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▪ Motivation is defined as a need or desire that energizes behavior and

directs its toward a particular goal.
▪ Internal factors (need , drive)
▪ External factors(incentives)
• Types of motivation:
• Spiritual motivation
• Physiological drives
• Psychological motives
Psychological motives
• Incentives
• Achievement | competitive drive
• Materialistic drive
• Aggressive drive
• Affiliative drive

⮚Moderation in fulfilment of drives and motives:

“We must control our drives and desires and must not allow the
desires to control us”
• Affective state of consciousness
• They are part of bounty given
to us by Allah

“And that it is he who makes one laugh and weep”

(Quran 53:43)
• Internal components(subjective feelings and physiological states)
• External components(facial expressions and behavior)
• Love
• Fear
fear of Allah
fear of the day of judgement and hellfire
• Hope
• Hatred
• Anger
• The ability to learn from previous experiences, to solve problems, and
to use knowledge to manage novel situations.

• Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences:

1. Linguistic: ability to use language
2. Logical-mathematical: intelligence of numbers and logic and to
recognize patterns and order.
3. Musical: sensitivity to rhythm, pitch and tones.
4. Bodily – kinaesthetic: ability to use the body skillfully
5. Spatial: ability to perceive the world accurately and to transform
aspects of world.
6. Interpersonal: Ability to understand people and relationships.
7. Intrapersonal: access to one’s emotional life.
• The word for intellect in Arabic language is “aql”;it can be defined in
number of ways including reason, understanding, comprehension,
discernment, insight, rationality, mind.
• One of five universal necessities that should be preserved in Islam is
mind or reason the others are faith, life, lineage, property.
• Knowledge
• Wisdom
Learning and Modeling
• Learning is a relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior
due to experience.
• Allah mentions the tools that He has bestowed upon humans in order
to learn:
“and Allah has extracted from the wombs of your mothers not
knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and
hearts(intellect) that perhaps you would be grateful”
(Quran 16:78)
• Various methods that Allah uses throughout the Quran to enhance
learning includes:
⮚Direct speech in the form of reprimand or exhortation
⮚Dialogue in a logical manner
⮚Parables to clarify concepts and provide models
⮚Descriptions of rewards and punishments to motivate human towards
good behavior and to keep them away from evil deeds
⮚Repetition of important concepts and principles.
• Classical and operant conditioning
• Spiritual modeling
• Four processes that can be applied to observational spiritual learning:
⮚ Attention
⮚ Retention
⮚ Reproduction
⮚ Motivation

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