Literature - An Overview

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question in 1-2 sentences only.
◦ Imagine World WITHOUT Literature, will we be
living in the same world? Why or why not?

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What if?
An Overview
The 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate
Dictionary considers literature to be:

“…writings having excellence of form or expression

and expressing ideas of permanent or universal
Deriving from the Latin word ”littera” which means
“a letter of the alphabet,”

Literature is first and foremost humankind’s entire

body of writing; after that it is the body
of writing belonging to a given language or people;
then it is individual pieces of writing.
It is a body of written works.

The name has traditionally been applied to those

imaginative works of poetry and prose
distinguished by the intentions of their authors and
the perceived aesthetic excellence of their
Literature may be classified according to a variety
of systems, including language, national origin,
historical period, genre, and subject matter.

Definitions of the word literature tend to be

Does it have limitations?
Literature is a form of human expression but not
everything expressed in words — even when
organized and written down — is counted as
Those writings that are primarily informative —
technical, scholarly, journalistic — would be
excluded from the rank of literature by most,
though not all, critics.
H ea rt
c k th e
l y cl i d o !
Kin d yo u
n i f

LITERATURE: The Importance

Do you see its importance?
LITERATURE: Importance
Literature is a timeless piece of entertainment.

As the innovations of technological advancements have

grown, the way we read has revolutionized and evolved.

However, the essence of storytelling and the effect it

has on our lives hasn’t wavered.
LITERATURE: Importance
Literature reflects human nature and a way we can
learn and relate to others.

By reading through a first-person perspective, we can

fully immerse ourselves into a different mindset and
figure out how others think and feel.
LITERATURE: Importance
This is important within today’s society as we’re
becoming increasingly detached from human interaction
through iPhones, FaceTime, and social media.

Literature is something that will never change in the way

it makes you feel, regardless of whether that’s on paper or
as an eBook.
LITERATURE: Importance
Sparks Empathy And Understanding - Reading a book is
one of the best ways to fully immerse your mind into another
person’s dialogue and experiences.

Learn About Past Lives - History plays a fundamental

role in shaping literature, every novel, play, or poem you
read has been influenced by political context, or a time
period, or a relationship from the time it was written.
LITERATURE: Importance
Escapism And Possibilities - Reading can take us
into different realms and see other people’s creative
thought processes. This is an amazing tool that few
entertainment mediums can truly give you and one of
the reasons why literature is so beautiful.
LITERATURE: Importance
Escapism And Possibilities - Whether you’re having a bad
day, stressed out with work, dealing with new life decisions -
books can help you escape into another world and live
somewhere else for a short amount of time.
LITERATURE: The Functions
Feel the power!
Literature as a product of human culture has its own
functions. Literature has two types according to functions:

The literature of power.

The literature of knowledge.
Literature of power - the function of literature as power is
to move the heart and mind of the readers.

Literature of knowledge – it has function to teach. It also

means that literature gives particular values, messages, and
themes to the readers.
Literature also functions to contribute values of human

In education program, literature may give significant

contribution for students’ development and knowledge.

The contribution of literature in education covers intrinsic

values and extrinsic values.
The intrinsic values are the reward of a lifetime of
wide reading recognizable in the truly literate person.

The extrinsic values facilitate the development of

language skills and knowledge.
LITERATURE: Other Functions
Entertainment Function – it is used to entertain readers.
Literary works are consumed for the sake of enjoyment.

Social and Political Function – it shows how society

works. It enables the readers to see the political constructs
around him / her and shows the state of the people and the
world around him / her.
LITERATURE: Other Functions
Ideological Function – it shapes our way of thinking based
on the ideas of other people. Literature displays a person’s
ideology in the context both consciously and unconsciously.

Moral Function – it imparts moral values to other people.

The morals contained in a literary text, whether good or bad,
are absorbed whoever reads it. It helps shape personality.
LITERATURE: Other Functions
Linguistic Function – it preserves the language of a
civilization where it originated.

Cultural Function – it orients us the tradition, folklore and

arts of our ethnic group’s heritage. It creates an imprint of
the people’s way of living in order for others to read, hear
and learn.
LITERATURE: Other Functions
Educational Function – it teaches us many things about
human experience. It is a conduit for the chance to
experience and feel things where we can learn things about

Historical Function – it serves as a time capsule of letters

that is being studied by scholars and researchers of today.

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