
projects Kick off

CBA has #1 internet banking apps NPS Strategic Agile and Digital at Scale partner.
AUD 60 M+ in value add through
and #1 mobile app NPS with highest Dominant application development capability
Value Portal over the past 4 years
client advocacy in market in Channels, Retail Products and A&I

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Transformational Engagement For Large Australian Bank
HCL has been engaged with customer for the last 15+ Years with 900+ consultants as the strategic Technology Services partner for the bank. During this
period, HCL has successfully executed multiple transformation and modernization programs across application development, support and maintenance,
testing, operations / DevOps enablement, infrastructure services from two locations – Sydney and India(Chennai, Bangalore).

Key Partnership Technology Skills Enabling Agile Key BUs Current
Attributes Serviced WoW Program

 Zero-Defect scale delivery capability and strong  Digital Run Optimization

 All Frontend (Angular, ReactJS),  Outcome based  Australia Retail & Commercial
competency in niche platforms  Payment Service Platform
Mobile (iOS, Android Kotlin ), engagement  Banking Services
 Business embedded architecture solution  Enterprise Data and Intelligent
Backend & API (Java, Springboot,  Distributed Agile way of  Institutional Banking
approach Apigee)  EDIA (Enterprise Data & Automation
project delivery .  LoanIQ Upgrade
 Access to HCL LABs ecosystem and partner  Testing (Tosca, Selenium), DevOps intelligent Automation)
 Ready ideapreneur pool for
ecosystem for POC, MVP build and center of  IaaS & PaaS  Container Platform as a Service
(GCP),Containers (Openshift) scaled agile delivery
excellence team's support  Product Skills ( LoanIQ, Fennergo,
 Co-Investment to jointly collaborate, innovate ForgeRock)
and co-create value for business

$1M+ Savings from value-add programs, 10+ Hackathons organized across bank to SFIA Based Knowledge academy
17% Improvement in Productivity
initiatives across the value chain drive innovations established

109 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Business Technology Modernization Program – PEGA Implementation For Modernizing Pricing In Bank


 Implementation of Pega Decision Strategy Manager Framework of Pega 7, to
 Package assurance - To maximize the value of the existing customer Evaluate using Real time and Historical Data. The design for Event processing and
relationships by giving them more granular/targeted pricing Batch processing was finalized based on the design patterns of Pega DSM
 Implementation of Pega based Home Loan Pricing Tool to Standardize and
 To automate some of the business processes that are currently simplify the way pricing requests for consumer home loans are submitted and
happening manually e.g. creation, maintenance, application of benefit tracked through to a decision.
to accounts participating in package and charging the fee. To provide  Introduce capability to provide instant automated pricing decisions under
stronger governance around pricing demanding scenarios
 Ensured end to end data integrity for reporting and insights.
 Develop a pricing tool which will standardize the process for pricing  Provided re-configurable Pricing strategies intraday overnight and this means
demands, tracking, decisions, responses and appeals/escalations that the Bank can respond quickly to variable market conditions
across proprietary and third party consumer lending and Home Loan
 Integrated with HP ALM, CA Lisa and Team city for CICD was successfully
completed and demonstrated as a PoC to customer.
 HP ALM – is used for requirement gathering
 CA Lisa – Automation regression testing
 Team city and Dev Ops Tools like Jenkins, etc. - CICD

Improved margin for Home Loan

Automated Packaged Pricing
Individual tailored pricing for each
OUTCOMES customer First implementation using Pega
Faster Response Time for discount
DSM with Pega 7

110 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Core Banking Modernization


 Unavailability of a configurable product manufacturing system along with Data Storage Object Layer:-
complex processes & system landscape which were unable to support the  All new and changed data are sent to ODS through DSOs which are customised
enhanced product features in the retail and premium banking space. SAP extract files sent through XCOM protocol.
Operational Data Store (ODS) Layer :-
 Unavailability of bundling capability for the bank that can integrate accounts  Main functionality of this area is to receive and consolidate all SAP, Non-SAP
mastered in multiple product systems that could enable bundled product
information to send and receive the information to other systems in contact like
features, customer based pricing and ongoing eligibility calculations
 Requirement of online account creation and maintenance functionality for  All inbound and outbound CIF batch interfaces got replaced with the new
products with simple processes enabling faster time to market. inbound & outbound interface from GDW staging area. ODS Performs with good
response time, not only for updates but also for queries. Therefore, massive
 Requirement of ODS in the group data warehouse where data can be parked
amount of historical data on this platform is not required.
temporarily and can be accessed by different stake holders for the reporting,
analytics and statutory compliance requirements GDW Layer:
 Customer and Account data are consolidated and integrated from a variety of
sources, updated at “end-of-day”

Non-SAP customers and accounts sourced from multiple

Elimination of duplication across different source and product system via DLMA on weekly basis will be re-
OUTCOMES target systems by rationalization of interfaces both routed to GDW staging Area where the data to be
inbound and outbound consolidated and passed to SAP via Direct interfaces.

111 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Reduced Time To Launch By 60% By Providing Consistent Brand Voice Across Channels


 Integrated Digital On-boarding platform that helps platform  Process Definition – Worked with client in creating a process for
teams to on-board different marketing sites in a seamless achieving the Digital On-Boarding factory
manner  As part of the implementing the process, classified on-boarding
 Creation of a catalog of services from which business requirements into predefined categories
unit/operating company within CBA group can pick and choose o Prioritized the on-boarding needs based on business impact and
services and capabilities complexity
o Implemented new features and integrations
o Enabled authors to create content for new property
o Mapped new capabilities to repository
o Continuously enriched the platform to enable reuse efficiency

Maximized the reuse of designs, Ensure minimum business disruption Agility and flexibility to respond to
components and content while on boarding of new marketing business demands
Reduced Time to Market Ensured platform integrity and quality Streamline Business pipeline & priority

112 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Reduced Time To Launch By 60% By Providing Consistent Brand Voice Across Channels Through Adobe
Managed Services


 Support Path to Purchase  Knowledge exchange platform for financial advisors
 Providing Investor a seamless Brand and Product Experiences  Enhanced adoption of investor friendly tools
 Support Partners  Enhance user experience through responsive and easy to use user
 Easy Management & Assembly of content for publishing to web, interfaces
mobile, and social channels  Enabled Real Time Delivery of Aggregated Information to Investors
 One platform for 20+ Digital Properties

73% of the Customers gave Optimized Opex - 20+ Digital Properties -

9/10 in CSAT Australia’s largest network of One Cloud Based scalable infrastructure
OUTCOMES Reduced dependency on Call 300+ accounting firms
Enabled Knowledge Exchange for
Center by 30% increased reuse and collaboration

113 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

World’s First Core Banking Modernization Platform To Build Centralized Rules Engine


 Bring in agility in setting up and modifying offers to bank’s retail  Pega based Central Rules Engine will acts as the bank’s central business
customers and thereby radically improving the bank’s time-to-market rule engine interfacing with SAP (the bank’s new Core Banking
Application) and the Banking channels

