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How The World

Was Made
By John Maurice Miller

The sea became the bride of the wind after a marriage

agreement between the gods Captan and Maguayan. Captan
ruled the skies who had a son known as Lihangin (the wind),
and the water that had a daughter called Lidagat (the sea).

One of them was called Licalibutan, who had a body of

rock and was strong and brave. The other two were Liadlao,
that was formed of gold and was always happy, and Libulan,
made of copper and was weak and timid.
Captan and Maguayan, their grandfathers, looked after
them and protected them from harm. Licalibutan was ecstatic
with his control over the winds and invited his brothers to help
him assault Captan in the sky above.

Licalibutan unleashed his fiercest winds, which

scattered the bars in all directions. The enraged god Captan
confronted the brothers as they burst through the portal. They
fled in despair since he appeared to be so terrifying. Captan,
incensed at the devastation of his gates, unleashed three
lightning bolts after them.
Libulan the copper was melted into a ball at the first
strike. He also was melted when the second one slammed
against the golden Liadlao. When the third bolt hit Licalibutan,
his rocky body split into numerous pieces. And other parts of
his body stuck out above the water and became land. Captan
then comes down from the sky and demands to know who
ordered him to attack the sky. The gods decided not to grant
light to the wicked Licalibutan but to use his flesh to support a
new race of mankind. Maguayan then planted the seed that
Captan had given him on the piece of ground. A bamboo tree
quickly emerged, and a man and a lady emerged from its
hollow branches.

Pandaguan invented a trap to catch fish, and the very

first thing he caught was a huge shark. When he brought it to
land, it looked so great and fierce that he thought it was surely a
god. Soon all gathered around and began to pray to the shark.
Suddenly the sky and sea opened and the gods came out.

Pandaguan was struck by lightning, and all his

descendants have been black ever since. His first son Arion was
taken north, but as he had been born before his father's
punishment he did not lose his color. Libo and Saman were
carried south where the hot sun scorched their bodies and
caused all their descendants to be of a brown color.

◈ God Maguayan, - Rule the kingdom of

◈ God Captan - Rule the kingdom of sky.
◈ Lidagat - The sea and Maguayan daughter
◈ Lihangin - The wind and Captan son
Licalibutan - Had a body of rock and was strong and
◈ Liadlao - Formed of gold and was always happy
◈ Libulan - Made of copper and was weak and
◈ Lisuga - Had a body of pure silver and was
sweet and gentle.
Sicalac and Sicabay - Parents of the human race.
Libo – Their first child
Saman – Their daughter.
Pandaguan – The younger son and clever.
◈ Arion – Son of Pandaguan.


Be contented in things that you have because

aiming things a lot even though you already have enough
can result into bad things just like what happen to the
story. So we must be contented and be grateful to what
we have.

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