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How to talk like a

native speaker
• Work on eliminating your accent.
• Using verbs and expressions that locals use.
• Adopting cultural traits.
What do I learn?
• Working in our pronuciation is the key to talk like a native, and why
would you want to talk like a native? Well, beacuse it is very
important for a forgein to understand a local language when they
travel to Another country.
Also this avoids natives looking bad to you or judging you. And this
is so important because this increase you communication with
natives, your relationships and your experiences.
So you have to really listen to locals while they are speaking, and
this will reach you to talk like a native speaker.
How to improve this tips in your life?
• Well he said very useful points like learning song lyrics, this Will
improve the pronunciation. Also while you are watching a TV show
you can repeat a line or phrase and work on your accent. But
mainly listening carefully to native speakers.

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