 A move to replace legacy systems using SAP

 Built on SOA model, it provides agility to build and modify business offers

Increased efficiency
Handling 15000 web service
requests per hour with a response Time & Cost Saving- no need to
OUTCOMES build the system from scratch
time of less than 2 seconds
Reduced Time to Market

114 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |



 Client’s existing WCM: Documentum Web Publisher, was going out of life and  Re-platformed client’s public facing corporate website comprising of 6000+ pages from
out of support. Hence it needed a web platform to migrate its existing site Documentum Web Publisher to AEM suite of products in just 3 months by using in-house
with existing features, scripts & enable to leverage latest digital marketing developed solution accelerators to accelerate project: Automated Content Retriever
Utility & Checkpoint Verification Utility.
tools & technology to improve customer understanding & relationship. Key  Enabled consistent look & feel providing customers, investors a seamless Brand and
challenges included lack of tools to drive real-time
Product Experience.
recommendation/personalization, increased time to market.  Optimized Opex - 20+ Digital Properties - One Cloud Based scalable infrastructure.
 Establish single platform to manage all content providing customers and  Implemented Adobe Campaign to target specific campaigns based on the data driven
investors a seamless and superior experience. customer analytics.
 Enable consistent look & feel across user experience.  Performed Google Analytics integration for user behavior insights.
 Enable easy management & assembly of content for publishing to web, mobile  Integration with social network APIs and WebChat. Integration with social channels and
and social channels. interactive tools.
 Increase online customer satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy. Enable customers  Enabled self-service for business team in managing marketing content.
share and interact with client.  Enabled consistent brand voice across channels and support for personalized marketing
 Enabled Knowledge Exchange for Increased reuse and collaboration.

Analytics driven insights on customer behavior pattern. Big

Accelerated launch of Marketing Campaigns, Micro Sites – data driven profiling of end customer to enable segmentation.
Reduced TTM by 60%.
OUTCOMES Real-time information flow to customers and investors. Shift of publishing control to content authors.
Reduced cost of operations by 40%.

115 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Integration Layer Transformation


 Need for a common Integration Layer across business segments, lack of  Partnered with the bank toward providing SOA based Enterprise Service
maturity in the existing enterprise Integration platform to onboard new Bus that would integrate various banking divisions and applications -
services  BSIP (BSIP is a complete SOA based Integration Platform that can embrace
 Enormous turn-around time to host solutions in existing Integration heterogeneous services by assembling, deploying, hosting, managing and
platform monitoring them as composite applications on a Unified! Runtime
Platform) – Tibco Business Connect and BW
o EP – Enterprise platform using IBM BPM
o IFW –C# .Net services on SOFA Framework
o Automated build triggers Creating application deployment units -
Jenkins, Hudson, Cruise Control, Cruise Control.NET, TFS, TeamCity,
Ant etc.

Agility & Flexibility to respond to business demands One Stop Shop to serve the Integration needs of Business
and IT customers. Aligning to architectural strategy
OUTCOMES Strong governance -Engagement model involving teams
from core platform and project function Model Driven Development Approach

116 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Reduced Deployment Time By 70% Through Devops Implementation


 Fragmented IT operations at enterprise level  Proactive recommendation to improve existing delivery processes and
 Different release mechanism for different environments, complex implement a holistic continuous delivery platform
rollback mechanism  Developed reusable components for the same kind of deployments
 No strategy to implement Agile and DevOps at enterprise level  Seamless promotion of packages to different environments with
 Lack of a centralized test automation framework automated deployment and ACDC tool
 No accurate metrics to analyze and improvise  Test automation suite using LISA
 Manual deployment and environment creation process (45  Integration between service consuming channels and backend interfaces
minutes to deploy an application and 2-man days to setup an  TeamCity and ACDC tool adopted to make deployment and environment
environment. Creation of new application node was 30 minutes process automated
manual process)  Automated the process of installing software components, resulting in
 Poor monitoring mechanism of applications performance one ODP environment getting ready in half a day as opposed to 2-man
 No coordination between operation and development teams days
 Use of TeamCity for automated deployment and ACDC tool, resulting in
deployment of application in 15 minutes instead of 45 minutes

75% reduction in environment Reduction in time for creation of a Integrated platform for different
creation new application node from 30 business services
OUTCOMES minutes to 5 minutes through 80% reduction in new application
70% reduction in deployment
ACDC and automated processes node creation

117 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

A M L - SW I F T


 The ETL system architecture uses a combination of Autosys (RQM3),
 To detect activity that could be indicative of money laundering or terrorist
RQM2 (MVS jobs), UNIX scripts and IBM Websphere Data Stage Edition
 Most financial institutions globally, and many non-financial institutions, are  DataStage: ETL receives source files(SWIFT_GDW_
required to identify and report transactions of a suspicious nature to the EXTRACT_YYYYMMDD.dly) from Swift system, undertake data filtering,
financial intelligence unit in the respective country. applying rules and mapping, and loads the data into the Teradata GDW
 To comply with AUSTRAC (Australia's anti-money laundering and counter- tables.
terrorism financing regulator and specialist financial intelligence unit) and  The daily data load(TUE to SAT) to the GDW tables from DataStage
other Australian Banking regulatory provides the required user data for downstream systems.
 To provide the transaction monitoring platform with sufficient data to  In Swift streams there is one mandatory source file hence separate jobs
monitor the customer transactions related to International Money Transfers will be designed for each Extract, Transform and Load in following
(IMT) from the SWIFT Data Store. category: Extraction, Transformation, Delta Processing, Load GDW.
 Improvement in monitoring and reporting requirements of SAS AML
(monitoring platform) with the data loaded into the Warehouse

Provides single view of customer

The Swift extract will fulfil the strategic The Group Data Warehouse (GDW)
objectives of GDW and at the same time information over the Group
provides easy access to an integrated range
OUTCOMES provide the information the SAS ‘Single source of the truth’ for of information about Bank customers, their
transaction monitoring platform requires. analyzing and reporting information accounts and their transactions.

118 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |



 Absence of an organised architecture to identify transactions pertaining to  Data Stage ETL receives source files from MIDAS system, undertake data filtering,
financial crimes. applying rules and mapping, and load the data in to the Teradata GDW tables.
 Most financial institutions globally, and many non-financial institutions, are The daily data load to the GDW tables from Data Stage will provide the required
required to identify and report transactions of a suspicious nature to the user data for downstream systems.
financial intelligence unit in the respective country.  Extraction, Transformation, Delta processing, Load GDW
 Increased financial crimes raised a question against banks credibility and
their adherence to KYC norms.  Data will be send from GDW to SAS for reporting purpose for AUSTRAC
 Regulatory bodies became very stringent regarding compliance of AML compliance
legislation that banks has to follow to prevent financial crimes.  Technologies Used:
 To provide the transaction monitoring platform with sufficient data to monitor o Autosys command
activity originating from within the MIDAS system. o Sun Solaris
 To load data which must be sufficient to cover all monitoring and reporting o IBM DataStage job 8.0.1
requirements of SAS.

