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I walk to school everyday.


I walked to school yesterday.

-I walked to school yesterday.
-I took a bus to school yesterday.
Present Past

Buy Slept
Go Began
Stand bought
Sleep stood
Begin went
1. T shows the pic , what can you see? What’s the sentence?
T shows a sentence on the board / might shows it on the slide
I walk to school everyday –
2. What’s the tense? Meaning? What will you say If I say yesterday?
Students change the sentence in simple past? Do we use everyday? Why? What do we use instead? –
yesterday , last week, Monday etc.
( before the sentence T shows the pic and elicits the sentence) T shows another sentence ,, ( now both
sentences together to compare)
-I walked to school yesterday.
-I took a bus to school yesterday.
3. T asks: what do we have here? Are these sentences in simple past? How do we know? Have you
noticed any differences / similarities? What kind of?
4. So, do all verbs in simple past take ed ending? How do we call them? / what are we going to work
on? – irregular verbs
Do you know any other irregular verbs? Students name
Task 1. (Practice)
T shows the list of irregular verbs with the past form and the students have to choose the correct
Buy-bought , begin-begun, stand-stood, go-went, sleep-slept
Task 2.
T asks the students to use the chart, choose one of the verbs and make up a sentence about
yesterday, they say and listen to each other.)
e.g. I went shopping with mum last weekend.
After listening to their sentences, T asks them to recall one sentence they found interesting, easy to
remember, …
Task 3. ( Concept question)
T chooses one sentence and writes it on the board ( writing is optional)
T asks n students answer: Am I going shopping now? When did I go shopping ..? did I go shopping
yesterday? who did I go shopping with? ( mum) ,
Recap: the irregular verbs I learnt today …
+ any task from the book
SB P 6
1. Before opening their books, T writes the words randomly
World Around people the
2. T asks them to put the words in the correct order
What does it tell us? what are we going to talk about? what kind of people what do you think?
3. Students open their books and go over the pics , who was right?
Ex 1. Students take 2 mins and write the answers individually
They check – 1 reads the sentence, another the answer and proves
Pair work ex 2
4. Students work in pairs, they choose a person and make up a dialogue as in the example
They go over and role-play
5. Pre-reading task Sb p 6-7 ex 5,6
Students use the pics and without reading the text do these tasks
6. Students skim the text first T asks: what is the text about? what kind of people are they?
After that they scan the text to answer the questions ex 8 a
While answering the questions they define + paraphrase the sentences
Recap: the info I found interesting about Thailand

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