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The Personality of

 Personality is generally defined as enduring patterns of perceiving, relating
to, and thinking about the environment and oneself. We generally react to
and deal with the world and those around us in a consistent and unique
manner. As distinct as each of us is in our physical features, we are equally
unique in our personalities.
Character traits

 Personality traits are prominent aspects of personality that are

exhibited in a wide range of social contexts. They are characteristic
ways in which the person interacts with the world. These traits make
up our personality.
Research within psychology has only recently confirmed what
Allah, the All-Compassionate, All-Merciful revealed to us in the
Qur'an. There is evidence to indicate that each of us is born with a
distinct, unique temperament, which influences many aspects of our
developing personality.
The personality of the believer

 The true believers have a distinct personality with a particular way of

thinking about, and relating to, the world that is different from
that of other people. In addition to having their own unique personality traits,
they follow the guidance of Allah in all areas of life, and they work on developing
noble and virtuous characteristics.
Allah's Messenger said in the following hadiths:
The most perfect man in his faith, among the believers, is the one with the best
behaviour (a sound hadith recorded by Abu Dawood)
Positive character traits

 Kindness, compassion and mercy

 Truthfulness and honesty
 Truthfulness is manifested in several ways:
 1. Truthful speech: whenever the believers speak, they ensure that they are
speaking the truth.
 2. Truthfulness in dealings and transactions: the believers are honest in
dealing with others by avoiding cheating, forgery, or any form of deception.
 3. Fulfilling promises: being true to one's promises is a sign of truthfulness.
 4. Avoiding false impressions: avoiding displaying on the outside what is not
reality on the inside.
 Humility
 Patience
 Justice There are various categories of justice:
 1. Justice with Allah by worshipping Him alone with no partners, and by obeying His commands.
 2. Justice in judgments between people: by giving every person what is rightfully due to them. Allah
commands that justice be employed when settling disputes between believing men and women:
 And if it returns, then make settlement between them in justice and act justly. Indeed, Allah
loves those who act justly.? (Qur'an 49: 9) .
 3. Justice among wives and children: by not giving one preference over another.
 4. Justice in speech: by not testifying falsely or lying.
 5. Justice in belief: by not believing other than the truth.
Positive psychology

 An interesting development in contemporary secular psychology has been the

emergence of a new field called 'positive psychology.‘

 This is defined as the scientific study of optimal human functioning, with the
primary goal of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that enable
individuals and communities to thrive.
List of human strengths

 List of human strengths

 Strengths of cognition:

 1. Curiosity /interest

 2. Love of learning/knowledge

 3. Rationality /judgment

 4. Originality/ingenuity

 5. Personal intelligence/emotional intelligence/social

 intelligence
 Strengths of emotion:

 6. Appreciation of beauty and excellence/awe/wonder/

 gratitude

 7. Hope/optimism/future-mindedness/planning

 8. Love of life/zest

 Strengths of will:

 9. Courage/integrity

 10. Industry/ perseverance

 elational and civic strengths:

 1 1 . Kindness/generosity/care/nurturance

 1 2 . Responsibility /j ustice/tolerance

 13. Humour/playfulness

 14. Capacity to love and to be loved

 1 5 . Citizenship/duty /loyalty /teamwork

 16. Humane leadership

 Strengths of coherence:

 17. Honesty /authenticity

 1 8 . Integration/balance/temperance

 19. Self-control/self-regulation

 20. Wisdom/prudence

 21. Spirituality /sense of purpose/faith/religiousness.

Negative character traits

Showing off (riya')
The signs of riya' include the following:
1. Increasing acts of obedience when praised or admired for them, and
decreasing or abandoning them following criticism or blame.
2. Being enthusiastic about performing acts of worship when in the presence of
other people, but being lazy and forgetful when alone.
Personality of the hypocrites

 The main characteristic is that they demonstrate belief outwardly while

hiding their disbelief.
 The hypocrites engage in mischief on the earth, such as
disobeying Allah, abandoning what He has made obligatory, and committing
prohibited acts.
They also assist the disbelievers The main personality characteristics of the
hypocrites are lying, breaking promises, and treachery,

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