SAS has been implemented as the Financial Crimes MIDAS is the bank’s domestic and International foreign
Platform, and is being extended to meet the requirements currency accounting and settlement system so Global data
OUTCOMES of the overall CBA Joint Anti Money Laundering and warehouse will provide easy access to an integrated range
Counter Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Program. of information about Bank customers, their accounts and
. their transactions

119 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

FRAP (Financial Reporting And Analytics Platform)


 Key Finance and risk data from Product source data, Customer source data and External data
 Low Confidence in Finance and Risk Information. sources consolidated in central store in GDW
 Continued enrichment of finance and risk data via consistent business rules
 Gathering and Checking information tales too long  Structured the data for easy consumption of business users
 Provided self service reporting to give business users easy access to reports and analytics
 Not enough time spent on Analysis  Traceability of information form report to source
 Perfective Maintenance through:
 No Long-term strategy for managing data
o Efficiency Improvement
 Reports are complex and need manual intervention in preparation o Automation of Manually triggered jobs
o Batch Job optimization – monitoring automation
o Capacity planning
 Source of report data not known o Incident Trend handbook
 Information across reports are inconsistent  System Stability through Perfective maintenance
o Work on permanent fix to recurring incidents
o Proactive application monitoring
o Automatic alerts
 Knowledge Academy
 Continuous Service Improvements

Total 6000+ ETL jobs to load 55 sources to GDW. It may be Total 140 source systems for FRAP, 55 existing, 65 new, 20
an equal number of ETL loads to onboard 65+ new sources reference data
CBA BIS academy set up Extract standardization and standardization utilities created
leading to increased efficiency

120 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Chief Data Office (CDO) - Summary

About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram

 The Group Data Warehouse and Big Data platforms
o providing high quality information to meet regulatory obligations Originating Systems A&I Data Architecture A&I Consumers
o Support management reporting for various Bus
 Support the Bank’s data needs Credit Cards OMNIA GDW Tableau
 Focused on enhancing these to create world-leading capabilities for analytics,
information management, and decisioning. Home Loans OBIEE
Omnia Access Layer Business Access Layer
SAP Banking Daily IQ

Technology stack Delivery model SAP BP Enrich Layer Business Data Vault
Branch IQ
 Data Platforms: Teradata, Cloudera Managed Services – Offshore PeopleSoft Pega Decisioning
Hadoop Agile distributed model – Hybrid teams DIL View Warehouse Raw Data Vault
 Data Processing Tools: Datastage, Treasury Data Scientists
Teradata TCF, Apache Spark, Scalding
frameworks Wall Street
 Data Analysis Tools: Hive QL, SQL, Spark Ingestion (ETL In house Framework)
Funds Mgmt. Systems TCF (ETL Framework &
Zeppelin notebooks
Technical Metadata)
 Metadata Tools: Alation Houston (Technical Metadata)
 Visualization: Tableau Collections
 DevOps: TeamCity, GitHub, Puppet,
CommSee Alteryx, Alation, Collibra
Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes

 Business Functions:  Key projects delivered till date:  Key call outs:
o Shared service organization o FCP AML o Moving to executing projects in fully managed services away from staffing model
o Capability Building across Technologies for Leveraging Analytics & o FATCA & FCS (Financial Claims Scheme) o Setup offshore A&I team to execute projects from Chennai
Information for Financial Wellbeing o Daily IQ o Created Kafka ingestion capability into Spark ETL framework
o Delivery & Operational Excellence o Comprehensive Credit Risk Reporting o Created accelerators to increase developer productivity
o SAP BS9 Upgrade
 HCL Responsibilities (services):
– HCL Scrum teams part of various regulatory, compliance and business programs
– HCL teams work in the areas of
o Business and technical analysis of data integration o Alliance
o Solution design and Data model design o M&M
o Entire life cycle of data ingestion, integration and presentation o World debit Cruise
o Work with relevant stake holders to rollout to production systems o Statement Failover
o Active Monitoring, Application support
o Release management

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

HCL’S Data Services with CBA – A Snapshot

CAN 360





Home Buying


 DDS- Data and decision science  ODS –Operational data store
 CDO- Customer Data office  GRD – Group Reference Data
Infinity  CIRT – Central Investigation and  FCP – Financial Crime Platform
FDM remediation team  FDM – Financial Data Mart

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

CBA – CMLA De-Merger -Summary
About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram
 Non-ES engagement
 Migration of data from CBA to AIA using three work streams naming
o Lift & shift
o Clone & Separate
o Data only.
Application to be Data Inspection Risk accepted move
DGG review
inspected inspection result to factory
Technology stack Delivery model
Database: Agile
 MS SQL server
 Oracle
 Teradata

Apply set of Risk identified

preapproved rules Remediation required

Data Analysis
 Business Functions:  HCL Responsibilities (services):  Criticality:  Key call outs:
o Infinity has been established to o HCL team has been involved in data team to preform data inspection to o Data inspection of 80 o Transition have Day1 and Day2
manage smooth transition of ensure no CBA sensitive data migrated in this process of transition. CommInsure applications, that components, where as Day1 targeting
CommInsure life insurance, o Key projects delivered till date: requires complete knowledge of on 1 Nov and Day2 on or before end of
superannuation & investment products o FCP alerts solution for the Pega alerts & Tableau reporting end-to-end flow and functionality next year.
from CBA to AIA group. o Wave1- Data inspection and document redaction of 8 Wave1 applications of the applications. o All planned deliverables into factory
o Identified close to 20 breaches per o Wave2- Data inspection and document redaction of 9 Wave2 applications o Some of the applications are happened on time.
application for data governance team o Wave3- Data inspection and document redaction of 11 Wave3 applications legacy and doesn’t proper o All the work in-progress activities are
to evolve further and confirm if they o Wave8-Data inspection and document redaction of 14 Wave8 applications supporting documents captured in Jira
are risk accepted or remediation o Uber wave-Data inspection and document redaction of 10 Uber wave o Status of work discussed in daily
required before moving data into AIA applications huddle, weekly working group
factory. meetings and in all hands

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

CFS BIS – Summary

About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram

 BIS is an operational data store that aggregates data sourced from
operational systems to serve as the data hub to enable offload of Originating Systems Data Architecture Consumers
read-only downstream workloads from those operational systems.
FMS BIS Firstnet
 BIS acts as repository of information available in FMS.
RPAY OSI Insight
Commsec Spotfire
Technology stack Delivery model DB layer
Branch IQ
Visualization: Managed Services –
 VB.Net
Custom Solution Software licenses
Agile distributed model – Hybrid Rapid
 Visual Basic teams Onyx
 Java Script GDW
Insight Networks
 MS SQL server

Interfaces ADF

AML Sanctions

 Business Functions:  HCL Responsibilities (services): • Key projects delivered till date:  Criticality  Key call outs:
o BIS is a core data base for the o Application Support, Build, Test and o DFS enhancement o In terms of Business - it is o Automated the data reconciliation
Colonial First States master trust maintenance o Data downloads enhancement high complex application, process between BIS & Fund
investment and superannuation o Vulnerability management business critical Management System
business. It is the data store of CFS o Data Architecture/ Solution Design
o Superannuation, Investments o Application Performance issues have
customer, account, fund unit-holding funds transfer been addressed
information, and handles o Enabled the monitoring of delta files
maintenance and transaction
from upstream systems
processing of such information.

