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VUCA is both an acronym and

Definition 1: - an acronym coined by
Volatile the US military and
adopted by business to
describe the state of the
Complex world and the challenges
Ambiguous it poses.

VUCA describes The United States Army Military planners
perfectly what is War College was one of were worried about
happening in the global the organizations to use the radically different
business world today.
the VUCA acronym, and unfamiliar
following the 9/11 security environment
Submitted from: terrorist attacks in 2001. that had emerged, so
United Kingdom on they used VUCA to
12/06/2017 describe it.

Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous
Change is rapid The present is Many different , There is a lack of
and unclear, and the interconnected awareness about
unpredictable in future is factors come into situations.
its nature and uncertain.. play, with the
extent. potential to cause
chaos and

Volatile - The speed of change in an industry, market, or
world in general: cash transactions to cashless, point of
sales, QR transfers etc.

Uncertain - The end of global health pandemic is

uncertain and unpredictable.

Complex – The pandemic is affecting all aspects of life
– including health care, business, the economy, and
social life – in complex ways.
Ambiguous – Globalization can reap benefits due to
expansion or losses due to inability

When I Was One-and-Twenty

When I was one-and-twenty

I heard a wise man say,
“Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away;
Give pearls away and rubies
But keep your fancy free.”
But I was one-and-twenty,
No use to talk to me.
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard him say again,
“The heart out of the bosom
Was never given in vain;
’Tis paid with sighs a plenty
And sold for endless rue.”
And I am two-and-twenty,
And oh, ’tis true, ’tis true.

We live in a VUCA world wherein
challenges and opportunities are always
presented to us. It is the imperative to
1) maintain 2) cope with 3) cope with
unchanging ever-changing uncertain
values time future.

Bob Johansen in his 2007 book Get
There Early sensing the future to
compete in the present proposes a
framework that we can utilize and
respond to VUCA hazards called VUCA
VUCA Prime is a behavioural leadership
model, first introduced in 2007 by
Robert Johansen (a distinguished fellow
at the Institute for the Future), to
counteract each of the four elements of
VUCA with a specific positive response.

Vision rises above Volatility — when
conditions are changing unpredictably,
leaders should keep focused on the desired
target state and vision. The vision should
be a compelling picture of the future that
aligns stakeholders around the purpose of
the transformation, the scale of the
ambition and the nature of the benefits
Understanding reduces Uncertainty —
when uncertainty is encountered,
explore and experiment in order to
increase understanding of external
political, economic, social,
technological, legislative and
environmental (PESTLE) factors.
Clarity counters Complexity — when
faced with the unknown and
unpredictable conditions that can only
be understood in hindsight or
retrospect, learn to simplify where
possible as clarity informs decisions
and decisions enable execution
Agility overcomes Ambiguity — when
the future contains multiple alternatives,
be ready to adapt the approach to match
the desired outcome. Organizational
agility is simply achieved by adopting
the practice of collaborate, deliver,
reflect and improve against agreed

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