Marketing Management

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What is promotional mix?

• The promotional mix is a combination of different types of promotion.

• Promotion keeps the product in minds of the customer & helps stimulate demand of the product.
• The ongoing activities of advertising,sales promotion, public relations, personal selling,& direct marketing are
often considered aspects of promotion.
Ingredients of promotion mix:

1. Advertising
2. Sales Promotion
3. Public relations
4. Personal selling
5. Direct marketing
1. Advertising

• Any paid form of non- personal presentation & of ideas,goods or

• Reaches large, geographically dispersed audiences,often with high
• Impersonal; one way communication.
• The major tools are:
1. Print media
2. Broadcast media
Sales promotion
• Short term incentives to encourage the purchase or Sale
of a product or service.
• Makes use of variety of formats: Discounts, premiums etc
• Attract attention,offers strong purchase incentives
• Stimulate quick response
• Not effective at building long term brand preferences
Public relations
• Building good relationship with company’s various publics
(stakeholders) building up a good image.
• The major tools are press releases, sponsorship, special events,web
• To enhance the positive aspects & minimize negative factors related
to products and organisations.
Personal selling
• The personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose
of making sales and building strong customer relationship.
• Most effective tool for building buyers preferences, convictions
and actions.
• Personal interaction allows for feedback and adjustments.
• Relationship- orientated.
Direct marketing
• Involves making direct connection with carefully targeted
individual consumer to both obtain an immediate response and
cultivate lasting customer relationship.
• Many forms: Telephone marketing, direct mail, online marketing

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