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Multimedia is a combination of two or more of the
following elements: text, image, sound, speech, video,
and computer programs.
These mediums are digitally controlled by a computer(s).

◦ Is a computer information represented

through either of the two or more of the
following elements: Text, audio, graphics,
images, video, and animation.
 Hyper Media:
◦ nonlinearly read, by following links that point to
other parts of the document, or to other documents
◦ include text, graphics, images, sound, and video.
◦ World Wide Web (WWW): best example of
hypermedia application.
Intro cont.....
Introduction to multimedia
Multimedia enhances the information for
better communication and understanding.

Multimedia presentations may be

projected, transmitted or played locally
with a media player.
Intro cont.....

The presentations can be live or recorded.

A live multimedia presentation may allow
an interaction with the presenter or the
performer while a recorded presentation
may allow interactivity via a navigation
Intro cont.......

The combination of sounds and speech are

used on the radio.

 Newspapers use a combination of text and

 Television combines all these elements and

uses it to relay a message to the viewer.

Intro cont

 Television doesn't allow users to assess the

information at their own speed.

 The message is transmitted one-way via

cables or radio waves to their television sets.

 The user doesn't have the option to interact

with this type of multimedia presentation.
Intro cont......

 With the use of computers, the user is now

allowed to be involved and interactive with
the multimedia presentation.

 The user now has control over the flow of

data. Each user can follow a uniquely
"personal" trail through the information.
Intro cont......

This dynamic interaction allows the user to

perceive the information at his own speed and
getting feedback where necessary.

Today multimedia is used for:

 advertising,


public information,

training and education.

Multimedia enables us to simulate an

environment allowing the user to feel like they

are actually there.
Uses cont.......

 The applications of multimedia are constantly


 They are becoming more domestic and

millions of people are going to be affected in
the way they communicate with one another.
Advantages of Multimedia

The use of multimedia offers many advantages:

Multimedia improves text presentations by
adding interesting sounds and compelling visuals.

Improves over Traditional Audio-Video

Presentations: Audiences are more attentive to
multimedia messages than traditional
presentations done with slides or overhead
Advantage cont.......

Gains and Holds Attention:

People are more interested in multimedia messages
which combine the elements of text, audio, graphics
and video.
The combination of communication modes (oral and
visual) offers greater understanding and retention of
Advantage cont.....

Good for "computer-phobic": Those who are
intimidated by computer keyboards and complex
instructions are more comfortable with pressing
buttons or with a mouse.

Multimedia is Entertaining as Well as

Advantage cont......

Multimedia applications engage students and

provide valuable learning opportunities.

Empower students to create and design rather

than "absorbing representations created by

Encourages deep reflective thinking.

Disadvantages of Multimedia

Acquisition or rental of equipment to produce
multimedia can be costly.
Development in technology may require

specialized skills in multimedia.

 Multimedia can actually distract trainers and

learners from objectives and content if it is not

well used.
 Forms (Elements) of Multimedia

The term text has multiple meanings on the
context of its use.
For example in language it means something
that contains words to express some meaning. In
mobile phone communication, a text or text
message is a short digital message between two
devices by using sms (short message service).
Text cont.......

In computing, text refers to character data. You

can create text using a word processor program
like Microsoft word.
Forms cont.....

Audio (sound)
A sensation detected by the ear, caused by the
vibration of the air surrounding it.
You can create sound through recording by
using microphone in a radio or computer or any
sound recording device.
Forms cont....

The term video is used exclusively to describe
motion photography. You can create video by
using video recording devices such as digital
camera, etc.
Forms cont....

Still image

This is a single static image.

You can create still image using camera or

computer software called paint.
Forms cont...


Is an act of making some objects look dynamic
by making it look as it is in real life.
 For example an animation to show how a car

engine runs or an animation to show how the

heart pumps blood to different parts of the body,
You can create animation by using different

computer software e.g. windows media player.

Types of Multimedia.

Linear active content

progresses without any navigation control for
the viewer such as TV programs
Non linear content
offers user interactivity to control progress as it
could be for the case of computer games or
video. Non linear content is also known as
hypermedia content.

Best wishes !!!!!!!!!!!

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