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• According to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical,

and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA),
about 20 tropical cyclones enter the Philippine Area of
Responsibility (PAR) each year.
Map of the Philippines and surrounding
landmass and bodies of water
Video of a typhoon satellite image
• The term “typhoon” is common in the northwestern part
of the Pacific.
• Within the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean and
also in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the
equivalent term of typhoon is “hurricane.”
• In the Philippines, we call all categories of tropical cyclone
as “bagyo,” may it be a tropical depression, tropical
storm, severe tropical storm, typhoon or super typhoon.
• When a tropical cyclone enters the PAR, the PAGASA will
announce Public Storm Warning Signals (PSWS).
1. Why is Philippines prone to typhoon?
2. How do typhoons develop?
Student perform the activity with the following instructions:
• Place the two caps back-to-back.
• Wrap them with masking tape.
• Wrap the tape around several times to make the connection strong and leak-
• Drill a hole through both of them. If you do not have a drill, use a heated nail to
make a hole.
• Fill one bottle with water. Then screw one of the caps onto the bottle. Then screw
the other bottle onto the other cap.
Now, turn the whole setup so the filled bottled is on top. Shake the filled bottle with
a circular motion (counter-clockwise) until a whirlpool is formed in the water.
In the demonstration, which of the materials used
represents the following?
1. Wind going around the center
2. Eye of the typhoon
3. What can be inferred from the demonstration above?
In the northern hemisphere, the winds blow in a counter-clockwise direction.
In the southern hemisphere, the winds spin around in the opposite direction,
clockwise. When scientists talk about the location of a tropical cyclone, they are
referring to the location of the eye.

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