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

RBS Remediation- Summary
About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram
 Non ES engagement with Retail Banking Services (RBS) Controls &
Customer Outcome(CCO)
 RBS CIRT ensures customers are fully refunded for any bank error by
managing centralised remediation projects
 Determines the root cause of issues and works with product teams to
implement controls

Technology stack Team size

Data Analysis:  9 – Data Analysts
 Teradata
 Teradata BTEQ
 Windows scheduler

Data Analysis
 Overview: Data analysis, design and building of data models,  Responsibilities:  What is the criticality of the process:
Quantification of customer refund o Identify customers that may be impacted and o
CIRT plays a critical role, clearing backlog of 100+ remediation projects in Retail Bank space
 What does HCL do: calculate compensation amount that will put o
Helps CBA to compensate impacted customers as early as possible. This will help to restore
o HCL team provides specialist data expertise in support of the customer back to a position where error confidence & trust of customers /regulators in the Bank
Remediation activities which will include information hadn’t occurred  Key projects delivered till date:
gathering, data analysis, design and building of data models. o Release remediation payments and o Personal Overdraft Switch
o Writing design/technical specification documents & communicate to customers o Credit Card Credit Balance
development of code to calculate compensation amount o Determines the root cause of issues and works  Delivery Model:
with product teams to implement controls o Agile delivery model has been used across CIRT.
 Key functions o All the work in-progress activities are captured in physical / JIRA VMB boards
o Quantification of refund o Status of work discussed in daily huddle, weekly working group & monthly governance meetings
o Customer payments and communication

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Home Buying - Summary

Who we are Process Flow / Architecture block diagram

 Non ES engagement with Home Buying Business on 2 work streams
o Data Visualization, Originating Systems Data Lake & Warehouse Home Buying Business
o Data Reporting & Analytics
 Responsible for delivering Reports, Insights and Dashboards for Home HLS OMNIA GDW
Buying business stakeholders, namely Products & Pricing, Channels, Self Serve Portal
Credit Risk and Operations Risk teams. SAP Banking
Omnia Access
PCO Business Access Layer

CoSSE Home Buying data

Technology stack mart
Visualization:  MS SQL server CMS Enrich Layer Business Data Vault
 Angular, D3,Javascript  Reporting & Insights:
 HTML,CSS, Bootstrap  Teradata HLPT
 Web API 2,  Teradata SQL
 .NET framework 4.5,  Windows scheduler Collections DIL View Warehouse Raw Data Vault
 Model first architecture Adhoc reports
 Database: CommSee

Visualization Reporting & Insights

 Overview: Deliver  Key functions  Key projects delivered till date:  Overview: Deliver  Key functions  Key projects delivered till date:
dashboards, workflows o Dashboards o Household Expenditure Measure regulatory and adhoc o Regulatory & Management reports o Transition and code conversion of
and UI for HB o Workflow dashboard reports to home buying 3LOA reports from L2 Risk team to
o Exceptions & Control reports
stakeholders. development business stakeholders. L1 Home Buying team
o Partner Quality Assurance dashboard o Remediation, Issues & incidents
 Responsibilities: o Green Loans, Refinance Rebates
o Development of RMRT report for
o Development of dashboards with drill down o Products & Channels
workflows APRA reporting
features which can deliver key insights to managers o Enhancements to Third Party Brokers
whenever thresholds are exceeded.
o Interest Only and Redraw serviceability  Responsibilities:
front end and workflows. o Provide capability and support business for data analysis and insights dashboard
o Development of workflows to streamline work
o Automation and maintenance of reports in self-serve portal o 162 adhoc request for reports
requests from business stakeholders. o Workflow for requests management in
o Supporting stakeholders by providing data sizing, samples and delivered through work requests
o Development of UI for eligibility, switching and the home buying self serve portal.
redraw calculators. reports for HB issues, incidents and remediation requests. from self-serve portal

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Predictive Modelling – Forecasting Model


 Optimize the sales and retention strategies to suit the seasonal  Volumetric analysis performed on data to merge the series exhibiting the
trends in home loans similar trends
 Improve submission to approval and approval to submission rates  22 ARIMA Models built based for funding and runoffs based on Product

to keep fundings healthy types

 Statistically significant covariates like Holiday , Lending rates included in
 Provide early pointers which the Senior Management can use to
the model
optimize pricing strategy, e.g.: interest rates on home loans,  Several models built and the best model was picked up based on the least
introduce package offers to reduce upfront costs to customers error
 Optimize channel (Broker, Branch, Internet) and product (Owner,
 Techniques Used:
Investor) specific strategies
o Seasonal ARIMA
o Training Period – Aug 2015 to Feb 2018
o Validation Period – Mar 2018 to May 2018 (13 Weeks Forecast
o Model Usage – Jul 2018 to Till Date

Dutch Multi-National Banking Customer

Forecasting model predicted a growth

downturn for December 2018, 13 Accurately forecasted for the Funding
Helped the bank to maintain its Market
and Run offs for Home loans from Jul
OUTCOMES weeks in advance and helped mitigate
2018 to till date
a negative growth for the month of

127 Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Consumer Data Office (DDS) - Summary
About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram
 DDS( Data and Decision science) is a non-ES engagement within
Source Systems
the Retail Banking Services.
 CDO – consumer data office is the core team within DDS and is Credit Cards System OMNIA GDW 2.0 Visualization
responsible for Self service and Web services
o Development & Implementation of RBS data strategy Home Loans System Omnia Access Layer
o Prioritization & coordination of investment in Data & analytics Business Access
SAP Banking Customers
across the retail bank Layer
o Managing & governance of retail data Enrich Layer
SAP Business Partner PEGA
 CDO Priority : Look after data, build the test data, use the best Business Data CEEE
data and have the best people PeopleSoft Financials DIL View Warehouse Vault

Treasury Systems
Product LOBs
Technology stack Raw Data Vault  Credit cards
Funds Management Systems CAN 360
 Home Loans
 Unix Omnia Access  Consumer Finance
 Teradata (GDW1.0 and GDW2.0) The Collections System Enrich Layer
Layer  Everyday Banking and
 Tableau GDW 1.0 Deposits
 Omnia (Hive , spark and scala)

 HCL Responsibilities (services):  Criticality
o Responsible for maintenance & support of strategic & tactical data assets o As part of campaigns key leads are generated for new customer Acquisition ,
o Part of development, testing, deployment of data in CAN360 platform retention and mandatory customer communication
o Performance optimization o Dashboards for making insights and Product Acquisitions

 Key projects:  Key call outs:

o GL hierarchy o Critical and mandatory communications to customers are delivered through
o Self service datamarts MaRCC, an application in this portfolio
o New features built for CEEE

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

CPS GRD (Group Reference Data) - Summary

About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram

 ES engagement with Retail Product Platform (RPP) provides
technology leadership and capability on key retail products
including deposit and transaction accounts, home loans, personal
loans and credit cards as well as supporting the pricing and small
business teams.

