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Janet Ibarreta – Triunfante

Human’s capability to communicate using the
inscribed words and use of sounds make us top
of the hierarchy of all living creatures.
• A study in the University of Pitsburgh rated
communication skills as the most important
factor used in selecting their management
• The study found that oral and written
communication skills were important in
predicting job success, as well as the ability to
communicate well with others in the
• If you are not able to communicate well, the
messages you send get lost in translation.
Communication breakdown result in barriers
against your ability to develop both
professionally and personally.
• There is hope for anyone who finds
communication to be difficult. The skills can
be practiced and learned. It takes learning
about how communication works, how to
communicate exactly what it is you want to
say, what mode of communication is best, and
what factors are influencing the ability for you
to send and receive messages with acumen.
• Is the transmission of thoughts from one mind
to others by the use of symbols such as words,
pictures, figures and graphs.

• Every communication act is a process of

passing on stimuli, either verbal or non-verbal
from one source to a recipient.
• It involves getting information from one
person to the other person.

• Communication is the art and process of

creating and sharing ideas. Effective
communication depends on the richness of
those ideas.

• The word communicate is derived from

the latin word “communis” which literally
means “to make common” – that is to
create in a receiver's mind an idea or
image similar to the one in the mind of
the sender.
• Communication takes place through listening,
speaking, reading and writing.

• Aside form oral and written language, there are of

course other means of communication like facial
expressions, gestures, nods, signals, marks on
paper, etc.

• Communication is an essential function of

What are the most common ways to

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What are communication skills?
• Communication skills are the tools that we use
to remove the barriers to effective
Language and Oral Communication
• Language is man’s most
effective medium of
communication. It allows
people to communicate
their ideas – to say or write
things to each other and
express their communicative
• Oral communication is the sound representation of a language,
and it consists of the speaking and listening processes.

• You need to develop skills of accurate and selective listening in

order to improve language facility.

• In the course of speaking, the persons may exchange their roles

of speaker and listener. (listening & speaking is a two-way
• Speaking reflects and express your
character, personality, intelligence
and education.

• You should therefore exert every

effort to acquire the proper speech
habits that will enable you to speak
correctly, fluently and confidently.
The Communication Process
1. Source
- the source of the message is the sender.
- the sender must now why the
communication is necessary and what
result is needed.
2. Message
- is simply the information that you want to
communicate. Without a message, there is no
cause for communicating.
3. Encoding
- Is the process of taking your message and
transferring it into the proper format for sharing
it with your audience. IT requires knowing your
audience and ensuring that your message
provides all of the information needed.
4. Channel
- is the method or methods that you use to
convey your message. The type of message you
have will help you determine the channel you
should use.
- It includes face-to-face conversations,
telephone calls or videoconferences and written
communication like emails and memos.
5. Decoding
- Is the process of receiving the message
accurately and requires that your audience has
the means to understand the information you
are sharing.
6. Receiver
- The person/s that receives your message
through listening or reading through their own
individual expectations, opinions, and
- Their individual experiences will influence how
your message is received.
7. Feedback
- lets you gauge how successful you were at
communicating. It also offers a chance to adjust
your communication process for the future
8. Context
- The context is the situation in which you are
- Context involves things such as your relationship
with your audience, the culture of your
organization and your general environment.
- The context helps determine the tone and style
of your communication.
The Process of Oral Communication



Chase, R. & Shamo, S. (2013). Elements of


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