Assignment3 (2019143527 김혜리)

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SMART Public Transportation :


Basic Operating Elements/Scheduling

 2022, Spring
소속 : 도시공학과
학번 :2019143527
이름 : 김혜리
SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

Basic Information
• A 16.48Km long regional rail line from center city to a suburb has
the following characteristics during the afternoon peak hour.


600 720 3200 1180 2210 2220 2820 3530 Spacing


Station A B C D E F G H I

2640 1968 3156 288 160 20 48 12 0
0 96 144 1032 1240 3020 1032 528 1200

▫ Train consists are 5 cars and each car has 94 seats and a total capacity of 145 spa-
▫ Operating speed on the line is 42 Km/h.
▫ Terminal times cannot be shorter than 5 min. at each end.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 2

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

A. Compute and draw the load diagram (profile of passengers, offered seated and total ca-
pacity). Compute and show the MLS.

B. Compute schedule I for the line adopting the maximum load factor a=0.65 on the MLS.

C. Compute two schedules for a more economical operation when alternative trains would
turn back at station F and at terminal I: Schedule II would again have load factor
a=0.65, while schedule III should be based on higher load factor a=0.87.

D. Compare the three schedules.

E. Draw a graphical schedule showing operation III. Note that the headway on the joint
section must be uniform in both directions.

F. List other factors that should be considered in selecting between schedule I and sched-
ule II or III with short-turn trains.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 3

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

A. Compute and draw the load diagram (profile of passengers, offered seated and total ca-
pacity). Compute and show the MLS.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 4

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

A. Compute and draw the load diagram (profile of passengers, offered seated and total ca-
B. Compute schedule I for the line adopting the maximum load factor a=0.65 on the MLS.
pacity). Compute and show the MLS.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 5

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

C. Compute two schedules for a more economical operation when alternative trains would
A. Compute and draw the
turn backschedule
at station loadatdiagram
F and terminal(profile of passengers,
I: Schedule II would offered seated
loadand total ca-
B. Compute I for the line adopting the maximum loadagain have
factor a=0.65 factor
on the MLS.
pacity). Compute
a=0.65, while and show
schedule the MLS.
III should be based on higher load factor a=0.87.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 6

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

C. Compute two schedules for a more economical operation when alternative trains would
A. Compute and draw the
turn backschedule
at station loadatdiagram
F and terminal(profile of passengers,
I: Schedule II would offered seated
loadand total ca-
B. Compute I for the line adopting the maximum loadagain have
factor a=0.65 factor
on the MLS.
pacity). Compute
a=0.65, while and show
schedule the MLS.
III should be based on higher load factor a=0.87.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 7

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

D. Compare the three schedules.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 8

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

E. Draw a graphical schedule showing operation III. Note that the headway on the joint
section must be uniform in both directions.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 9

SMART Public Transportation: Assignment3

F. List other factors that should be considered in selecting between schedule I and sched-
ule II or III with short-turn trains.

2022 Transportation Planning Lab. Yonsei University 10

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