Technology stack Delivery model

Visualization: Agile Delivery Model
 DataStage
 Teradata
 Unix
 Autosys
Team size
 3 – Onsite
 5 – Offshore

 Business Functions:  Responsibilities:  Key projects delivered recently: • Criticality
o Creation/Maintenance of both SAP and o Design and Development of data o Product Catalogue – Potential P2
Non-SAP product configurations files to all channels across the o RBS Hierarchy
o Reference data (Post codes, ANZIC & Bank related to Products, Pricing o NPP (Payments)
ANZSCO codes, Currency & Country and Reference data
o BTA Refresh
codes etc.) maintenance across the o Supporting stakeholders by
Bank providing data analysis, samples, o Project Alliance
o Pricing configuration maintenance reports and remediation

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

FCP (Financial Crime Platform) - Summary
About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram
 Financial Crime Platform (FCP) is enhanced, integrated fraud
detection systems that includes Cheque Fraud, Application Fraud,
AML and Internal Fraud

Technology stack
 Ab Initio
 Oracle
 Unix
 Hive
 Pega
 Autosys

 Business Functions:  What we do?
o Detects frauds and generates Alerts to Group security o Provide support to Datastage batches (DDSALT, EFORM and CBM)
o Continuous Transaction Monitoring o Batch Monitoring and Support
o Screening of High-Risk customers o Daily status on critical process flow
o Reporting AUSTRAC on suspicious transactions o Identify recurring failures and provide permanent fixes
o Assist in service management activities, for e.g., Vulnerability management, certificates renewal, user access review, etc.

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

FDM (Financial Data Mart) - Summary
About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram
 FDM manages the daily transactional feeds from product
administration systems (PAS) to downstream Accounting and
reconciliation systems

Technology stack
 Data Stage
 Oracle
 Unix
 Teradata
 Autosys

 Business Functions:  What we do?
o Daily updates to PeopleSoft General Ledger o 24x7 Application Monitoring and Support
o A front-end tool for analysis and management of mapping records o Daily status on critical process flow
o A scalable mapping engine which supports complex mapping and mapping for o Identify recurring failures and provide permanent fixes
super funds o Monthly governance report on the performance, challenges and
o A strong audit trail which allows transactions on an end-to-end basis risks
o A data repository for historical transaction analysis o Assist in service management activities, for eg. Vulnerability
o Enhanced transactional extracts to improve reconciliations processing management, certificates renewal, user access review

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

Policy ODS, MIS-ODS & GI-ODS - Summary
About the service Process Flow / Architecture block diagram
 Data Warehouse to Consolidate the Insurance data flowing from different
Originating Systems (PAS) Originating Systems ODS Data Architecture Consumers
 The consolidated data will then be available for Business processing
Life 400 CFLOW Policy ODS Tableau
through different channels MIS-ODS/GI-ODS
 The purpose of the Policy ODS is to create a common layer of integration BSIP
for various applications to exchange data in a consistent nature. The ODS
database structure will be based on the ACORD model and the integration ORION
SAP Banking BSIP Conform View Reporting Layer
patterns are to leverage the ACORD formats
Simple Life EVISION
Technology stack Delivery model AvP
PAXUS MYAPPLY Full View Base Tables
ETL Tools: Fixed Price Maintenance for ASM iOP
 Datastage activities
 SSIS/SSRS Business Reports
 MS SQL server 2008 Team size Raw View Landing Tables
 Oracle 12.2 MIS Reporting
 18 – Developers & Testers CLAIMS
Visualization: GCPS/OMNIA
 6 – Operation Analysts DATAMART OMNIA
 Tableau

Data Analysis
 Business Functions:  HCL Responsibilities (services):  Key projects delivered till date:  Criticality  Key call outs:
o Policy ODS is the solution as the single o Claims Processing at Orion fetched data from
o Application Build, Test, o Data Segregation for AIA o AIA Transition is in progress
integration point for various downstream Policy ODS
systems to access the policy and coverage Support & Maintenance Migration o Application Performance issues
o Credit card Cancellation through CREDITA fetched
data with an operational window of 24/7 o Incident Management o MAAS & MATS Enhancements have been addressed
o MIS ODS primarily holds Life application data from Policy ODS
o Problem Management o LAU, SSv2 Enhancements o Critical Business SLAs in relation to ATO and APRA o Datastage & Oracle Upgrades are
data from quotation phase till policy cover
decision phase. It also has workflow systems o Change Management o CDOT Configuration Changes fetch data from Policy ODS, MIS-ODS and GI-ODS in progress
data and Super Stream messages. for respective application o Annuity reports are all generated out of Policy ODS
o Vulnerability Management
o This DataMart is used by business for o Critical Business reporting on insurance data gets
operational reporting, business reporting, extracted out of the Policy/MIS/GI ODS databases
SLA reporting to Trustee/APRA.
o General Insurase Operational Data Store
used for Fineos Management Reporting

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

A case in point
Leading Australian Banking
Doing Agile Being Agile
 Being “Agile” – Agile as a Culture of Team
 Doing “Agile” – Agile as a Process
 Strong commitment and leadership focus on Agility
 Team level focus on agility Strong Contracts, No structured governance
 Fixed capacity models, structured governance
 No Agile office / Community of practice
 Strong Agility practice; Multiple Agile coaches & scrum masters
 Traditional Infrastructure
 New Age Agile ODC
 Minimal Knowledge Share
 Breaking Down the wall; Increased collaboration / knowledge share
 Formal & Minimal business connect
 Personal Connect – Teams involved in early stages of project
 Order Takers
 Self organised teams adding value to IT and Business Teams

Pull Based Agile Gamification in Scrum Master Tribe Co-Located Fortnightly Agile
Adoption – 4EModel Agile Coaching & for Knowledge Inception Coaching Tribe
Training Share & Mentoring Workshops

Team Specific,
Fundamental shift • Vision
Product owner is
in Estimation – No • Social Contract &
agile ready
One person Always on • Ways of Working
Estimates Video Teams

