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Program Development Cycle

Program development is the process of creating
application programs. Program development life cycle
(PDLC) The process containing the five phases of
program development: analyzing, designing, coding,
debugging and testing, and implementing and
maintaining application software.
Analyse the problem
Problem analysis is the process of understanding
real-world problems and user's needs and
proposing solutions to meet those needs. The goal of
problem analysis is to gain a better understanding of
the problem being solved before developing a solution.
Designing a solution
This design solution definition is used to generate the
end product specifications that are used to produce
the product and to conduct product verification.
This process may be further refined depending on
whether there are additional subsystems of the end
product that need to be defined.
Code the program
In computer programming, computer code refers to the
set of instructions, or a system of rules, written in a
particular programming language (i.e., the source
code). It is also the term used for the source code after
it has been processed by a compiler and made ready to
run on the computer (i.e., the object code).
Test and debug the program
But there are various differences between testing and
debugging. Testing is the process using which we
find errors and bugs. Debugging is the process
using which we correct the bugs that we found
during the testing process. Read ahead to know more
differences between testing and debugging.
Computer Documentation means the technical
documentation pertaining to the any software included
in the Assets including, without limitation, any end-
user manuals, product specifications, algorithms,
diagrams, bug lists, and electronic machine readable
versions of such manuals, product answer books and
other related ...
Implementation and maintainance
Maintenance changes the existing system,
enhancement adds features to the existing system,
and development replaces the existing system. It is
an important part of system development that includes
the activities which corrects errors in system design
and implementation, updates the documents, and tests
the data.
Tools for designing a program
Program Design tools are the tools used to develop a
program. A program is the expression of an algorithm
in a programming language. An algorithm is a
sequence of instructions or step by step instruction to
find the solution of a problem. A flowchart is a
pictorial representation of an algorithm.
A flowchart is a picture of the separate steps of a
process in sequential order. It is a generic tool that
can be adapted for a wide variety of purposes, and can
be used to describe various processes, such as a
manufacturing process, an administrative or service
process, or a project plan. Types of structures used in a
flowchart are :
Sequential structure
Selection structure
Looping structure
Advantages of flowchart
Advantages of Flowchart are:
Easy to make.
Communication becomes effective and easy to
Mistakes can be easily identified.
Analysis becomes effective.
Synthesis becomes effectual.
Debugging becomes possible.
Logics can be easily interprete
Disadvantages of a flowchart
Disadvantages of a flowchart are :
 Difficulty in presenting complex programs and tasks.
No scope for alteration or modification.
Reproduction becomes a problem.
It's a time-consuming process.
Difficult to understand for people who don't know
flowchart symbols.
No man to computer communication.
Sequential structure
 Sequential structure shows a process, a series of
steps or an order of events. Use a sequential structure
for: instructions – such as how-to guides, recipes and
directions. step-by-step content formats – such as
forms. reports of events – such as incident reports,
histories and case studies
Selection structure
Selection Structure. Use to make a decision or
comparison and then, based on the result of that
decision or comparison, to select one of two paths.
The condition must result in either a true (yes) or false
(no) answer.
Looping structure
Visual Basic loop structures allow you to run one or
more lines of code repetitively. You can repeat the
statements in a loop structure until a condition is True ,
until a condition is False , a specified number of times,
or once for each element in a collection.
An algorithm is a procedure used for solving a
problem or performing a computation. Algorithms
act as an exact list of instructions that conduct
specified actions step by step in either hardware- or
software-based routines. Algorithms are widely used
throughout all areas of IT.

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