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• Transformer is an apparatus used for reducing
or increasing the voltage of an alternating
• It works on the principle - electro magnetic
• It is used to alter voltage or to render a
current earth free.
Construction and working
• The transformer consists of 2 coils of insulated
wire wound on to a soft laminated soft iron core.
• The 2 coils may be wound on top of one another
or on the opposite sides of the frame.
• Working- an AC is passed through the primary
coil and this sets up a varying magnetic field
which cuts the secondary coil.
• An EMF is induced in to the secondary coil by
Basic designs of transformers
Functions of transformers
• To alter the voltage of an alternating current
• To render a current earth free.
• Types -
• Even ratio transformer- if both the primary
and secondary coils have the same number of
turns, then the voltage in each will be the
Step up transformer
• In a step up transformer the secondary
coil has more number of turns than the
primary coil and the voltage developed in
the secondary coil will be stepped up.
Step down transformer
• In a step down transformer the secondary
coil has less number of turns than the primary
coil and the voltage developed in the
secondary coil will be stepped down.
To render a current earth free
• The electricity from the mains supply at high
potential it is called as live wire connection.
• And a wire at zero potential is connected to
the earth as neutral wire.
• Most electrical apparatus works on a current
which flows from the live wire, through the
apparatus and finally to the neutral wire and
the earth.
• If an accidental connection is made between
live and neutral ,person would get earth shock
as the current flows through them to earth.
Earthed circuit
Electric supply without earthing
• To avoid the danger of earth shock the static
transformer uses electro magnetic induction to
transfer the electrical energy in to the secondary
coil where earth plays no part in the circuit.
• The effect of the magnetic field on the secondary
coil cause the electrons to keep moving around
the secondary circuit.
• This is an important safety factor, and all currents
applied to patients are rendered earth free by
using an static transformer.
Types of transformers
• Variable transformers- it consists of primary
and secondary coil and the primary coil has
number of tapping and a movable contact so
that by turning the knob we can able to
reduce the number of turns in the primary coil
wrt secondary coil to step up the voltage.
Auto transformers
• It consists of a single coil of wire with 4
contact points.
• It works on the principle EMI
• It has a disadvantage that it can step up small
voltages and does not render earth free
• It is used in UV lamps to strike the arc in the

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