~Fixed capacity model – cost

1800+ team members ~100+ Squads 30/70 3 Distributed locations
benefit and improved efficiency –
On/Off Ratio Sydney, Chennai, Bangalore “Bring work to teams, over build
HCL Technologies
134 | Technology DNA copyright
For The Next Decade, andToday
confidential teams to address specific demand
Copyright © 2019 HCL Technologies Limited |
Agile Journey
 More Distributed Agile Teams in other platforms –
 CBA-HCL Agile Journey Starts in Channels
3 Step Agile Transformation approach
 2 Teams – Onshore centric & later offshore  Proxy POs and Scrum Masters @ Offshore
 Assessments on Individuals and process  Scrum of Scrum connecting - Geos

2013 2014 2015 2016-17

 Enhanced Comm. Infra – Telepresence for Agile ceremonies  Expand Best Practices – TTD, ATDD
Agile Ways of  DEVOPS as a culture
 Singe tool adoption
Working  Metrics – Definition, Reporting & Tracking  Innovation as a Culture
 38% Productivity Improvement – Won CEO Award

 DEVOPS as a Culture
 DEVOPS Adoption as a Separate Team  Full Stack Engineer
 Acceptance Test Automation  Automation until E2E Testing in Digital and New
 Service Virtualization
Age Technologies

2013 2014-15 2018

 Tools Standardization
Tools &  Cloud Enablement
 Expand Best Practices – TTD, ATDD
 DEVOPS as a culture
DevOps  CD until E2E  Innovation as a Culture
 Self Serve enablement

 Strengthen Agile Academy

 All Team members internally trained by HCL  Promoting Professional Certification -  Common Agile Curriculum for HCL-CBA -
Academy Certified Scrum Masters Train the Trainer
 Key Team members externally certified  SQUAD Team to oversee quality  Distributed Workforce Enablers – Agile
Coaches & Scrum Masters

2013-14 2015 2016 2017-18

Knowledge &  All Team members trained internally  Capability Upliftment – Train & Deploy
 Cross skill & Upskill
Academy  Knowledge portal
 Technology& Domain Academy
 Technology Guilds, Lessons Learnt &
Defect Learnings
Agile Journey

Doing “Agile” Being “Agile”
AGILE 8 Agile coaches; dedicated scrum masters, 70+ HCL
No Agile coach; no dedicated scrum masters
No business connect Working together with business
Centralized project management framework Decentralized delivery excellence framework

DEVOPS Scheduled weekly twice build to SIT 400+ builds in a day

Only E2E test automation Decoupled Testing – Automation at all stages

Bespoke tools and processes Standardised tools and processes – Agile delivery
“Chuck it across the Fence” mind-set Single click self-service CI/CD framework
Agile Implementation- From ‘Doing’ Agile to ‘Being’ Agile
650+ team members • Doing “Agile” – Agile as a Process • Being “Agile” – Agile as a Culture of Team
• Strong Contracts • Breaking Down the wall
70+ feature teams
• No Agile coach; no dedicated scrum masters • 8 Agile coaches; 2+ dedicated scrum masters
2 agile locations • Traditional Infrastructure • New Age Agile ODC
Sydney, Chennai
• Minimal Knowledge Share • Increased collaboration and knowledge share within teams
75+ Applications • Formal & Minimal business connect • Personal Connect – Teams involved in early stages of project
• Centralised PM framework • Decentralized Delivery Excellence framework
• Take Orders • Advise CBA IT and Business Teams
• OCM elements of transitionn
( Mindset and Behavioral changes)
Accelerators and Best practices
• Agile maturiry assessment

KEY LEARNINGS Team Specific, Co-Located No Heroes

Gamification in Agile Scrum Master Guilds
Pull Based Agile • Vision Inception But Reward teams
Coaching & Training for Knowledge Share
Maturity – Fluency • Social Contract & Workshops
& Mentoring
Model • Ways of Working
• User story completed in one sprint
• Reduced defects
• Teams understand the vision / purpose

BENEFITS Always on Video Teams

Fundamental shift Product owner is
Fortnightly Agile in Estimation – No One agile ready
Coaching Guild person Estimates
Agile Delivery Centers – Specially Designed to Adapt CBA
Culture & WoW

Floor Plan Innovation Zone

Open Plan Team Collaboration Discussion Space
Delivering Rules Based Platform
Use of DSM Functionality in Package Assurance


Data Enrichment SOFA

Package Package Package Package Package

Oracle Serving Layer

Product Participation Auto- Renewal Auto-
eligibility Package Closure Reminder Renewal
Eligibility Sub-Strategy

Package eligibility BPAY Cashback Package Package
Pricing Package for Decision tables evaluation Pricing Benefits
Eligibility Accounts Account evaluation evaluation
Package eligibility Home Loan Package Package
Activity/ Account auto-
Benefits Discretionary Data flow
rollover for Activation
evaluation Pricing Package sweep


Orchestration Engine OAAS


SAP ODS SAP System Group Reference Data Home Loan System
Delivering Digitalized Banking Operations
Digital Banking Operations Hub

Three Pillars of Digital Banking Operations Hub

Pega 7 as a Single KOFAX – Digital Pega Robotics –

Window for Work Document Robotics
Management for – Management Process/Desktop
work creation, triage, Backbone for non- Automation –
checklist, data verbal Automated processing
enrichment/decisionin correspondences – of high
g, MIS, work digitizing end to end volume/repetitive,
completion, quality document defined tasks to reduce
management management (Imaging manual data entry
& Scanning Digital Banking Operations Architecture
PEGA Applications Landscape

Digital Banking Operations Architecture
Microservices Platform
Customer engagement Channels, cross device
Consumer Tier (mobile, systems

Internal Apps 3rd Party/Partner Apps API Approach

Responsible for User Experience • Finer grain small APIs
Partner/ Public APIs • Cohesive API’s can be grouped into
‘Bounded Context’ or ‘Domains’
Private APIs • Expose APIs as the primary entry
Aggregates & federates services tier
API mgmt. point to systems of innovation
API Gateway
Standardizes and simplifies • Focus on the end user – Easily
Discovery Services for easy consumption consumable with easy access to
Contracts & API enable rapid app development
Resource Locator Life cycle mgmt. Provide customized data specific to
API Tier

a consumer
• Evolve with the user needs by
using analytics
Caches content for performance • Focus on performance using caches
API Container and shared nothing architecture
… Enables personalization through • Focus on re-usability by creating
API 1 API 2 API n Cache
data driven analytics general purpose APIs and handling
rules, routing, transformation.. Enables metering, Validation and of common patterns,
Virtualization authentication, authorization,
versioning, and so on, uniformly
Existing business services to be across the API
Existing business services to be • Use facades to expose optimized
Third Party Cloud Enterprise consumed by API layer on need
consumed by API layer
Service Bus basis APIs on top of general purpose
SAAS Social * * * SOR/SOE
In house SOR/SOE services
Services/ Provider Tier
Microservices Platform
Hosting platform to provide environment with CI/CD
API Delivery Process defines Hosting
capabilities for platform/ system owners to host APIs A set of Leveraged Capabilities
the guidelines for delivering should they choose not Platform
to host on their own infra in for APIs regardless of where they
APIs hosted on the Hosting an Enterprise are hosted. This includes: Dev
Platform. Toolkits, logging and error
API Leverage handling processes, Mock API
This could act as a reference for
Delivery d and regression, Auditing,
other platforms to adopt or Process Capability
tailor as per their specific Monitoring and Instrumentation
platform needs should they
choose to stand up their own
hosting platform. API Governance & Management
Micro Service includes the processes, tools,
Platform API governance and support for
Governan managing APIs. It is achieved via a
People Skills & Abilities required People
ce & set of minimum standards all APIs
to ensure impacted roles are able Skills
Managem need to adhere to in order to
to adopt and utilise the API. ent ensure consistency and
interoperability across platform.

