Elementary or Primary Education and Simplepresent Tense

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Oleh :
Dicky Eka Zulfikar (1401417101) / 02
Unik Puji Rahayu (1401417129) / 15
Salsabila Widya Fatina (1401417135) / 18
Alifa Helmaniar (1401417136) / 19
Education is one of the key vehicles for the intellectual and professional development of our people and plays an
  important role in supporting a stronger and more globally competitive Indonesia. However, education in
Indonesia still has several problems related to quality and access as well as the even distribution of well-trained teachers.
Limited access to education in rural areas has contributed to increased urbanization as families relocate to cities in
order to acquire better education. According to the Indonesian education activist Anies Baswedan, “the problem is that the
number of education facilities in [the] Greater Jakarta area (Jabodetabek) is proportional, but we have a problem in the
rural areas and it is causing urbanization to Jakarta.” Baswedan calls for expanded educational access through the
provision of increased educational services for communities as a whole. “If the schools are only located in district’s
capital, then many people might not be able to achieve proper education,” he said.
Furthermore, the number of qualified teachers is still not evenly distributed in rural areas. According to the Director
General of Primary Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Muhammad Hamid, many elementary schools
(SD) in Indonesia face a serious shortage of teachers. The amount is estimated to reach 112,000 teachers.
To overcome the uneven teacher distribution, the Ministry of Education and Culture will work closely with local
governments, both provincial and district / city, to improve teacher allocation in these areas. “If the teacher allocation can be
optimally managed, areas that have a surplus of teachers can be transferred to nearby districts,” said Hamid.
In order to increase the number of qualified teachers in schools in Indonesia, the Ministry will offer bachelor degree
scholarships for elementary (SD) and secondary school (SMP) teachers. Hamid estimates that only 60% of the 1.85 million
elementary school teachers in Indonesia have bachelor degrees. Each year, the ministry also provide 100,000 bachelor
degree scholarships for aspiring elementary and secondary school teachers.
Of 120 countries included in the 2012 UNESCO Education For All Global Monitoring Report, which measures
education quality, Indonesia is ranked 64th. UNESCO’s 2011 Education Development Index (EDI) ranked Indonesia 69th
out of 127 countries.
Additionally, the number of children that have dropped out of school in Indonesia is still high. “Based on the
Ministry’s data in 2010, there are more than 1.8 million children each year cannot continue their education. This is
caused by three factors, namely economic factors, children who are forced to work to support the family, and
marriage at an early age,” according to the Directorate General of Higher Education Secretary Dr. Ir. Patdono
Suwignjo, M. Eng, Sc in Jakarta.
According to the latest Human Development Index, reported by the UNDP, Indonesia ranked 121st out of 185
countries, with an HDI of .629. The report shows that Indonesia is ranked lower than two of its neighboring ASEAN
countries, Malaysia (64th) and Singapore (18th). The average score for the region was 0.683.
Many educational scholars, activists, and ministry officials have all recognized the need to address Indonesia’s
educational problems. “We have to solve the education problems, because knowledge ownership is key to achieving
one’s well-being,” according to Anies Baswedan. In addition to providing scholarships for teachers, the Government
of Indonesia has implemented various policies to improve the education quality in order to face the global
competition which marked by the realization of the ASEAN Community in 2015 .
"Full Day School" Does not Mean Learning All day in School,

This Explanation Mendikbud

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Muhadjir Effendy said, President Joko
Widodo has been advised that the ideal conditions of education in Indonesia is when two aspects of education for students
are met.The two aspects of education are character education and general knowledge.In elementary school (SD), students get
character education as much as 80 percent and general knowledge as much as 20 percent.Meanwhile, in junior high school
(SMP), character education for students is met as much as 60 percent and 40 percent of general knowledge.
"Referring to the direction of President Joko Widodo, we will ensure that strengthening the character education of
learners to be a reference in determining the system of teaching and learning in schools," said Muhadjir, in a written
statement, Tuesday (9/8/2016).Then, in order to fulfill the character education at the school, Kemendikbud will review the
application of teaching and learning system with full day school.
After a half-day study, students should not go home immediately, but can take extracurricular activities that are fun and
shape their character, personality, and develop their potential, "Muhadjir said.Thus, Muhadjir said, students can avoid
negative influences and counterproductive activities, such as drug abuse, brawl, and so forth.He said the current learning
system is still under a deeper study, including the social and geographic conditions that allow the learning system to be
implemented."For example in any area where his parents are busy so do not have much time at home," he said.
However, full day school does not mean students are studying for a full day at school. This program ensures students can
follow the activities of character education, such as following extracurricular activities.Muhadjir said the school
environment should have a pleasant atmosphere. This can be done by applying formal learning up to half a day, then can
be filled with extracurricular activities.
In addition, Kemendikbud will also review the inputs from the community. He said the implementation of full day school
can also help parents in guiding children without reducing the rights of children.After work, parents can pick up their
baby at school.(Read also: This Reason for the Education of Proposed "Full Day School")With this system also, parents
are not worried about the safety of their children because they remain under the guidance of teachers as long as their
parents are at work."The role of parents is also important, and Saturday can be a family time, so communication between
parents and children is maintained and emotional bonds are maintained," Muhadjir said.
TenseSimple Present Tense is a simple phrase used to describe an everyday activity or daily routine. The presentation tense
also states an act or activity that takes place or occurs in the present time in a simple form.

Usefulness of Simple Present TenseSimple Present Tense can be used as follows: Used to express a habit that is done at a
certain time (habits).

-          I only eat vegetables

-          She drinks tea at breakfeast
-          He visits my house twice a week
  Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang berulang-ulang( repeated actions).
example :
-          I go to market every morning
-          My parents are always at home on Sunday
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Present Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)

Contoh :

+ I speak English everyday

She speaks English everyday

- I don't speak English

She doesn't speak English

  Do you speak English?

Jawaban: Yes I do, atau No, I don't
Does she speak English?
Jawaban: Yes She does, atau No, She doesn’t
Simple Present Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (Non VERB)

I am a teacher.
She is a teacher.
I am not a teacher.
She is not a teacher.
Are you a teacher?
Jawaban: Yes I am, atau No, I am not
Is she a teacher?
Jawaban: Yes She is, atau No, She is not

What are you ?

Jawaban: I am a teacher
Where is your sister ?
Jawaban: She is here

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