Group 1 Primary Storage Devices

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Primary Storage Devices

By: Group 1
RAM ( Random Access Memory) 

🠶 RAM, or Random access memory, is the main types of primary

storage devices, stores information that is being processed and
offload at a very fast rate to the motherboard of the computer.
🠶 Then the information is used for GUI ( graphic user interface ),
which allows the user to access the information with the mouse,
keyboard, monitor, etc.
Cache Memory

🠶The Cache memory is the second type of primary storage devices,

The processor, also known as CPU (Central Processing Unit)
processes information on your computer.
🠶In order to do this, It needs somewhere to store the memory,
which is in the case is the “cache memory” The cache memory
transfers data at lightning fast speed so it can be processed by
the cores in the processor.
ROM ( Read-only Memory )

🠶 This the third type of primary storage device, In this type of memory, the
information is stored permanently, It is not lost after the system shuts
🠶 The advantage of this memory is that there are some complex functions
like Translators that are used repeatedly.
🠶 These functions are permanently stored in the ROM and these
instructions are hard-wired in ROM so the execution is very fast.
Register Memory

🠶 The Bits in the computer are known as register

memory. The processor register is the smallest Types
Of Primary Storage Devices.
🠶 Typically it holds around 32 to 64 Bits which is good
enough for doing regular tasks on the computer. The
processors are the Fastest primary storage device as

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