Reference Architecture provides

guidance for teams including business, Reference Operating Model outlines the
domain/system architects and delivery Architect engagement, delivery,
staff to efficiently plan, cost, develop and ure consumption, federation and
operate APIs. support domain models for API
Microservices Platform – in Action

Key Success Factors

Microservices Platform – Operating Platform Contd..

• Implement factory model to

help address increased
dev/test activities and
complex requirements

• High IP roles to remain within

Bank; also to include delivery

• Adoption of offshore model

leading to cost efficiencies

• Aggressive ramp up to handle

increased workloads
Leveraging MP’s Open Source Toolkits
Element Detail
 Worker Virtual Machines (Windows & RedHat) – Scalable container to host .Net & Java APIs on the micro-service
core hosting platform
Microservices Platform  DevOps CI/CD pipelines for .NET & Java APIs (Includes automated CI & SIT testing)
- Hosting  Automation of Net & Java API pipelines and integration with sonar
 Monitoring and instrumentation of the above using AppDynamics implementation

 Consul Server – End point routing/Service location/Load balancing

Microservices Platform  Redis Caching and Key Management Server
- Leveraged  Auditing/MQ
Capabilities  User guides

 Automation of .NET & Java tool-kit pipelines and integration with Sonar
 DevOps CI/CD pipeline for .Net & java tool-kit
 .NET tool-kit features:
* Authentication * Authorization * Auditing
Toolkits * Secure Parameters * SLA Enforcement * API Warm-up
* Swagger * Caching (Redis) * SAP adapters
* Mainframe adapter
Leveraging MP’s Open Source Toolkits Contd..
Element Detail
 API Governance process
 API Management Portal:
 API versioning
 API key management
 API acquisition
 API discovery - Cataloguing APIs in order allow potential consumers to search and discover functional and
non-functional aspects of APIs (vehicle for reuse)
API governance & management  Policy management (e.g. throttling)
 Dependency viewer
 Environment viewer
 DevOps CI/CD pipeline functionality for API portal e.g. auto-populate data into API portal repo using Swagger

 Operationalization of the hosting platform

 Engagement process for Early Adopters
Operating model  Architecture decision tree
 Cost model

Reference Architecture  Reference Architecture

 Reference API delivery process
API Delivery methodology  Contract testing
 API QA dashboard

People skills & ability  More commodity skills rather specialized skills

2010-13 2016-18


• Commenced operations with a • Initiated work in Payments FOUNDATION @SCALE
team of ~60 • Core Banking Modernization
• Ramped up to 250+ FTEs projects initiated • Agile Principles implemented • Package assurance - risk reward
• Initiated CommSee, Dialog & BI • HCL forays into CBA Online with Cost Savings of ~38% model
work channels • CoE for Pega & Correspondence • Squad model implemented for
• COSSE, HCL’s first PEGA project • Agile Kanban Team proposed set up distributed agile
sanctioned with a plan • GTTS awarded the Best Trade • Empaneled as a strategic vendor
• Improved productivity by over • Payments CoE set up transformation project • Awarded Digital Protection
50% • Payments consulting for BPH Group project

2007-09 2014-15
Millions of soft dollars
saved through Value Portal High CBA Internal Strategic Agile and Digital at Scale Dominant application development
over the past 4 years Partner CSAT partner capability in Channels, Retail
Products and A&I
8 Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
Project 2: AML - SWIFT
Business Challenges Solution

 To detect activity that could be indicative of money  The ETL system architecture uses a
laundering or terrorist financing. combination of Autosys (RQM3), RQM2
 Most financial institutions globally, and many non- (MVS jobs), UNIX scripts and IBM
financial institutions, are required to identify and Websphere Data Stage Edition Impact/Customer Benefits
report transactions of a suspicious nature to the  DataStage: ETL receives source
financial intelligence unit in the respective country. files(SWIFT_GDW_  The Swift extract will fulfil the
 To comply with AUSTRAC (Australia's anti-money EXTRACT_YYYYMMDD.dly) from Swift strategic objectives of GDW and
laundering and counter-terrorism financing system, undertake data filtering, applying at the same time provide the
regulator and specialist financial intelligence unit) rules and mapping, and loads the data in information the SAS transaction
and other Australian Banking regulatory. to the Teradata GDW tables. monitoring platform requires.
 The daily data load(TUE to SAT) to the  In compliance with AUSTRAC
GDW tables from DataStage provides the and requirement under
Objectives required user data for downstream AML/CTF act.
 To provide the transaction monitoring platform systems.  Provides single view of
 In Swift streams there is one mandatory customer information over the
with sufficient data to monitor the customer Group
transactions related to International Money source file hence separate jobs will be
 ‘Single source of the truth’ for
Transfers (IMT) from the SWIFT Data Store. designed for each Extract, Transform and
Load in following category: Extraction, analysing and reporting
 Improvement in monitoring and reporting information
requirements of SAS AML (monitoring platform) Transformation, Delta Processing, Load
GDW.  Provides a platform for the
with the data loaded into the Warehouse consistent integration of
business data, reduced data
redundancy across the Group.
Areas of Engagement
Technologies Used  The Group Data Warehouse
(GDW) provides easy access to
 Extract of data from SWIFT in the form of flat an integrated range of
 Autosys command
files information about Bank
 File validation and Transformation
 Sun Solaris
 DataStage job 8.0.1 customers, their accounts and
 Delta derivation their transactions.
 Load to GDW as per GDW standards.
8 Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
Project 3: AML - MIDAS
Business Challenges Solution
 Absence of an organised architecture to  Data Stage ETL receives source files from
identify transactions pertaining to financial MIDAS system, undertake data filtering,
crimes. applying rules and mapping, and load the Impact
 Most financial institutions globally, and many data in to the Teradata GDW tables. The
non-financial institutions, are required to daily data load to the GDW tables from
identify and report transactions of a suspicious  Provides single view of
Data Stage will provide the required user
nature to the financial intelligence unit in the customer information over the
data for downstream systems.
respective country. Group
 Extraction, Transformation, Delta
 Increased financial crimes raised a question  SAS has been implemented as
processing, Load GDW
against banks credibility and there adherence the Financial Crimes Platform,
 Data will be send from GDW to SAS for
to KYC norms. and is being extended to meet
reporting purpose for AUSTRAC
 Regulatory bodies became very stringent the requirements of the overall
regarding compliance of AML legislation that CBA Joint Anti Money
banks has to follow to prevent financial crimes. Laundering and Counter
Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF)
Technologies Used Program.
Objectives  MIDAS is the bank’s domestic
 Autosys command and International foreign
 To provide the transaction monitoring platform  Sun Solaris currency accounting and
with sufficient data to monitor activity
 IBM DataStage job 8.0.1 settlement system so Global
originating from within the MIDAS system. data warehouse will provide
 To load data which must be sufficient to cover easy access to an integrated
all monitoring and reporting requirements of Areas of Engagement range of information about
SAS. Bank customers, their accounts
 To perform AML monitoring in the Financial  Extract of data from MIDAS in the form of and their transactions
Crime Platform, data is loaded to GDW. flat files   Provides a platform for the
 To generate compliance reports to Australian  File validation and Transformation consistent integration of
 Extraction Transformation and Loading of business data, reduced data
transaction report and analysis centre
(AUSTRAC) data to GDW duplication and data
 Data availability at GDW for SAS reporting redundancy across the Group
8 Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
Project 4: Core Banking Modernization
Business Challenges Solution

 Unavailability of a configurable product Data Storage Object Layer:-

manufacturing system along with complex All new and changed data are sent to ODS
processes & system landscape which were through DSOs which are customised SAP extract Impact/Customer Benefits
unable to support the enhanced product files sent through XCOM protocol.
features in the retail and premium banking Operational Data Store (ODS) Layer :-
 The required functionality that was
space. Main functionality of this area is to receive
 Unavailability of bundling capability for the and consolidate all SAP, Non-SAP information to provided by the proprietary CIF
bank that can integrate accounts mastered in send and receive the information to other system got replaced by GDW
multiple product systems that could enable systems in contact like IMS. staging area which will support the
bundled product features, customer based All inbound and outbound CIF batch interfaces requirement of architechrual
pricing and ongoing eligibility calculations got replaced with the new inbound & outbound simplification
 Requirement of online account creation and interface from GDW staging area. ODS Performs  Elimination of duplication across
maintenance functionality for products with with good response time, not only for updates
different source and target
simple processes enabling faster time to but also for queries. Therefore massive amount
market. of historical data on this platform is not systems by rationalization of
 Decommissioning of applications once the required. interfaces both inbound and
required systems are integrated into the new GDW Layer: outbound
SAP system where ever feasible.  Customer and Account data are consolidated  Non-SAP customers and accounts
 Requirement of ODS in the group data and integrated from a variety of sources, sourced from multiple product
warehouse where data can be parked updated at “end-of-day” system via DLMA on weekly basis
temporarily and can be accessed by different will be re-routed to GDW staging
stake holders for the reporting, analytics and Technologies Used Area where the data to be
statutory compliance requirements.
consolidated and passed to SAP via
 Datastage V8.1
Areas of Engagement  Teradata V12.0
Direct interfaces.
 Unix AIX V6.1  Downstream applications will no
Extraction of Data objects from SAP and other longer get the feeds from legacy
 Oracle V 9g
transaction and source systems to Group Data  Autosys by way of strip files rather they will
Migration/Reengineering of ETL ( from legacy extract the required information
to GDW) 2 from ODS
HCL’s Journey so far…

Apps Support & Apps Development - Waterfall Delivery CBA Aligned Agile Delivery
OPS Model

Staff CBA / HCL HCL Co-located Team in Distributed Agile-
HCL Managed Augmentation Managed Managed SYD - CBA Managed HCL Managed

2008 2009-2010 2011-2012 2013-2016 2016-2017 2018-Current

• May 2008: Transition

Core Banking Modernization Enterprise Services
commenced with 25-
Milestones & Key Programs

member team for L2

• Anti Money Additional Offerings: • A&I • FCP
and L3 support Transformation & Regulatory Programs
• Aug 2008: Transition Laundering Operations • Core Products • FDM
program • Wealth
completed • Performance • FATCA, Financial Claims Scheme (FCS)
• DataStage
• Dec 2008: Steady Optimization. $900k • Anti Money Laundering (AML)
upgrade with DR
state achieved. savings
capability • Multi Currency on Core (MCC)
• Active Monitoring - Non-Enterprise Services
• ETL Academy • Transform(ILT)
L1 Support
launched • Best In Class Data(BICD)
• Application based • Home Buying • Data Remediation
Pricing Model for • Group Leads and Sales (GLAS)
• DDS • Infinity
ASM • Policy ODS and Customer Nexus
Technology & Platform

GDW1.0 GDW 1.0 + GDW2.0 GDW1.0 + GDW2.0 + Hadoop

•60 Operational sources, 200+ TB Data Volume • 125 Operational sources, •170+ Operational sources,
•Purely batch processing 50+ TB Data Volume •4+ PB on Hadoop platform
•Predominantly Legacy source systems • batch + intraday processing •700+ TB on Teradata platform
•Teradata, Datastage, Hyperion, Autosys • Data Vault, Teradata, Datastage, •Hadoop, Data Vault, Teradata, Tableau

Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |


Client was looking to transform the technology, data

and the process landscape currently in use

Client wanted to provide their investors and

customers with seamless Brand & Product Experience
CHALLENGES Client wanted to enable multichannel content
delivery through scalable cloud infrastructure

Client wanted to focus on Agile enablement and a work

culture aligned to the start-up culture

Client was finding the task of managing their fragmented

digital properties tedious and was looking to build “One
Platform” approach for all these properties

Key soluti on highlights

• Implementation of Centralized Digital • SOA based Enterprise Service Bus • Pega based Pricing and Risk Rating • Pega based Home Loan Pricing Tool
Platform based on AEM to integrate banking divisions and Engine leading to reduction of to Standardize and simplify the way
• Re-platforming public facing website applications Pricing Approval and deployment pricing requests for consumer
comprising 6000 pages • Pega based Centralized Rules home loans are submitted and
time from months to days
• Technologies used: Engine, Pega upgrade and Pega
• Digital Onboarding Factory tracked through to a decision
• Adobe Managed Services driven generic case management
conceptualized • Business process automation for
• Adobe Dynamic Tag Manger solution implemented
• Google Analytics, • Data Modelling – Forecasting manual processes
• Java, .NET Model for home buying

Digital Platf or m Cloud Enablement
Integrati on/Middleware Data Science & Modelling
20+ Digital Fragmented Maintain client’s Proprietary
One stop shop for all IT & Opti mize sales & retenti on strategies to
Properti es into 1 platf orm One Cloud environment

As of June 30, 2018

Business integrati on needs suit seasonal trends in home loans
6000 pages migrated Global site maintenance
PEGA/TIBCO Implementati on Forecasti ng for 13 weeks in advance
130+ FTE Using just 40-50 components
280+ FTE 50+ FTE
156 || Technology for the next decade, today Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |
Data Strategy Embed

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157 || Technology for the next decade, today Copyright © 2022 HCL Technologies Limited |

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